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Will JP starting next week help his development?

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I think one of the fallacies in football thinking here is the concept that the ONLY way JP will develop properly is if he plays. It is an essential part of his development and he must play. Hpwever, it is not the only thing he needs (even though I think he is a talented youngster) in order to develop into our QB of the future. He MUST play AND he MUST learn NFL offenses and defenses AND he MUST have the proper mechanics because stuff like throwing off-balance or off the wrong foot worked against college competition, but he will get eaten alive by the Pros.


The worse thing is that if he is simply thrown to the dogs as he was last night, he will develop bad habits which set him back as a player and undercut confidence in him.


I would not start JP next Sunday because from all I saw in the unreal test of him last night is that playing him is not the next step in developing him as our QB of the future.


I know folks are frustrated with Bledsoe, but benching him and starting JP are not the same thing. Matthews will not win for the Bills, but if the team gets better practice in what has already become the 2005 pre-season the nstart him over Bledsoe.


This seems to be me to be a much better strategy than throwing JP to the wolves before he has become more than a rookie in terms of understaning NFL reads, offensive stragtegies and beating defenses or before he gets his mechanics down so he maximizes his chances for success.


Even before that, it was great to see that JPs injury had healed well enough for him to play, but if he has any untoward swelling of his injured leg or diminishment of his range of motion this week, then sit the boy and let him heal.


It does amaze me that fans seem to want to panic or be penny-wise and pound foolish and defintiely start JP whether he is ready to go or not.


The answer to the question of this thread is I don't know and I don't think any of the other posters on TSW know for sure either. Guessing is certainly fair game, but based on what we saw from JP under bad or unfair circumstances last night and based on how most rookies perform (do you want to claim that JP is Peyton Manning or Ben RoboQB) I think you sit him and give him mpop-up duty until playing is the best thing for his development. Playing time is something he MUST get, but itis far from the ONLY thing he needs to develop.

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Let me explain this in a more simple format....


You are the top brass in the Army. You have a newly developed tank that is not proven. You are in the middle of a war, and the tank you currently use is made of cardboard. Your guys are getting slaughtered but you don't want to use an unproven tank even though your getting slaugtered. So, you keep using the cardboard, even though you know that next year, you are not going to use it anymore.




Start Losman

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what development? We're not developing this guy to be a knowledgable backup QB who someday will retire and be the color guy for murph. Start JP now. Ben Rothsssssssdddlledrffbrraaaquuurgher didn't need to sit on the bench to get ready. Start jp on sunday so i at least have some interest in the game.

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you learn by doing..


What a better way to turn up the screws on the oline and the rest of the team. So, Ralph pays a visit to the locker room tomorrow.


"Boys, let me introduce you to #7. This is JP Franchise. Unlike Drew, he has the ability to move and make plays. However, boys, don't get me wrong here, that doesn't mean that you don't have to block for him. On the contrare. If one of you so much as allow the number 7 on his uni to get soiled, I will take it personally. So, today the page turns boys. Next year begins now."

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I would just like to point out that it has already been said this offense has been "dummied down" so Bledsoe can run it.....


It isn't like Losman is walking into a complicated offense......


I dont want to see Bledsoe take another damn snap...not after last night.....if anything put Mathews in there and cut the cord from Bledsoe so that it is not a suprise when they do put Losman in....


Or just let Losman play.....IF he is healthy

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I think one of the fallacies in football thinking here is the concept that the ONLY way JP will develop properly is if he plays. It is an essential part of his development and he must play. Hpwever, it is not the only thing he needs (even though I think he is a talented youngster) in order to develop into our QB of the future.  He MUST play AND he MUST learn NFL offenses and defenses AND he MUST have the proper mechanics because stuff like throwing off-balance or off the wrong foot worked against college competition, but he will get eaten alive by the Pros.


The worse thing is that if he is simply thrown to the dogs as he was last night, he will develop bad habits which set him back as a player and undercut confidence in him.


I would not start JP next Sunday because from all I saw in the unreal test of him last night is that playing him is not the next step in developing him as our QB of the future.


I know folks are frustrated with Bledsoe, but benching him and starting JP are not the same thing.  Matthews will not win for the Bills, but if the team gets better practice in what has already become the 2005 pre-season the nstart him over Bledsoe.


This seems to be me to be a much better strategy than throwing JP to the wolves before he has become more than a rookie in terms of understaning NFL reads, offensive stragtegies and beating defenses or before he gets his mechanics down so he maximizes his chances for success.


Even before that, it was great to see that JPs injury had healed well enough for him to play, but if he has any untoward swelling of his injured leg or diminishment of his range of motion this week, then sit the boy and let him heal.


It does amaze me that fans seem to want to panic or be penny-wise and pound foolish and defintiely start JP whether he is ready to go or not.


The answer to the question of this thread is I don't know and I don't think any of the other posters on TSW know for sure either.  Guessing is certainly fair game, but based on what we saw from JP under bad or unfair circumstances last night and based on how most rookies perform (do you want to claim that JP is Peyton Manning or Ben RoboQB) I think you sit him and give him mpop-up duty until playing is the best thing for his development.  Playing time is something he MUST get, but itis far from the ONLY thing he needs to develop.




Obviously there are two completely different lines of thinking on this issue. And I think you are correct in the assumtion that we really don't know how JP will react to Starting at this time. It appears to be a moot point, at least for this week, because MM seemed to at least hint that JP will remain the #2 QB for the time being...


I think if you go off last night, there is really no other way to look at JP other than to say he's not ready. But I also think, if you listen to JP's comments in the Post Game, it's pretty clear he was not mentally prepared to come in. He talked about favoring the leg (JP sounded almost surprised that the leg gave him no problems), the toughness of coming in cold off the bench, and that he would be better prepared if this situation comes up again...


Clearly, sitting around and waching Drew kill this Team at the QB Position is not helping JP's developement either...And he sounds to me to be a Player desperately in need of a challenge right about now...


My line of thinking is this. First of all Losman is a Football player. As much as some of us want to make this out to be Rocket Science, it's not...JP's a Football QB and he's not going to get any better sitting on his back side trying to learn from watching someone who no longer can execute his position effectively. Secondly it seems to me that JP is the type of personality who strongly dislikes sitting the Bench. He's a leader, a 1st Round Pick QB, and he probably desperately wants to play. I'm just guessing, but I think he's that type personality...And lastly this move sends a message to the rest of the Team that yes, even Drew sits if he plays poorly. Even more importantly it may give the Vets on this Team a glimmer of hope after watching Drew lead this Team to 21 losses in the last 33 Games...


I think the Kid Gloves have to come off in JP's developement...Call it throwing him to Lions, call it whatever you wish, but The Bills have a need at QB, JP is The Bills 1st Round Pick and crowned successor at the QB position, and he simply is not doing anyone a bit of good sitting around taking Back-up Reps...The Kid has to play. And I think the single point that many are missing here is the fact that at no time in his upcoming NFL career will the pressure be less on JP to perform well. This Season is toast for the Bills, and all JP has to do is now is play better than Bledsoe. Not exactly a high bar. Wait until next Season, which I think everyone agrees JP will be the Starter for, and the pressure of winning is immediate...


I just can't see that holding JP out now on a Team that is 3-6 and begging for something to be excited about is helping anyone...including JP...The Kid is a lifelong QB, let him play QB...I think eventually he'll rise to the challange... B)

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I would just like to point out that it has already been said this offense has been "dummied down" so Bledsoe can run it.....


It isn't like Losman is walking into a complicated offense......


I dont want to see Bledsoe take another damn snap...not after last night.....if anything put Mathews in there and cut the cord from Bledsoe so that it is not a suprise when they do put Losman in....


Or just let Losman play.....IF he is healthy




Wow, you've done a 180. :blink: Sucks Drew hasn't worked out, but this show is over, I agree.

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I guess my thought is to let Losman play when he still actually has a chance to lead the team. Letting Bledsoe play only puts us further in the hole. Let the kid play, he might surprise us and really lead. We might win, we might not, but it only puts us in better shape for next year. We have to accept that Bledsoe is done, and our season is as good as over as well.

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JP does not appear to be a FRAGILE type of guy that will have his confidence destroyed by being thrown to the wolves.


In fact, he strikes me as being quite the opposite. Maybe this is just wishful thinking, but I see some Jim Kelly in JP, knock him down, intercept him, and he will just come back and throw a TD...

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Easy answer if we are thinking ahead to 2005.


We can either...


A. Start off next season as a learning experience.


B. Start off next season with a 2nd year veteran who has game experience and ready to take this team on his shoulders.



Thats my thought, too. Why throw away next year as a learning experience when he can do that now.

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I think one of the fallacies in football thinking here is the concept that the ONLY way JP will develop properly is if he plays. It is an essential part of his development and he must play. Hpwever, it is not the only thing he needs (even though I think he is a talented youngster) in order to develop into our QB of the future.  He MUST play AND he MUST learn NFL offenses and defenses AND he MUST have the proper mechanics because stuff like throwing off-balance or off the wrong foot worked against college competition, but he will get eaten alive by the Pros.


The worse thing is that if he is simply thrown to the dogs as he was last night, he will develop bad habits which set him back as a player and undercut confidence in him.


I would not start JP next Sunday because from all I saw in the unreal test of him last night is that playing him is not the next step in developing him as our QB of the future.


I know folks are frustrated with Bledsoe, but benching him and starting JP are not the same thing.  Matthews will not win for the Bills, but if the team gets better practice in what has already become the 2005 pre-season the nstart him over Bledsoe.


This seems to be me to be a much better strategy than throwing JP to the wolves before he has become more than a rookie in terms of understaning NFL reads, offensive stragtegies and beating defenses or before he gets his mechanics down so he maximizes his chances for success.


Even before that, it was great to see that JPs injury had healed well enough for him to play, but if he has any untoward swelling of his injured leg or diminishment of his range of motion this week, then sit the boy and let him heal.


It does amaze me that fans seem to want to panic or be penny-wise and pound foolish and defintiely start JP whether he is ready to go or not.


The answer to the question of this thread is I don't know and I don't think any of the other posters on TSW know for sure either.  Guessing is certainly fair game, but based on what we saw from JP under bad or unfair circumstances last night and based on how most rookies perform (do you want to claim that JP is Peyton Manning or Ben RoboQB) I think you sit him and give him mpop-up duty until playing is the best thing for his development.  Playing time is something he MUST get, but itis far from the ONLY thing he needs to develop.




Again its almost like your smart, almost.


So somehow we are to believe that by playing the game you dont learn?


Somehow holding a clipboard teaches you how to use proper throwing mechanics?


Its all the stuff you didnt mention that is even more important. Field presence, Look off, Throwing into coverage, leading your Receivers, play fakes, clock management, leadership, winners attitude that makes a QB great. You just cant teach that stuff, thats best learned on the field against opponents.


Your bad habit comment makes no sense either because a bad habit can be formed at any time not just if a player is put in before hes ready. How many QB's suck in practice but are great on the field? How about vice versa?


You know better. Why do I think you secretly want Shane Matthews to become the next Kurt Warner? Get over it man, we aint gonna get the next Kurt Warner, EVER!!

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