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Da Big Man

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Everything posted by Da Big Man

  1. The difference is in Pitt you have an owner who wants to win SuperBowls. In Buff, you have an owner who will do just enough to look like he is doing something...just enough to get our money. He is the labor faker of NFL owners.
  2. I want to go on record as saying this draft was uneventful and mediocre at best. Maybins only hope is to move him to OLB and then he won't be a total bust. All the other picks were bargain choices to save money , cause after all a cheaper team is easier to sell. The only hopeful prospect is TE Nelson. We passed on high quality players for players who were happy to be chosen so early. It is obvious by drafting all the DB's, that Dicky J is still going with the Tampa Two defense. Hey Dick lighter and faster doesn't equal effective. Before all you DBM haters jump my shizzle, I just want to remind that I called JP Losman a bust day one and I was right. I also said even after the 5-1 start last year that we would end up .500 or worse and again, I was right. Don't get me wrong ...I am tired of being right, I want this team to prove me wrong, but they won't. This draft was a bust and a waste of viewing time for me ...our scouts obviously don't know talent. Or their hands are tied by a miserly owner who doesn't want to spend good money for good players. 7-9 here we come....again!
  3. Yeah , that is funny, isn't it? 6 months ago this page was mouth piece for Barry Obama and now you can hardly find a backer of the new Prez*. Where is Obama's* blind followers like Yellowlinesinmyshorts? Liberal, democrat cowards. Stand up and take a bow for this evil you have elected, be proud that you aided to the delinquency of this once great country.
  4. Thats the lib/Dem way, Big Govt. Big Govt needs big money. Taxes are going up and mostly on luxury items. The workers burden not the poor disenfranchised burden. The Obamanation* says it is better to be unemployed and mooching off the system and we will punish those who are self motivated and get up and go to work and enjoy the finer things in life. Smell the ambers burning from what was the greatest country in the world. You all bought the lies ...now reap the fruit.
  5. I agree, if everyone could possibly be carrying a gun then it would lessen someones desire to go on a rampage. Even if that person was going to shoot his or her self after it would lower the body count to one Wild west style.
  6. Sheep will be sheep. You have all been duped by a text book marketing scheme. Prez* Obama is to politics what N'sync was to music, an idea thought up in board room somewhere and fed to the m asses by the truck load. Thanx for voting him in. Soon the Obama* experiment will be over and we can get back to business. It is nice to see him top Bush's spending in his first 2 months of service and giving my tax dollar away to to all the poor disenfranchised folks. Media Monster says recession and we close our wallets. Media Monster says recovery and WOW all the wallets open again. Think for yourselves people. Obama is not interested in any of you. He is trying to make a name for himself by destroying what is left of this country. Caring only about the lower 20% of the population domestically and well, we see what is foreign skills are all about ..ZERO. Sleep tight
  7. My girl said "kiss me where it stinks", so I drove her to Lackawanna.
  8. What's the first thing a woman does after attending a battered spouse meeting? The dishes if she knows whats good for her!
  9. What do you tell a woman with two black eyes? Nothing, you already told her twice.
  10. Yes indeed, milk in bags is very common in Canada, eh?
  11. Dude, welcome to the fish hazing. These idiots will fillet you just to fill the void in their liberal, no job havin, living in their mom's basement life. Welcome to hell . Check your common sense at the door!
  12. Yep! I agree. The Bills have only done exactly that, put asses in the seats.If they are not going to compliment TO on offense then they must get a couple studs on defense...and they won't. I, for one, have the wait and see attitude.
  13. Yeah! It was f'n hillarious Warren Sapp and Gary Bussey were the tops. A must watch. The constant bashing of Lisa Lampinelli's vag was priceless.
  14. Son, let's walk down there and do 'em all!
  15. If there is "global warming", how come I am freezing my ballz off in Buffalo in the harshed winter in 30 years?
  16. I hope you are right.. Or he could just fall into the mediocre line like the rest of them. He could be the anti-cancer or the cancer catalyst.
  17. Well I was wondering just what the front office was going to do to put asses in the seats. I guess I am undecided on pro or con.
  18. I agree with you . But you are comparing apples to !@#$s
  19. Join Da Big Mans thread..Whole lotta nothing going on at One bills drive. Come on over and join the misery.
  20. I'll take one playoff appearance. Ralph has got to lengthen his arms to reach his wallet and put a team on the field that can make a serious run for the Prize before he dies. SPEND SOME MONEY RALPHY BOY!!!
  21. You are talking about very well coached and very well disciplined organization in New England...very rare in todays NFL and nothing like the Buffalo Bills joke of an organization.
  22. Oh yeah and are the only person who is sick of this topic. Judging by the 41 replies in one hour people haven't exhausted this topic yet, myself included. Everyday I wake up hoping that a blockbuster transaction will take place...and it does, just for another team. Wake up and smell the rotting decay!
  23. Then it is time for you to move on to another thread. Why waste your obvious talents chatting on this thread .
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