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Maurice Jones-Drew does what no Bills player will

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actually be mad and embarrassed about a terrible defeat and call out the players and coaching




not one Bill has the guts, or cares enough, to even bother doing this. where is the competitive fire at OBD?


even TO doesnt care.


TO has only been mum about this horrid offense because if he opens his mouth and displays any emotion of discontent then the media will jump all over him, which in turn would diminish his chances of getting picked up w/ another team next year!

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TO has only been mum about this horrid offense because if he opens his mouth and displays any emotion of discontent then the media will jump all over him, which in turn would diminish his chances of getting picked up w/ another team next year!


The only difference is that if he did that this year, no one would blame him. He's dropped some balls this year, but he's also created some opportunities and TE has not made good throws. Last weekend in the third quarter I believe, TE was scrambling and TO improvised a route, got behind the corner and if Trent put the throw on line it would have been a touchdown, but he over threw him. He's been thrown to as many times in five games this season as he had been thrown to in one game probably a dozen times with his previous teams. It's a joke. If the media was all over him for speaking out, I don't think any NFL FO's would pay any attention because they all realize he's justified because our offense is a complete joke. An embarrassment. A disgrace. I can't believe how far they have regressed after looking promising in week 1 and 2. Is all it took the rest of the NFL just two weeks of game film to have us completely figured out?

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The only difference is that if he did that this year, no one would blame him. He's dropped some balls this year, but he's also created some opportunities and TE has not made good throws. Last weekend in the third quarter I believe, TE was scrambling and TO improvised a route, got behind the corner and if Trent put the throw on line it would have been a touchdown, but he over threw him. He's been thrown to as many times in five games this season as he had been thrown to in one game probably a dozen times with his previous teams. It's a joke. If the media was all over him for speaking out, I don't think any NFL FO's would pay any attention because they all realize he's justified because our offense is a complete joke. An embarrassment. A disgrace. I can't believe how far they have regressed after looking promising in week 1 and 2. Is all it took the rest of the NFL just two weeks of game film to have us completely figured out?

I completely agree w/ your assesment about TE and TO but I think Owens agent and others close to him are advising him not to take that chance. There are still many who will attack him (see R. harrison, Tom Jackson, and others) and who will rip him on national TV the second he opens his mouth. You and I can see that his discontent this year would be warranted but not everyone watches the BIlls (imagine that notion) and will get turned off if they hear TO complain or throw someone under the bus one more time. At this stage, he has no choice but to stay mum if he wants a viable chance of going to a competitve team next season or perhaps being traded to one this year.

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actually be mad and embarrassed about a terrible defeat and call out the players and coaching




not one Bill has the guts, or cares enough, to even bother doing this. where is the competitive fire at OBD?


even TO doesnt care.


So if I told you your entire career, and possibly millions of dollars, depends heavily on whether or not you can keep your mouth shut for 1 season, you would throw it all away because your rental team sucks????


If you want passion and fire, watch soap operas. This is real life, where MOST people know better than to publicly throw teammates under the bus, that and nobody on our team performs as well as MJD enough to point their finger at others....

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So if I told you your entire career, and possibly millions of dollars, depends heavily on whether or not you can keep your mouth shut for 1 season, you would throw it all away because your rental team sucks????


If you want passion and fire, watch soap operas. This is real life, where MOST people know better than to publicly throw teammates under the bus, that and nobody on our team performs as well as MJD enough to point their finger at others....


i dont want drama, i want someone, ANYONE, to show that they care just a little about winning. good point about no one performing well enough to point fingers though.


i get the whole reason TO is keeping his mouth shut. the media has beaten him to pulp too many times.


but cant SOMEONE be a little pissed off about being an embarrassment?

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Not sure there are enough guys on the Bills who have put up good enough individual performances to be in any sort of position to start throwing people under the bus. Most everyone has had to face a little bit of reality this season. Look at the last game for chrissake....the distribution of penalties was not isolated to a handful of players. The whole team has been one big !@#$up.


Is there anyone ballsy enough to come out and say...hey I know I'm good, but the rest of these guys suck ass?

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i dont want drama, i want someone, ANYONE, to show that they care just a little about winning. good point about no one performing well enough to point fingers though.


i get the whole reason TO is keeping his mouth shut. the media has beaten him to pulp too many times.


but cant SOMEONE be a little pissed off about being an embarrassment?


I'm sure some of those guys are pissed off. I just don't think they're going to go public with it, yet.


Funny how once guys leave here, though, they become quite vocal with how things went while they were here.


Honestly, we'd probably see more emotion if the team was competitive. Since they suck so bad, I think they guys are already over it and wondering where they're gonna take their vacations over the summer...

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It is time for some of the veterns on the team to step up and lead this team. As Jim Kelly stated, you have a major problem when you cannot tell if your team has won or lost when you visit the locker room on Monday. Even with the Bills teams of 84 and 85 you had players that were ashamed over the team's performance. Fred Smerlas and Jim Haslet come to mind. They had a great show on WBEN, and pulled no punches. I am sick of hearing how great the team practiced all week after another pathetic loss week in and week out.

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actually be mad and embarrassed about a terrible defeat and call out the players and coaching




not one Bill has the guts, or cares enough, to even bother doing this. where is the competitive fire at OBD?


even TO doesnt care.


I don't know. I just think plays respect the hell out of Jauron. It's becoming clear that the Jags don't respect Del Rio. Also to a man, they have come out and said it's the players not executing.


Again, it's always blame the coaches. i will never say Jauron is a great coach. But in his specialty, defense, we have been great in except on game. Jauron can't make our QB throw the ball. The players, one in particular, aren't getting the job done. But it's not a coincidence that no player ever criticizes Jauron. He is one of the most respected coaches in football.

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It is time for some of the veterns on the team to step up and lead this team. As Jim Kelly stated, you have a major problem when you cannot tell if your team has won or lost when you visit the locker room on Monday. Even with the Bills teams of 84 and 85 you had players that were ashamed over the team's performance. Fred Smerlas and Jim Haslet come to mind. They had a great show on WBEN, and pulled no punches. I am sick of hearing how great the team practiced all week after another pathetic loss week in and week out.


Ya, except you're not figuring in salaries here. Those guys back then weren't overpaid drama queens, they were playing the game they loved.


Times are different now, endorsements, TV time, interviews, etc... these guys actually have a reason NOT to be "that guy"....

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I don't know. I just think plays respect the hell out of Jauron. It's becoming clear that the Jags don't respect Del Rio. Also to a man, they have come out and said it's the players not executing.


Again, it's always blame the coaches. i will never say Jauron is a great coach. But in his specialty, defense, we have been great in except on game. Jauron can't make our QB throw the ball. The players, one in particular, aren't getting the job done. But it's not a coincidence that no player ever criticizes Jauron. He is one of the most respected coaches in football.


Reality says hi. Bills' D ranks:


19th in yards/game

20th in points/game

26th in first downs/game

20th (tied) in 3rd down percentage

17th (tied) in 4th down percentage

6th (tied) in most penalties

2nd in most penalty yards

29th in yards per run

29th in rushing yards/game


Just because the D isn't *as* bad as the O doesn't mean that the D is any good. It's also quite bad.

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Reality says hi. Bills' D ranks:


19th in yards/game

20th in points/game

26th in first downs/game

20th (tied) in 3rd down percentage

17th (tied) in 4th down percentage

6th (tied) in most penalties

2nd in most penalty yards

29th in yards per run

29th in rushing yards/game


Just because the D isn't *as* bad as the O doesn't mean that the D is any good. It's also quite bad.



Watch the games. The defense had a bad game and one bad half of a quarter against the Saints. With an average offense, this team is 3-2. This isn't the '85 Bears but this defense could sue for lack of support from the offense. They have been good and failed by the other side of the ball.

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Watch the games. The defense had a bad game and one bad half of a quarter against the Saints. With an average offense, this team is 3-2. This isn't the '85 Bears but this defense could sue for lack of support from the offense. They have been good and failed by the other side of the ball.


I agree, except for the MIA game, they have done their share to put us in a position to win. Rankings are pretty worthless right now as we have only played 5 games, 1 bad game can destroy your ratings.

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Just because no Bills player has come out on TV and yelled and screamed and spit about how bad we're doing doesn't necessarily mean they're not doing it in private at practice. It's family. You defend each other in public and rip into each other when you get home.


from every report that has come out of the locker room, they dont do that either.

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- And while I’m at it, Edwards probably isn’t the only guy breathing a sigh of relief that Jauron is still in charge. About half this roster would probably be looking for work if a new coach came in, because there are countless guys who don’t even belong in the NFL and do so only because they’re playing for the Bills.


I was in the locker room a little while ago, and there are guys laughing and goofing off, and it just rankles me to no end. Not all guys mind you, but some. You can bet they were thrilled Jauron is still the coach. There just doesn’t seem to be enough pride, enough guys who care, enough guys who are pissed about losing and want to change it. Too many guys are just content with being in the NFL. It’s sad. Those great Bills teams from the 1990s, there wasn’t any goofing off after a loss, let alone back-to-back losses to winless teams.

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actually be mad and embarrassed about a terrible defeat and call out the players and coaching




not one Bill has the guts, or cares enough, to even bother doing this. where is the competitive fire at OBD?


even TO doesnt care.




What a bunch of crap.


This has nothing to do with guts or caring enough and everything to do with personal style. Neither style is right or wrong, and though apparently Jones-Drew's appeals more to you, that doesn't make it right, it just makes it loud.


T.O., the last couple of games is handling things exactly right, keeping the focus on the team's performance rather than on himself. I haven't been a big fan, but he's really earning my respect the past couple of weeks.

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