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Today's Junior Bills Backers VIP day at camp

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What was published: registration at 9, breakfast is from 9-10 in VIP tent, raffles for prizes at 10, practice 10:20 - 12:20. Line up for autograph session at 11:45.


What actually happened: arrive at 9:10, stand in line for 50 minutes to "register" (get wrist bands and backpacks). Get 1 raffle ticket per kid. Backpacks contain a hat, pen, pencil, keychain, tattoo.


They're nice enough to wait until everyone is in before doing the raffle, which is for 5 different autographed mini-helmets.

Breakfast is bagels, some pastries, and fruit salad. Thankfully they had coffee.


We're not in "the" VIP tent, but just some tents on the side by the games area. No special vantage point to watch practice, or shade.


11:45, line for autograph area is already a mile long, and completely unmanaged. We go hang in merchandise tent which is at least air conditioned.


12:20 we go back. Kids go onto field but are way back. Parents not allowed onto field unless kids are under 6 yrs old.

12:45 some players eventually work their way over to where this throng of kids await them. Looks like chaos from the bleachers.


At least the kids got a few cool autographs, but my bagel & coffee were $6 and the kids tickets were $11 each.


A very poorly run event which may have had the opposite effect by turning kids off the team/camp.


I did see Lancaster Steve, Mark VI, and Mike3223890210

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Not to be a total d!ck, but was the experience like for those who showed up at or before registration time?

I dunno - 30 to 40 minute wait to register instead of 50 I suppose. But then a longer wait for the raffles because it took so long to get everyone through the line.


They said the event was sold out but were totally unprepared for how many people that meant. At $11/kid and $6/adult, I'd think there'd be more to it and it would be better managed. Have you ever been in a line for 50 minutes in 80 degree weather with no shade and hundreds of hot, hungry kids and no idea what's taking so long or when it would end? Watching people who didn't pay anything walking past while the supposed VIPs stand around baking?

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Have you ever been in a line for 50 minutes in 80 degree weather with no shade and hundreds of hot, hungry kids and no idea what's taking so long or when it would end? Watching people who didn't pay anything walking past while the supposed VIPs stand around baking?

Having a four and six year old, I feel your pain. Sounds like the same people who ran this event, devised the rush defense last year... :thumbdown:

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I went to an Eagles VIP event last year at Lehigh. Similar setup except it was gratis and the swag was better, of course it was for team sponsors so that probably helps. Food was a little better, sawg included beach bags, leather coasters and all the kids got Eagles jerseys with their name on the back. Big disappointment was field access. Kids under 16 could only go onto the field with an adult in a confined area VERY VERY VERY far away from any action. Liability concern I'm sure, but it was kind of a bummer. Autographs were better managed. Eagles gave access to Chris Gocong, Victor Abiamiri, Correll Buckhalter, and someone else who is escaping me. Had a little speech from Andy Reid too.


Overall it was well coordinated in that there were no lines but I'm guessing it was also a much smaller affair than what you are all discussing today. There were maybe 200 people there in two tents. I should be getting an invite to this year's event soon. I'll let you know how it is this year. I'm guessing better since the economy is pooping and they need to show the sponsors a little more love. Case in point, my wife was in the hospital (minor thing) two weeks ago and the Eagles marketing people found out and sent her flowers. Small thing, but we had a baby 3 years ago and didn't even get a card from that person so they are clearly trying a little harder.

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They said the event was sold out but were totally unprepared for how many people that meant.

That's one thing that's bothering me with camp this year. If they know it was sold out, they would then know how many people are coming and can add staff to assist with the check in. It's not that hard to ask someone their name, find it on an alphabetical list, and check them off that they arrived. I've done it for years with the Blue Coats, Syracuse Chamber Of Commerce, and other groups I've volunteered for. Grab some of the college interns that are there and stick them behind a table. You can train them in under 5 minutes.

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I dunno - 30 to 40 minute wait to register instead of 50 I suppose. But then a longer wait for the raffles because it took so long to get everyone through the line.


They said the event was sold out but were totally unprepared for how many people that meant. At $11/kid and $6/adult, I'd think there'd be more to it and it would be better managed. Have you ever been in a line for 50 minutes in 80 degree weather with no shade and hundreds of hot, hungry kids and no idea what's taking so long or when it would end? Watching people who didn't pay anything walking past while the supposed VIPs stand around baking?


what's the surprise??


The Bills front office ran this event like they run the team on the field.


The Bills have your money in advance so there is no need to be concerned about the quality of the actual product for which you have paid.


Continuity and consistency at OBD

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It did seem that registration line was moving really slow...I spent a good 20 minutes up near the head of the line taking photos and it hardly seemed like it moved the entire time I was there

I saw you chatting up those 3 Jills...

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"Obviously, an interesting day, line-wise. I thought the pencils looked good, the coffee was warm. There were a lot more kids out there than we saw on film, and you can't prepare for that. I don't know what happened with the autographs, there was some confusion there. We'll look at the film on Monday. Its hard to raffle in the NFL."

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"Obviously, an interesting day, line-wise. I thought the pencils looked good, the coffee was warm. There were a lot more kids out there than we saw on film, and you can't prepare for that. I don't know what happened with the autographs, there was some confusion there. We'll look at the film on Monday. Its hard to raffle in the NFL."


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if by chatting up, you mean working with and talking to, that's my job :thumbdown:

if you meant something else, they each have boyfriends, 2 of which I've already met...lol

Working with and talking to, obviously.

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Do you show up at 1:10 for a 1 o'clock game? It sounds like if you used a little foresight and showed up early(like any ADULT with half a brain would've), the biggest issue of the day could've been avoided.


Just my two cents, but I don't think your comparison is valid. 9AM registration is much different from 9AM kickoff, no comparison. 9AM is the time registration opens, not the time everyone needs to be registered by! Remember, buses were required to get there, so it would have been impossible for everyone wanting to register to get there before 9AM -- too many people and too few buses. The parking lot at Sutherland HS at 9:15AM (I was there walking my dogs) was more crowded than any other practice day, by far!


I showed up at 9:50AM (not there for the kid's event, just there for practice), and at that point the Kid's event line was all the way back to the road, and then an additional 15 yards up the sidewalk, and that wasn't single file it was filled with clumps of families!! So for what it's worth, the registration process didn't appear as smooth as it could be. (Fortunately they allowed the regular camp visitors to bypass the line and walk around!).



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