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Is it possible that the reason why Trent looked lost because

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I watched the INT again last night. Lee Evans waited on the ball while the DB attacked the ball.


I saw the replay again, and while Lee wasn't moving back as quickly as the DB, the way he turned around looked like he was expecting the ball to get there as soon as completed the break. As I suspected the DB had the better momentum towards the ball because he was running back into coverage. There's no way that Lee would have had the better momentum on the play, unless he knew before the break that he'd need to run back to the ball.

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Maybe this is why Trent/Jauron are so afraid to open the passing game up? Trent throws one pick in 3 games and people are dissecting every aspect of the throw. Who cares. All QBs make mistakes and throw interceptions. All WRs make mistakes and drop the ball/allow a DB to make the int. What bothers me is that, that one pass was pretty much the end of Trent looking downfield in the game. He has to brush those things off and keep attacking the defense. I'll take 2 ints a game if he follows them up with a few TDs as well.

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I saw the replay again, and while Lee wasn't moving back as quickly as the DB, the way he turned around looked like he was expecting the ball to get there as soon as completed the break. As I suspected the DB had the better momentum towards the ball because he was running back into coverage. There's no way that Lee would have had the better momentum on the play, unless he knew before the break that he'd need to run back to the ball.


You can only see it that way if you aren't trying to make apologies for Trent. Some aren't capable of looking at the play as a whole and that Trent threw it late. Even the commentators said so. They also don't get the concept of timing in that a WR is supposed to be in a specific place at a specific time and so is the ball. I wish I could remember the guy that said it but basically the quote was "if you wait for a WR to be open before you throw him the ball, it's already too late." That and a less than stellar arm are Trent's biggest problems. One can be corrected, one we just have to live with.


People are going to believe what they want.

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You can only see it that way if you aren't trying to make apologies for Trent. Some aren't capable of looking at the play as a whole and that Trent threw it late. Even the commentators said so. They also don't get the concept of timing in that a WR is supposed to be in a specific place at a specific time and so is the ball. I wish I could remember the guy that said it but basically the quote was "if you wait for a WR to be open before you throw him the ball, it's already too late." That and a less than stellar arm are Trent's biggest problems. One can be corrected, one we just have to live with.


People are going to believe what they want.


It's not only entirely possible that three things happened simultaneously on the play, but rather likely, that Trent was late on the throw, Evans should have come back a little harder, AND the CB made a freakish break on the ball and great play to get a hand in. If Trent threw the ball a quarter second quicker, if Evans moved a foot or so back farther, or the CB didn't make the perfect break and lunge, it's a completion.

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It's not only entirely possible that three things happened simultaneously on the play, but rather likely, that Trent was late on the throw, Evans should have come back a little harder, AND the CB made a freakish break on the ball and great play to get a hand in. If Trent threw the ball a quarter second quicker, if Evans moved a foot or so back farther, or the CB didn't make the perfect break and lunge, it's a completion.



Completely valid! We are killing this one play to death. lol. I guess I look at order of operation to finally put it to rest for me.


In order:


1) QB throws the ball late

2) WR attempts to position himself and shield the ball to make the catch but some think he's not aggressive enough

3) DB drives through the WR for a no call on pass interference tipping the ball for the INT



What I see in all that is if the QB throws that ball on time....the other things never happen :thumbsup:




SOOOO back on topic. Trent looks lost because he can't read 3 - 4 defenses and not because Lee Evans is not a good WR. LOL

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