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Da Big Man

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Everything posted by Da Big Man

  1. Another !@#$in lib troll out of ideas, explainations and excuses. Snap your pills in half! losers
  2. Hazed we shouldn't interfere with Iran. I think that fuse has lit on it's own. But in our theater we should know what we are up against. We can't use reason with unreasonable people. We can't use logic with illogical people. Our rules do not apply in the Muslim world here or abroad. A Muslim man in Orchard Park, N.Y. cut his wifes head off for wanting a divorce not to long ago ...I mean come on. My wife asks for a divorce, I am helping her pack I think we are on the same page brother. P.S. Nice new avatar....schwing!!!!!!
  3. What a small mind. That women was shot by a sniper! Not a bunch of paniced ROTC guardsmen surrounded by unstable hippies. The truth be known she was probably targeted by a MUSLIM COWARD because she was a very westernized woman in a very backwards country. Nice try though
  4. This video on YouTube shows why you can't reason with or understand the Muslim world. Where are all the bleeding heart libs for this poor girl and her family? Erradication...street by street and door by door. All these people want is democracy and the price for wanting a fair election is death by sniper fire. Total cowards!!!!! Sniperfire or blowing off bombs or hijacking planes we must respond in like kind without "rules of engagement".
  5. Dude, What NFL are you watching? Blue Dredsoe was a .500 QB at best. Didn't do much here and got benched and finally cut in Dallas, he will never go to Canton. Just cause you don't know what you are seeing, please don't project it on to those of us who do. These overpaid primadonnas don't work as hard as they can. Now I know we can chalk that up to a soft coaching strategy by Dick J and Friends.
  6. Baltimore did it with Defense and a quality coaching staff. The question was with the QB and weak Offense. They made it work and adjusted according to the offense's ability or lack there of. There is only one person in denial here...look in mirror and you will see him. The point is Dicky J and his staff could coach The Patriots and still F that up .
  7. Not will... the Bills should fire Jauron. If the Bills fail to make the playoffs? Are you kidding me? I'll take a winning season, you know, the kind we haven't had in quite some time. You should all know by now that King Ralph has short arms and has never paid top dollar for a head coach and until and since Polian has never spent top dollar on high quality players. I have a feeling that even with T.O. we will be still hovering at the .500 mark.
  8. A good head coach and OC can generate an offense around any known weakness...that point moot. Example: Baltimore Ravens superbowl victory.
  9. Yeah you're right. I guess Parcells, Billicheat, Singletary and Walsh got it all wrong. Let the millionaires motivate themselves huh . Intensity and good play call starts with the head coach and tricklesdown to the players. We need open air OTA's and outdoor practices, two a days and film work. Sweat equity will follow. Enough of Dicky J's Club Med like atmosphere. Blood, sweat and tears...thats how you build winners.
  10. No one ended my era here. Censored a few times but clear sailing as the voice of reason on this blind by media site.
  11. First, Da Big Man was born April of 2008 not 2009. Your attention to detail is proving as credible as this draft. Secondly, I declared JP a bust after his first start right here on TSW and got crucified for it, but it is all worth it for to rub your collective noses in it. Third, I said the Bills would .500 or less after a 5-1 start and was dead nuts there to. You just keep listening to Schopp and The Bulldog...Get your season tickets yet? Sucker.
  12. Dude been here for a long time. My original screen couldn't be retrieved during that whole transition this site under went around a year ago. Sooooo, I was right then and now, Douche
  13. Very constructive What a chooch! Again, read my posts. I can't help it you were a J.P. loving, McCargo backing, 5-1 bandwagon jumping, Mcgahee cheering, sub-.500 supporting pinhead who lives in his moms basement!
  14. Well the great and powerful Oz has spoken...OK simon kill this thread!
  15. Again, I hope not ,but it is looking that way. I want this team to win and all we really added was T.O. , we needed other FA additions on O line and the D line. Experience over intuition.
  16. Thanx for taking time out of your busy drivel to jump on Read back in my posts, if you can, I was right! F'n new guys ...I will be right on this draft also. I recognize talent you do not braindeadstroke
  17. You obviously haven't read my posting history. But never fear biscuit, I will be there to remind you how right I am when they go breasts up. Man, I'm tired of being right ! P.S. Like you know anything about talent, Schopp and the Bulldog is how you do your scouting.
  18. Tell me a DB we picked well in the Dick J / Marv Levy era. Remember, Mckelvin is unproven and could still pan out to be a bust. Name another steal our brain trusts got in the draft.
  19. I want to go on record as saying this draft was uneventful and mediocre at best. Maybins only hope is to move him to OLB and then he won't be a total bust. All the other picks were bargain choices to save money , cause after all a cheaper team is easier to sell. The only hopeful prospect is TE Nelson. We passed on high quality players for players who were happy to be chosen so early. It is obvious by drafting all the DB's, that Dicky J is still going with the Tampa Two defense. Hey Dick lighter and faster doesn't equal effective. Before all you DBM haters jump my shizzle, I just want to remind that I called JP Losman a bust day one and I was right. I also said even after the 5-1 start last year that we would end up .500 or worse and again, I was right. Don't get me wrong ...I am tired of being right, I want this team to prove me wrong, but they won't. This draft was a bust and a waste of viewing time for me ...our scouts obviously don't know talent. Or their hands are tied by a miserly owner who doesn't want to spend good money for good players. 7-9 here we come....again!
  20. I don't think he would qualify as chief ass wiper on most teams. Or towel boy. I can hear him now..." well the towels weren't as soft as we would have liked and of course we would want more towels . Warm towels on cold days like today would have been nice but it wasn't to be" What an azzclown.
  21. Yeah, I wish you were Wilson also ..but you are not. Wilson is Wilson and will do nothing accept give Dicky J an extension, assuming Ralph is still alive. If he dies then a new, quality coach goes with the team to Toronto and they then become the good team they once were
  22. I want to go on record as saying this draft was uneventful and mediocre at best. Maybins only hope is to move him to OLB and then he won't be a total bust. All the other picks were bargain choices to save money , cause after all a cheaper team is easier to sell. The only hopeful prospect is TE Nelson. We passed on high quality players for players who were happy to be chosen so early. It is obvious by drafting all the DB's, that Dicky J is still going with the Tampa Two defense. Hey Dick lighter and faster doesn't equal effective. Before all you DBM haters jump my shizzle, I just want to remind that I called JP Losman a bust day one and I was right. I also said even after the 5-1 start last year that we would end up .500 or worse and again, I was right. Don't get me wrong ...I am tired of being right, I want this team to prove me wrong, but they won't. This draft was a bust and a waste of viewing time for me ...our scouts obviously don't know talent. Or their hands are tied by a miserly owner who doesn't want to spend good money for good players. 7-9 here we come....again! --------------------
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