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Abortion doctor killed...

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Actually as a Catholic I'm against abortion in ALL cases, including rape and the health of the mother. You gotta go to hell if you make that choice. However it is still the woman's choice. I just don't think the government has any involvement in the choice that the woman makes. So...I'm anti-abortion (in the go to hell do not pass go sense.) and pro life (in keep the government out of my uterus sense).


The question I'd have for you is when are human rights bestowed on a human? The government should protect basic human rights. So, I'll guess that you do not believe humans have life until they exit the womb, or until the umbilical cord is clipped.


If I believed this, I would be of your mindset. Except I don't, so I'm not. But not a bad position IMO.

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It's not suprising this happened. Church going, religious folk are responsible for some of the worst crimes against humanity in the history of planet earth. Things done in the name of "God".


Intelligent people are responsible for the materials and methods which have resulted in the deaths of hundreds of millions of people. Are you opposed to intelligence?


Most people in the history of the world have been religious, so this is hardly surprising anyhow.


Any *thing* that gets you riled up, gets you inspired, can lead to the greatest good or the greatest evil. Like love. Like courage. Like whatever inspired Stalin (not church going or religious).

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Any *thing* that gets you riled up, gets you inspired, can lead to the greatest good or the greatest evil. Like love. Like courage. Like whatever inspired Stalin (not church going or religious).

All true.


(Although I will point out that Stalin's early education was at a church school and he was at a seminary training to become a priest until being expelled for not being able to pay the fees...)

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Im a pro life person after watching a video in high school of an actual abortion that still gives me chills and made me physically ill the day i saw it. My view now is if people are going to have abortions which i beleive whether its legal or not will happen why dont we use those cells for stem cell research. If nothing else that potential life could go to save a life

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I see you get all your news, and the interpretation of it, from right-wing websites. I guess simply showing the actual reports discussed, and leaving us to make up our own minds on what was said, and meant, isn't "fair and balanced" enough for you.

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I see you get all your news, and the interpretation of it, from right-wing websites. I guess simply showing the actual reports discussed, and leaving us to make up our own minds on what was said, and meant, isn't "fair and balanced" enough for you.



Other sites had that news, PB. And for your ignorant information, PB, I believe in a woman's right to have an abortion. It disturbs me, but that's the law and its her right, PB.


OH, look at this:



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Other sites had that news, PB. And for your ignorant information, PB, I believe in a woman's right to have an abortion. It disturbs me, but that's the law and its her right, PB.


OH, look at this:





I know other sites had similar news. It would have been nice to get the NBC report from an NBC-related site, for example. My point wasn't about your opinion on this issue, but on where you seem to get your news.

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So this has occurred to you 4 times in the past 20 years.


There are tens of millions of pro-lifers, and you're going to have a handful of wack-jobs. I wish it weren't so.


You're going to have some husbands kill their wives. We're talking about men who took vows to love and cherish and all that. Do you find that ironic too? I mean, hundreds if not thousands of husbands have killed their wives in the past 20 years, so surely you've taken note.


You are missing the point. There are a ton of whack jobs in both camps on abortion. Nobody is denying it. It's ironic because religious people are supposed to be more in tune to the world, on the path that god gave them, going to heaven, etc... They are coming off as being better than someone who doesn't go to church or they need to save them from damination. Granted not everyone who goes to church is like that but that is what the church teaches right? I thought the church was supposed to be teaching tolerance, forgiveness of sins, etc... But yet that isn't exactly happening. IfThey instead tell you that your views are wrong and sooner or later their teachings cause someone to murder, firebomb a building innocent people in the eyes of the LAW. It's sad how some people get so wrapped up in religion that common sense goes out the window.


This case will go to trial and i am sure the defense will be insanity. The guy will probably say that God spoke to him and told him to do this, blah blah blah. He will be labeled a nut job due to his religious beliefs. That is very ironic if you ask me.

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I know other sites had similar news. It would have been nice to get the NBC report from an NBC-related site, for example. My point wasn't about your opinion on this issue, but on where you seem to get your news.


OH, so now you say that other sites had this news. Though you decided to throw a shot anyway, not knowing my position on this. Yet it back fires right in your PB face. Putz. If you didnt like the links go find new ones yourself, dipshit. For the most part it, it all says the same thing.


You pickin another fight PB? Or will you cry to Lori again? <_<

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OH, so now you say that other sites had this news. Though you decided to throw a shot anyway, not knowing my position on this. Yet it back fires right in your PB face. Putz. If you didnt like the links go find new ones yourself, dipshit. For the most part it, it all says the same thing.


You pickin another fight PB? Or will you cry to Lori again? <_<



WTF are you talking about? I never said anything about your position. You love making up the motivations of others. You aren't smart enough to do that, and be successful at a high rate.


BTW, I have never complained to Lori...another swing and a miss on your part. I'm sure she will confirm that, if pushed.

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WTF are you talking about? I never said anything about your position. You love making up the motivations of others. You aren't smart enough to do that, and be successful at a high rate.


BTW, I have never complained to Lori...another swing and a miss on your part. I'm sure she will confirm that, if pushed.



I wont waste anymore time with you, please avoid my posts, for your sake. Nor will I go back and rip apart you assumptions, as you constantly show your liberal colors, with no idea how to rationally think through issues. Though it is quite entertaining to see your diarrhea mouth splattering from anything from paper towels to prehistoric animals. You're a piece of work, PB ( Poodle Boy).


Oh, on the Lori, thingy? You Lie. Regardless of what she or you may post.



Please take the last retort, dipshit. I'm done. <_<

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I wont waste anymore time with you, please avoid my posts, for your sake. Nor will I go back and rip apart you assumptions, as you constantly show your liberal colors, with no idea how to rationally think through issues. Though it is quite entertaining to see your diarrhea mouth splattering from anything from paper towels to prehistoric animals. You're a piece of work, PB ( Poodle Boy).


Oh, on the Lori, thingy? You Lie. Regardless of what she or you may post.



Please take the last retort, dipshit. I'm done. <_<



Once again, your stupidity rules the day. Nearly every one of your posts is chalk full of misconceptions and lies.


Why would I ever go to Lori, when I destroy you every time we clash?


Now, go to sleep, old man. It's past your bedtime.

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well, im not going to start arguing the difference between pointing out that O'Reily is a douchebag, and him rallying the religious extremists in this country with his hot-button terms and playing to their fears/beliefs. i dont really give a sh-- about salon.com.


but what i do find interesting is the "extremists on both sides" mentioned in this thread.


we know what the religious extremists do. kill, bomb, kidnap, arson, etc.


but what do these so-called extremists on the other side do exactly? ive never heard of a pro-choice extremist. do they go around forcing pregnant mothers to have unwanted abortions? do they try to talk innocent girls into killing their babies? i dont think so, or at least ive never heard of that.


so, short of simply wanting everyone to be able to choose what happens to their own body themselves, and also have such a complicated and dangerous procedure regulated and documented by the government (accountability), id appreciate it if anyone could help describe what else an "extremist on the other side" is all about. ive never heard of a pro-choice person fire-bombing a church. maybe im overlooking it though.


and tom, im not trying to be a wise-ass to you at all. so please dont take it as such. im genuinely curious.


I haven't heard of any bombings of anti-abortion associations or assassinations of anti-abortion leaders either.



Wow, what a journalist this Gabriel Winant is. He uses this murder of a doctor as an excuse to bash Bill O'Reilly. Because that's what journalism is all about.


It's just a stupid article because there are so many other things to bash O'Reilly about. <_<



Actually as a Catholic I'm against abortion in ALL cases, including rape and the health of the mother. You gotta go to hell if you make that choice. However it is still the woman's choice. I just don't think the government has any involvement in the choice that the woman makes. So...I'm anti-abortion (in the go to hell do not pass go sense.) and pro life (in keep the government out of my uterus sense).


So I'm assuming from that stance you believe:


Any rape victim who gets an early term abortion is going to hell? Even 13 year old girls? Even incest victims?


A woman with three children should let herself die instead of aborting her fourth child?


I have a friend who is a rape victim and she seethes anytime somebody tells her she should have had the baby. Of course the anti-abortionists wont do it to her face because if they sat and listened to her story they wouldn't be able to fault her morally without looking like a complete immoral ass.


I also have worked in an ED at a hospital. Unfortunately I overheard nurses talking about the things women were subjected to. Everyday I had to go through a list of cases that had been brought in the night before (yes it was related to the pharmacy job) and there was always at least two sexual assaults on the docket. At least twice a week, in addition to those, there were about two child sexual assaults. Rape is the most under reported crime in America. I find your ideals on God's opinions to be very odd. JMO


I'm glad you're pro-choice but those ideals seems very easy to state if you've never suffered such a thing. JMO



It's not suprising this happened. Church going, religious folk are responsible for some of the worst crimes against humanity in the history of planet earth. Things done in the name of "God".



I'm not Captain Christianity by any stretch of the imagination, but that's a gross generalization.


Not if you look at world history. Most of the wars in history were based on religious differences.



It's a valid point, but it's independent of the question of whether or not abortion is moral or immoral.


I'm sure there were tens of thousands of Northerners who were opposed to slavery, but could care less about giving assistance to freed slaves.


We should all be the best we can be, agreed.


? The point is that why do anti-abortionist care more about less cells in your fingernail than about living "out of luck" kids? If 20% of the anti-abortionists adopted a kid from an orphanage they would probably empty them. If another 20% adopted a black baby then those children wouldn't have to go overseas.


The anti-slavery argument isn't a good analogy for this. In order to free a slave they would have to go to the south with an army. Adopting a child doesn't require any killing and in fact enhances lives.

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You are missing the point. There are a ton of whack jobs in both camps on abortion. Nobody is denying it. It's ironic because religious people are supposed to be more in tune to the world, on the path that god gave them, going to heaven, etc... They are coming off as being better than someone who doesn't go to church or they need to save them from damination. Granted not everyone who goes to church is like that but that is what the church teaches right? I thought the church was supposed to be teaching tolerance, forgiveness of sins, etc... But yet that isn't exactly happening. IfThey instead tell you that your views are wrong and sooner or later their teachings cause someone to murder, firebomb a building innocent people in the eyes of the LAW. It's sad how some people get so wrapped up in religion that common sense goes out the window.


This case will go to trial and i am sure the defense will be insanity. The guy will probably say that God spoke to him and told him to do this, blah blah blah. He will be labeled a nut job due to his religious beliefs. That is very ironic if you ask me.

"Granted not everyone who goes to church is like that"


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The question I'd have for you is when are human rights bestowed on a human? The government should protect basic human rights. So, I'll guess that you do not believe humans have life until they exit the womb, or until the umbilical cord is clipped.


If I believed this, I would be of your mindset. Except I don't, so I'm not. But not a bad position IMO.

The most sacred human right is the right of personal autonomy, and the right to control one's body is paramount. Suppose you woke up hooked to a person in a hospital with fluids going from you to him. A doctor comes in and says if we disconnect you this person will die. This will last for nine months. Do you have a right to say "no I refuse to have this person here for nine months and to have my life so restricted" I think you do, although it would be a very nice thing for you to stay hooked up. I think that is where the state has its limits. Now Blackmuns "trimester" argument in Roe v. Wade does go a long way to give the state legitimate interests in certain stages of pregnancy.


Is the choice of an abortion a bad one? Yes, in my opinion. However I think the person carrying the fetus has the right to make the choice.

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The most sacred human right is the right of personal autonomy, and the right to control one's body is paramount. Suppose you woke up hooked to a person in a hospital with fluids going from you to him. A doctor comes in and says if we disconnect you this person will die. This will last for nine months. Do you have a right to say "no I refuse to have this person here for nine months and to have my life so restricted" I think you do, although it would be a very nice thing for you to stay hooked up. I think that is where the state has its limits. Now Blackmuns "trimester" argument in Roe v. Wade does go a long way to give the state legitimate interests in certain stages of pregnancy.


Is the choice of an abortion a bad one? Yes, in my opinion. However I think the person carrying the fetus has the right to make the choice.

Do you believe that a woman should have the right to an abortion at any stage of the pregnancy?

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