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T.O. comments on ESPN

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It was surely inevitable that the media would take an opportunity after this loss to make it all about T.O. and to take his comments as being supremely critical of Trent. What Schlereth said is more hype than actual commentary, and how many former NFL players are going to take this road vice say a Tony Dungy, who is honest?


Stupid media- always trying to stir up trouble. Edwards is NOT as bad as Romo, period. We should have taken a couple of shots at least to keep the defense honest... why is that so hard to fathom? Duh.

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It was surely inevitable that the media would take an opportunity after this loss to make it all about T.O. and to take his comments as being supremely critical of Trent. What Schlereth said is more hype than actual commentary, and how many former NFL players are going to take this road vice say a Tony Dungy, who is honest?


Stupid media- always trying to stir up trouble. Edwards is NOT as bad as Romo, period. We should have taken a couple of shots at least to keep the defense honest... why is that so hard to fathom? Duh.


Good joke.

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It was surely inevitable that the media would take an opportunity after this loss to make it all about T.O. and to take his comments as being supremely critical of Trent. What Schlereth said is more hype than actual commentary, and how many former NFL players are going to take this road vice say a Tony Dungy, who is honest?


Stupid media- always trying to stir up trouble. Edwards is NOT as bad as Romo, period. We should have taken a couple of shots at least to keep the defense honest... why is that so hard to fathom? Duh.

I just saw it on ESPN News. Unbelievable, they are playing teasers with things like "it only took one game for T.O. to turn on his QB, wait til you here his comments after the commercial." His comments are no big deal. He's basically saying that he and Lee Evans were open a few times and Trent didn't see them. He also said that did not cost them the game. Much ado about nothing. Receivers always say they are open on every play. ESPN is anxious to make T.O. out to be a team killer.

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agreed. TO was a standup guy, this time. He complimented trent and the team as a whole more than talking crap about it. However, I think each time we lose, he is going to get a little less friendly each time. The more we win, the better off he will be. If we lose a lot, he will snap eventually. but i don't see it happening before the bye.

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