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Posts posted by jwws9999

  1. I guess I just don't see it, but can someone explain how the d-line coach can make McCargo suck? I feel like the whole "adding a new coach will make McCargo better" is just an idea us fans are clinging to as a last hope about the career of our former 1st round pick.


    This is the NFL, not high school. You don't like your d-line coach? Tough. It isn't about that. It's about your damn job. You go out there and compete the best you can no matter what. The whole d-line coach thing just doesn't make sense to me. If McCargo wanted to give an effort, he would have.



    I think the point your missing is that the d line with the exception of stroud sucked

  2. Aint that the truth. With all the build up and hype surrounding Jimbo, all he did in his first game as a Bill was deliver on all the hype. Everyone who was at that game or saw it on TV knew he was going to be something special for a long time to come.



    Don't get me wrong by comparing JK to TE. There is no comparison considering JK did have a couple years to learn in the USFL besides playing in an NFL offense at UM. TE, though playing in a pro-style offense at Stanford, didn't really have the luxury of learning the way JK did. Though, after the first two years, this would pretty much be the make or break point.



    JK didn't have a noodle arm and didn't get hurt every 5 minutes. Edwards sucks

  3. Jauron is a moron who has set this franchise back. his constant drafting of cornerbacks, his inability to manage a football game, and the non physical style of football he coaches means he will never be a winning coach in the nfl. but ralph got him cheap, so I guess he's ok

  4. (Yet again), if players are to be absolutely bound to a contract then the contract has to be guaranteed like it is in all other sports. The owners like to express moral outrage (as do the multitude of easily duped fans) when a player wants to have his existing deal renegotiated early.


    What people here continue to miss is that a team can cut a player at any time to renege on their contractual obligation. The player gets no further money when he is cut. The only money guaranteed is the signing bonus.


    Why is it that owners are allowed to break a contract but players are vilified when they want to renegotiate early?



    because most people are stupid and can't read

  5. ho w anyone can look at the events of this past off-season and expect any more than 5 wins is beyond me. and it all starts at the top:





    you pretty much hit the nail on the head, how that idiot made the hall of fame is beyond me

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