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Major Mud

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Everything posted by Major Mud

  1. Agreed, without second chances where would any of us be?....
  2. Yes i was watching on the news, people say they are boycotting the Eagles, and protesting at the stadium, and at training camp.
  3. Just examples, however im sure the families of their victims will disagree.
  4. I agree with you,to a point. What i am saying , is why arent more people protesting other athletes when they mess up as well? So its ok if you do something WRONG as long as you turn yourself in and dont get CAUGHT?.....Thats the philosophy i am referring to. If Vick came out and said " hey i was part of something that was wrong i see now its not ok, i'm sorry. It wont happen again " would he still get jail time? would it make it less wrong?....What about Leonard Little, Stallworth,? you didnt mention them, and they killed PEOPLE. But that happens all the time and we are desensitized. So you tell me which is worst?
  5. I am confused, there are people protesting the Eagles and Mike Vick. While i dont condone what he did, there are worse people in the NFL. Was anyone in St.Louis protesting when Leonard Little killed a woman while driving drunk?....Or Stallworth? It was ok for Brett Favre to abuse painkillers? Its ok if you have 9 bastard children?....Lets put all of that aside, i love animals i have 4 dogs, 2 of which have 3 legs, and yes even a handicapped pitbull who was negected and abused. She had her front leg amputated as a result. But i do not consider what Vick did to be worse then what others in this league has done. I just think he is an easier target. I believe he paid his dues to society and raised awareness to animal abuse. Im sure if i wasent a little buzzed i could think of other examples. But overall i think you get my point...Right Ray Lewis?
  6. Ahh i use to love living in VA beach. When i was a kid i spent many a day there. A former dump, now a place of beauty, hopefully we can say the same about Buffalo in a few years.
  7. I loved Takeo, i even named a pet after him, great player, true warrior. Miss the least?.....tough one, but i hated Chris Watson, awful player, Ellison is also on this list.
  8. I believed they sucked last year as well, Cutler didnt play defense, and that D, is just horrible.
  9. Hey dev, is Mt Trashmore still there?
  10. Are the Sabres still in Buffalo? Oh thats right Golisano is a tightwad too, oh wrong message board.
  11. your right its all the FO's fault.....wow, is it your money?...your team?.....NO?...then chill he will be signed.
  12. Wow , no matter what Ralph does its never enough for most people on here. He is a Hall-of-famer, and he deserves to be there. Just because he doesnt sign the guy you want or hire the coach your enamored with he is a loser? Hey if you dont respect him for what he has done for this team and this city, then follow another team!...maybe you should be Redskin fans, Snyder makes all the moves that makes his fans happy, oh wait they suck too!....Its easy to sit on the web and post your comments while your 40 something years old and still living with your parents. Sports are ENTERTAINMENT, its not a way of life. So just relax, enjoy the Bills while they are still here and if you find it too hard to cope. Pick up a book, Read, meet a women, quit the boyscouts, and leave Mommy and Daddys house. Most of you take this stuff way too seriously and the comments i read remind me of the grammar school playground. You should be grateful that as an owner he chose the wasteland that is Buffalo to put his team, where would most of you be without them?....So take the noose off your neck and chill, its august 14th for christs sake. If this upcoming season is too much for you to handle....do us all a favor and take a nice long swim at lets say...Niagara Falls?......I love the city of Buffalo, the people and the Bills, however i do have a life outside the NFL season, and some of you should as well!.....P.S. the real fans who get it ROCK!
  13. He is too vanilla, not even one of the top ten announcers out there, but can you replace Madden?
  14. I heard Russ was gonna have MJ do a new version.
  15. Its exactly like the old Houston Oilers theme song, what a rip. The worst part is i cant get it out of my head.Oilers song
  16. Its still the worst fight song ever!...DULLFINS
  17. The ones you buy at Foot locker, Dicks etc, where do you think they are made?.......same place
  18. A friend of mine got a Favre vikings jersey (waste of money) but it was sweet!
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