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Posts posted by jwws9999

  1. correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Marv give Peters that first contract extension in 2006? so don't say it's marv's fault....


    secondly, they though with bringing in dockery they had a solid left side of the line. watching him play in Washington, he was definitely an above average LG, but apparently just never got better here in buffalo. maybe that one's on marv. but I don't fault him for taking a starting safety where he did. sure it's not Ed Reed, newsflash, there aren't a lot of HOF safeties out there, but he is an above average SS that few people give him credit for... the major problem was Donahoe and to a degree Butler, for the mess we are still getting out of. Butler for the horrible, horrible contracts he gave players that resulted in Donahoe taking on 3 years of dead cap space and then Donahoe for always trying to "sell" the product by making splashy moves while ignoring the heart and soul of a team - the trenches - throughout the draft.



    maybe juaron can have one of his cornerbacks play on the line. people on here seem to think that anyone can play o line in the nfl is they have a good attitude and positive outlook

  2. The Legions of Negative Nancy Posters are bad enough, but at least they're (for the most part) Bills Fans.


    They want to see the Bills Win and express their frustrations with the long playoff drought by whining and bitching about anything and everything; they're annoying but (barely) tolerable.


    But do we really have to put up with this latest invasion of Cheatriot* Fangirls and Outright Trolls?


    I seriously doubt any other board would tolerate Billistic, Mr WEO, jws9999, 4th&1, and their ilk for more than a few posts, yet here they're allowed to hang around and be a$$holes seemingly forever.




    probably because it's hard to argue with the truth

  3. Don't read many of my posts, eh? Of course he'll get signed; I'm just not thrilled with the company he's keeping.


    Regardless, your comments are laughable. Professional sports teams' front offices routinely make personnel decisions on the basis of fan commentary on message boards -- is that what you're suggesting? That's rich.



    no, I'm saying that idiots like you constantly agree with what the bills FO is doing, and we end up with a losing football team year after year

  4. 100% agree, the guy's a bum, Bills drafted him as a TE, and then they turned him into an OL, had the Bills give up on him as a TE, maybe he never plays a game in the NFL, so how does he show his gratitude for the team that relaunch his career, he holds out on a contract that was still paying him millions, zero class, zero team spirit, 100% bum, period.



    you're right, we are way better sticking with people like schoebel and kelsay who are crappy football players, than people like pat williams, clements, winfield, peter etc etc etc.

  5. I hate to say it, but as soon as I saw that Maybin was buddying it up with Lavar Arrington bad thoughts entered my mind. I really hope this guy understands he hasn't proven a damn thing in the NFL yet -- he only has to look at his new best friend to see someone who didn't live up to the hype.



    just chill out, he'll get signed. or not, and maybe all you whiners can get him run out of town like our pro bowl left tackle, our pro bowl nose guard, our pro bowl cb etc etc etc

  6. I thought the OLine needed time to jel/gel. (sarcasm on) If Philly can shuffle new OLineman willy nilly during training camp, then I guess that conventional wisdom doesn't apply to them. And why would it? It's not like they sought after and paid top dollar for "one of the best players at the game's most important position" (sarcasm off)



    couldn't juaron just convert one of his cornerbacks to play LT, you idiots seem to think you can plug anyone into that spot

  7. Nice article, thanks for bringing attention to it.


    I still can't believe professional journalists are questioning Ralph's decision to choose Berman. He's a great choice, if for no other reason than he's the guy Ralph wants.



    i still can't believe that idiot ralph is getting in the hall of fame. being introduced by berman is only fitting

  8. I'll let you know how nice it is after Langston Walker makes his first Pro Bowl this season and Peters doesn't make his third in a row. (I wonder if this full time responsibility will motivate Langston to lose a pound or two off his immense gut?)



    yeah, it's much better to watch a bunch of crappy lineman play football.

  9. I think 3 points need to be realized when talking about Jones.


    1) It isn't that the Bills are "comfortable" with Walker playing LT it is that they are uncomfortable with paying an injury prone Jones 4-5 Million dollars and having Walker and his 5 million/ Butler with his 2.5 million sitting on the bench. The Bills FO almost never takes risks in FA on aging injury prone players. They just don't have that luxury


    2) The Coaching Staff loves Butler


    3) The Coaching Staff loves Walker

    if our coaches love them, they must be terrific

  10. I agree that Butler is a very underrated player for us. What most people don't realize is that over the last 8 games of the season last year, the Bills had one of the best running games in the NFL, averaging nearly 5 yards per carry. This happened to coincide with Butler coming back from being injured, which IMO was NOT a coincidence. Butler was a natural tackle in college, and looks the part of a tackle at 6' 7" much more than he does at guard. The fact that he could transition to guard with little experience playing the position and play very well shows he is a smart kid who is a quick learner...


    I really like the makings of this offensive line this year, especially the middle of the line, which is extremely important playing in the AFC East with those big DT's...



    could it be that peters finally got in shape. i'm sure the rest of the east is staying up at night worrying about the scrubs we have playing on the line and our noodle armed qb

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