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Is Vick really THAT bad?

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One of you dog loving Vick-haters out there please explain to me why Mike Vick deserves your ire, considering the following truths:


1. Dogs are not people. Dogs do not have rights. Dogs are not citizens. They are in fact dogs.

2. Dogs fight all by themselves. They don't need Mike Vick for that. They will rip each other to shreds for no reason other than another dog was around. I think it is in bad taste that people would derive entertainment from that, but it is perfectly natural behavior for an animal.

3. Violence exists. To pretend otherwise is ignorant and irresponsible.

4. Dogs maim and kill my cats on a regular basis. They don't do it for food or for any other justifiable reason. They do it because they enjoy it. But nobody is suggesting locking up every stray dog that runs the street.

5. We are ready to crucify a thinking, feeling human being for inflicting suffering (albeit entirely indirectly) on an animal that will maim and kill other animals just for.....SPORT.



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Did you feel that this deserved a new thread because the topic wasn't being discussed,


or did you feel your ideas were so truly unique and original, that even though it could fit in another thread, you wanted the attention of a new one altogether?


Either way, boooo to you.

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Did you feel that this deserved a new thread because the topic wasn't being discussed,


or did you feel your ideas were so truly unique and original, that even though it could fit in another thread, you wanted the attention of a new one altogether?


Either way, boooo to you.


It got a new thread merely because I was tired of scrolling through page after page of previous posts looking for responses to my most recent comments.


It got a new thread because I have the power to start new threads.


It got a new thread because of how much joy I derive from how badly it irks you.


It got a new thread because I honestly felt like the issue wasn't getting enough coverage.


In fact, does it really matter why it got a new thread? Take your pick of reasons, I have more.

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Ummm, actually society does lock up every stray dog that they find running on the streets....


Nice that you can speak for all of society that way. Unfortunately, you can just make up your own reality and start telling everyone that it is the unequivocal truth. If I lost you there, let me summarize: stray dogs, despite the ever vigilant and valiant attempts of dog catchers and animal control officers throughout the nation, still run the streets in droves.

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Nice that you can speak for all of society that way. Unfortunately, you can just make up your own reality and start telling everyone that it is the unequivocal truth. If I lost you there, let me summarize: stray dogs, despite the ever vigilant and valiant attempts of dog catchers and animal control officers throughout the nation, still run the streets in droves.


You said: "But nobody is suggesting locking up every stray dog that runs the street."


The laws in our country say that stray dogs are locked up.




(and yes, I realize I'm feeding a stupid troll)

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One of you dog loving Vick-haters out there please explain to me why Mike Vick deserves your ire, considering the following truths:



5. We are ready to crucify a thinking, feeling human being for inflicting suffering (albeit entirely indirectly) on an animal .



1-4 are just stupid ("dogs are dogs" and the like).


5 needs clarification before it is deemed also stupid. Is drowning, electrocuting and crushing the head of a dog the "entirely indirect" infliction of suffering? What would you consider "direct" infliction of suffering?

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One of you dog loving Vick-haters out there please explain to me why Mike Vick deserves your ire, considering the following truths:


1. Dogs are not people. Dogs do not have rights. Dogs are not citizens. They are in fact dogs.

2. Dogs fight all by themselves. They don't need Mike Vick for that. They will rip each other to shreds for no reason other than another dog was around. I think it is in bad taste that people would derive entertainment from that, but it is perfectly natural behavior for an animal.

3. Violence exists. To pretend otherwise is ignorant and irresponsible.

4. Dogs maim and kill my cats on a regular basis. They don't do it for food or for any other justifiable reason. They do it because they enjoy it. But nobody is suggesting locking up every stray dog that runs the street.

5. We are ready to crucify a thinking, feeling human being for inflicting suffering (albeit entirely indirectly) on an animal that will maim and kill other animals just for.....SPORT.



i find it remarkable of how you immediately attempt to put the people you ask to respond to this on the defensive by suggesting the responder is some dog-loving Vick-hater and you, for some reason, stand on firm moral ground.

either way, your ham-handed approach is either naive, or a clear sign that you're simply attempting to pick a fight on this issue.

as for the so-called points you present, you seem to have a fascination with blood sport that might need professional attention. at the very least, you have trouble differentiating with people and animals. first you suggest that dogs are not people. and then you attempt to provide a human trait upon dogs by suggesting that "they don't do it for food or for any other justifiable reason."

dogs do not differentiate between what's justifiable or not. that's a human trait, which suggests that you've just defeated whatever ill-conceived point you were attempting to make.





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One of you dog loving Vick-haters out there please explain to me why Mike Vick deserves your ire, considering the following truths:


1. Dogs are not people. Dogs do not have rights. Dogs are not citizens. They are in fact dogs.


Dogs don't have rights but there are laws against cruelty to animals, because we recognize that causing needless suffering in animals is wrong. Next.


2. Dogs fight all by themselves. They don't need Mike Vick for that. They will rip each other to shreds for no reason other than another dog was around. I think it is in bad taste that people would derive entertainment from that, but it is perfectly natural behavior for an animal.


Some dogs fight. OTher dogs are bred to fight and are taught to be violent. In comes Mike Vick. IF he'd just had 4 dogs that occasionally fought in the back yard while he was tossing the firsbee around with friends, he wouldn't be in trouble. Vick bred and trained dogs in a way that was both cruel in the rearing of the dogs and in the later fighting and punishment of the dogs. That is wrong. Next.


3. Violence exists. To pretend otherwise is ignorant and irresponsible.


Irrelevant. No one suggested otherwise. Next.


4. Dogs maim and kill my cats on a regular basis. They don't do it for food or for any other justifiable reason. They do it because they enjoy it. But nobody is suggesting locking up every stray dog that runs the street.


A good cat is a dead cat. Next.


5. We are ready to crucify a thinking, feeling human being for inflicting suffering (albeit entirely indirectly) on an animal that will maim and kill other animals just for.....SPORT.


Responding back to #4, dogs that just run around do get locked up you ninny. Not that it's relevant to Mike Vick.


To #5, no one has crucified Vick. He broke the law. He acted despicably. He will never live the life he once had in the palm of his hands, nor should he.


If he'd done what he did to people, he'd get the chair. Instead, he did 3 years and gets a life of public scorn. That's the difference between how we punish dog vs. human crimes. Is that hard to comprehend?

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Wow is that how they think down south? Dude he TORTURED dogs. He didn't just kill them he TORTURED them. They are man's best friend. They are mostly loving, loyal creatures. If you come back as a dog you might end up at Michael Vick's dog farm.

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South Georgia Bills Fan....the name says it all. he's from Vick country. The same place where the kind of backwoods crap that is dog fighting occurs. Probably has a brother-uncle too. Probably the worst post in the past two weeks.

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One of you dog loving Vick-haters out there please explain to me why Mike Vick deserves your ire, considering the following truths:


1. Dogs are not people. Dogs do not have rights. Dogs are not citizens. They are in fact dogs.

2. Dogs fight all by themselves. They don't need Mike Vick for that. They will rip each other to shreds for no reason other than another dog was around. I think it is in bad taste that people would derive entertainment from that, but it is perfectly natural behavior for an animal.

3. Violence exists. To pretend otherwise is ignorant and irresponsible.

4. Dogs maim and kill my cats on a regular basis. They don't do it for food or for any other justifiable reason. They do it because they enjoy it. But nobody is suggesting locking up every stray dog that runs the street.

5. We are ready to crucify a thinking, feeling human being for inflicting suffering (albeit entirely indirectly) on an animal that will maim and kill other animals just for.....SPORT.




Ok i dont agree with most of this stuff about dogs and Dogs shouldn't be treated like this, but come on throwing someone in JAIL for 2 years for fighting them is insane. They totally blew this whole situation outta proportion!!!!!!!!!!!!

LET VICK PLAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Ok i dont agree with most of this stuff about dogs and Dogs shouldn't be treated like this, but come on throwing someone in JAIL for 2 years for fighting them is insane. They totally blew this whole situation outta proportion!!!!!!!!!!!!

LET VICK PLAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


He will need the best PR person on the planet to mount a comeback. No team will touch him until the public shows any softening. He shouldn't play again and I don't think he will.


He did more than fight dogs--see some of the details from the indictment below.


Eight of the animals didn't make the cut, and were executed by Vick and two co-defendants by "hanging, drowning and slamming at least one dog's body to the ground," authorities allege.


The indictment states that Vick, two of his co-defendants and two others continued this year the operation at Vick's property. Authorities searching the property found a "rape stand," a device used to hold an aggressive female dog for breeding, a "break stick" used to pry open fighting dogs' mouth and a treadmill to condition dogs

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One of you dog loving Vick-haters out there please explain to me why Mike Vick deserves your ire, considering the following truths:


1. Dogs are not people. Dogs do not have rights. Dogs are not citizens. They are in fact dogs.

2. Dogs fight all by themselves. They don't need Mike Vick for that. They will rip each other to shreds for no reason other than another dog was around. I think it is in bad taste that people would derive entertainment from that, but it is perfectly natural behavior for an animal.

3. Violence exists. To pretend otherwise is ignorant and irresponsible.

4. Dogs maim and kill my cats on a regular basis. They don't do it for food or for any other justifiable reason. They do it because they enjoy it. But nobody is suggesting locking up every stray dog that runs the street.

5. We are ready to crucify a thinking, feeling human being for inflicting suffering (albeit entirely indirectly) on an animal that will maim and kill other animals just for.....SPORT.




You're garbage.

You obviously condone violence. Did you get beat up a lot growing up? Holy mommy and daddy issues!

You need to stop and re-think your entire existence. That's the most irresponsible, idiotic post I've ever read on The Stadium Wall.

Now i know why I don't travel south of Tennessee....

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What the hey.. I'm bored.


One of you dog loving Vick-haters out there please explain to me why Mike Vick deserves your ire, considering the following truths:


1. Dogs are not people. Dogs do not have rights. Dogs are not citizens. They are in fact dogs.

Actually, I think dogs and most animals do have rights. Hence, you cannot just kill and maim them at will. Ever hear of the Animal Welfare Act? I reckon not.


2. Dogs fight all by themselves. They don't need Mike Vick for that. They will rip each other to shreds for no reason other than another dog was around. I think it is in bad taste that people would derive entertainment from that, but it is perfectly natural behavior for an animal.

Few animals will fight to the death like Vick and company were forcing these dogs. This argument is completely baseless. Dogs are trained to fight like this, by their nature, yes, they will fight. But, rarely do those fights result in death.


3. Violence exists. To pretend otherwise is ignorant and irresponsible.

So by your reasoning, all murderers and rapists are ok? Afterall, violence exists. Why should we punish anyone for bing violent?


4. Dogs maim and kill my cats on a regular basis. They don't do it for food or for any other justifiable reason. They do it because they enjoy it. But nobody is suggesting locking up every stray dog that runs the street.

As Fez pointed out, there are laws preventing strays in almost every City/town in this country. I'm sure that if you reported a stray, the pound or Humane Society would be by to try and pick it up. I'm also pretty sure that if you had credible proof that a dog, stray or not, was killing your cats, that animal would be picked up and put to sleep.


5. We are ready to crucify a thinking, feeling human being for inflicting suffering (albeit entirely indirectly) on an animal that will maim and kill other animals just for.....SPORT.

I'm certain there are quite a few people that would argue that a Vick was a thinking, feeling human while torturing his dogs. Yes, he did it for sport. And, that, is illegal in this country. Not to mention, so is the gambling and racketeering that was associated with the sport.


So, regardless of any of your arguments , the bottomline is he was engaged in illegal activities, was caught, and was sentenced. If you really don't like that, why not petition to change the laws. The fact that he took it a step further and tortured the animals just makes it that much more deplorable.

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Mike Vick went to prison because he was stupid enough to finance (and basically own) a company whose sole source of income was through illegal means.


killing dogs may not nessasaraly be illegal, however torturing a dog IS illegal. Training a dog to fight and locking them into a confined space with another dog trained to fight, and then watching them injure and kill eachother is generally consitered a form of torture.


This story is big for the following reasons:

- Vick was a face of the NFL and known world wide.

- Vick personally killed/tortured animals. He wasnt just sending checks to people, he was participating in the torture and deaths of animals.

- Many people find abusing animals (dogs in particular) to be worse than abusing people. for example, several NFL players have been acused of domestic violence with little mention of it on ESPN.

- Vick was/is rich. People LOVE to see rich people lose their money.


So what he did was bad, and made "THAT bad" by his fame and peoples love for dogs.


There is to much anger agenst him to make him your #1 QB and put his face on a billboard with your teams logo on it. Hes a QB, not a WR or RB. All other positions have backups who participate on the field for atleast a few plays a game. Noone would sign him as a back up and take the heat for a guy who would realistically get no time on the field. So I dont see him playing in the NFL until the public opinion of him changes somehow.

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One of you dog loving Vick-haters out there please explain to me why Mike Vick deserves your ire,...


As I've said to all dog lovers and dog haters on all of these Vick threads, our ire is well deserved because running a dog fighting ring on your private property is illegal. He was tried, convicted, and is now just finishing up his prison sentence. Thus, Vick is now a convicted felon. I believe in our justice system, and when his sentence is over, and he's "paid his debt to society," of course he deserves a chance to earn a living. But not in the National Football League. For any team. Ever again. Playing in the NFL is a privilege, not a right.


Just my opinion. Although I do love dogs, and most pets. I'm leaving emotion out of this. If an NFL player serves time in the big house, that is an automatic life time ban from the NFL. Period. If Goddell lets Vick back in he's crazy.

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