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Another tax cheat.

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Really. Exactly how much time did people spend (on both sides of the aisle) giving McCain shiiitt after Troopergate?


Answer: a lot.

The glaring difference being that every one of Obama's nominees has admitted they made the errors, apologized for the errors, corrected the errors, and also willfully withdrew. In no way can anyone say that Palin has shown any remorse or regret, has never apologized for any of the countless real scandals (and outright lies) she has been the center of, and has in fact blamed everyone (including McCain's people) for getting panned.

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The glaring difference being that every one of Obama's nominees has admitted they made the errors, apologized for the errors, corrected the errors, and also willfully withdrew. In no way can anyone say that Palin has shown any remorse or regret, has never apologized for any of the countless real scandals (and outright lies) she has been the center of, and has in fact blamed everyone (including McCain's people) for getting panned.


The old Steve Martin bit abiut how to rob a bank:

1. Rob a bank

2. When the police catch you, say "I forgot robbing a bank was against the law."

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Agreed. I always thought people getting worked up over FICA taxes on the nanny was pretty stupid.


Of course if you are intentionally hiding hundreds of thousands in income from the IRS like Rangle or attempting to defraud the IRS out of more money than most Americans make in 3 years, like Daschle, you belong behind bars.


A tax bill of $130,000 means unreported income of what, $600,000?? 700,000??



I totally agree.

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