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It's part and parcel of a society that demands nothing less than instant gratification.  For example WHY is it so important to have election results the same day?  Certainly in 1800 it took more than a day to obtain, tally and report the results. 


I wonder why we don't just hold our elections over a two-day period, like a Friday-Saturday or Sunday-Monday, to keep the lines down and allow more time to count the provisional / absentee ballots as well.  As near I can recall in 2000 people freaked out until 12/13 because of fear of the unknown.  Well it's not unknown any more, we survived then and we could do it again.  It seems like if it took a couple of days to get it right it would be worth it.



I concur with all but the multi-day voting. We already run into situations where voting tails off as exit polling indicates one candidate or another is winning a state...imagine how much worse that would be over multiple days?


As for the rest...I commend Kerry on his concession, which as far as I can tell was strictly to restore the faith in the electoral process damaged in 2000. Very classy move. I also think it was far too early...the election should be over when the votes are counted (if only because anyone who pays lip service to "not disenfranchising voters" should recognize that eliminating the need to count the votes does exactly that.) Were I in Bush's shoes receiving that call, I'd be responding "Let's be patient and wait until all the votes are counted..."


Of course, that's just me...I have little confidence that either of these two would realistically put the good of the system above their candidacy.

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Why should there be "anger" with the result?  That sure speaks volumes about the quality of the people who were on the losing side.


As for voting machine errors, that sucks.  Let's figure out how to fix that.  But I'm sure this wasn't the only machine in the whole country that had an error or gave one guy or the other a few extra votes.  Just the one that the media jackoffs decided would stir up the most controversy.


Good thing Bush won by 130,000 in Ohio so that this particular issue is moot.



I direct anger more at the process than the result. Every vote should be counted as the voter intended- if the US is advanced as we tend to believe, it shouldn't be tough to develop a better system.


Although I had my vote taken away from me (which is total BS), my vote, and the others that were taken away would not have changed the outcome

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I direct anger more at the process than the result. Every vote should be counted as the voter intended- if the US is advanced as we tend to believe, it shouldn't be tough to develop a better system.


Although I had my vote taken away from me (which is total BS), my vote, and the others that were taken away would not have changed the outcome


Why was your vote taken away, and what part of the electoral system would you change, and how would you change it?

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Why was your vote taken away, and what part of the electoral system would you change, and how would you change it?



My absentee ballot from Florida was not sent- I called for it last Tuesday morning, and was told it would arrive by the weekend- on Monday, I was told it was never sent, and many ballots had been destroyed.


Have voters use their social security numbers to vote over the internet- each year, registered voters could set up a password to verify that nobody got their social security number to steal their vote- that way, no unregistered voters, no intimidation at athe polls, and no double votes. We could also see the real numbers updated live.

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My absentee ballot from Florida was not sent- I called for it last Tuesday morning, and was told it would arrive by the weekend- on Monday, I was told it was never sent, and many ballots had been destroyed.


Have voters use their social security numbers to vote over the internet- each year, registered voters could set up a password to verify that nobody got their social security number to steal their vote- that way, no unregistered voters, no intimidation at athe polls, and no double votes. We could also see the real numbers updated live.


That's a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG way off. Security is a HUGE issue that simply can't be overcome when the weakest link is the home PC.

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That's a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG way off.  Security is a HUGE issue that simply can't be overcome when the weakest link is the home PC.



How many elections have been altered under the systems they have used today and in the past....I just heard about dead people voting in one election!

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My absentee ballot from Florida was not sent- I called for it last Tuesday morning, and was told it would arrive by the weekend- on Monday, I was told it was never sent, and many ballots had been destroyed.


Have voters use their social security numbers to vote over the internet- each year, registered voters could set up a password to verify that nobody got their social security number to steal their vote- that way, no unregistered voters, no intimidation at athe polls, and no double votes. We could also see the real numbers updated live.


Sorry to hear about your absentee ballot never showing up, that sucks.


I know the paperless machines down there received a fair amount of scrutiny. But I don't know if voting by the web is the answer, for the same reasons the Diebold machines were scrutinized.


I do think that the elections should be somewhat standardized. It doesn't have to be operated at the federal level (that'd be unConstitutional), but they should establish a uniform ballot and voting methodology to be used across all the states and territories.

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Sorry to hear about your absentee ballot never showing up, that sucks.


I know the paperless machines down there received a fair amount of scrutiny.  But I don't know if voting by the web is the answer, for the same reasons the Diebold machines were scrutinized.


I do think that the elections should be somewhat standardized.  It doesn't have to be operated at the federal level (that'd be unConstitutional), but they can establish a uniform ballot and voting method to be used across all the states and territories.



I was angry about not getting the ballot, and furious about it not being sent. Astronauts are voting from space this year- are I being told that they're voice is more important than mine? That bothers me more than anything.

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I was angry about not getting the ballot, and furious about it not being sent. Astronauts are voting from space this year- are I being told that they're voice is more important than mine? That bothers me more than anything.


Astronauts are treated better because they're better people. Just like athletes. :P

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