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LAMP: Scary night last night


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I know this may not seem like a big deal to alot of people but for me and my wife our two dogs are our world. So last night after comin home from the chicken wing festival I sat down turned on the OU game and gave each of my two shih-tzus a busy bone to chew on. Next thing i know my one shih-tzu is crying bloody murder. Turns out he basically swallowed the 7 in busy bone whole and it scratched his esophagus and got lodged into his belly distorting his stomach. SO he had to go in for emergency surgery to have the bone removed as it could puncture his intestine or stomach at any time. He made it thorugh surgery and is still at the hospital and is awake and alert. We wont know if we can take him home today until after 6. If not we may have to wait until tommorrow. With everything the bill is going to run about 3000$ but our little guy is worth every penny. Needless to say no more bones for this guy anymore and I am going to give him a lecture when I see the little monster about chewin his food first. :unsure:

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We came home from the chicken wing festival at cocoa cola field. My dog didnt choke on a chicken wing it was a dog bone called a busy bone made by purina. It is 7 inches long and the dog is supposed to chew it up over the course of an hour or so. I think he started to swallow it tried to get it back up but end up swallowing it whole. The bone was so large that it distorted the stomach and was threatening and eventually would have blocked the intestine which would have caused necrosis instantaneously and eventually death.

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We came home from the chicken wing festival at cocoa cola field. My dog didnt choke on a chicken wing it was a dog bone called a busy bone made by purina. It is 7 inches long and the dog is supposed to chew it up over the course of an hour or so. I think he started to swallow it tried to get it back up but end up swallowing it whole. The bone was so large that it distorted the stomach and was threatening and eventually would have blocked the intestine which would have caused necrosis instantaneously and eventually death.


At least he's alive at this point.


My old girl Kelly could devour one of those in less than 20 minutes. She was a tough dog. :unsure:


She (her ass) got rear ended and had a very involved surgery done to save both of her hind legs. She didn't get to cruise the streets in a doggie wheelchair, but she was on the PUP list for a good six to eight weeks. I had to give her to my parents for a while and that resulted in them keeping Kelly for the rest of her days.


I really miss the old girl; I snagged her out of the pound in '94 and she passed back in '07. :worthy:

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We came home from the chicken wing festival at cocoa cola field. My dog didnt choke on a chicken wing it was a dog bone called a busy bone made by purina. It is 7 inches long and the dog is supposed to chew it up over the course of an hour or so. I think he started to swallow it tried to get it back up but end up swallowing it whole. The bone was so large that it distorted the stomach and was threatening and eventually would have blocked the intestine which would have caused necrosis instantaneously and eventually death.


Sorry... Like Jim and KD said, that was my first thought... That you gave him a chicken bone (and more about the chicken fest)! Glad your pooch is pulling through!


Has there been tort reform on this stuff yet... If not you are golden! :unsure::worthy:

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I know this may not seem like a big deal to alot of people but for me and my wife our two dogs are our world. So last night after comin home from the chicken festival I sat down turned on the OU game and gave each of my two shih-tzus a busy bone to chew on. Next thing i know my one shih-tzu is crying bloody murder. Turns out he basically swallowed the 7 in busy bone whole and it scratched his esophagus and got lodged into his belly distorting his stomach. SO he had to go in for emergency surgery to have the bone removed as it could puncture his intestine or stomach at any time. He made it thorugh surgery and is still at the hospital and is awake and alert. We wont know if we can take him home today until after 6. If not we may have to wait until tommorrow. With everything the bill is going to run about 3000$ but our little guy is worth every penny. Needless to say no more bones for this guy anymore and I am going to give him a lecture when I see the little monster about chewin his food first. :thumbsup:


Pets are like children. People that have never owned a pet just don't understand that.


Hopefully the little bugger will be ok.


BTW, this chicken festival thing isn't held in a town like the one in Deliverance is it? :ph34r:



you sir, nailed it! I think this is what exactly happened.


You do know that's Deerball you're complimenting right? Think twice next time.

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