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To be fair to Trent


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I see many flaws in Trents game..I would rather him be less injury prone..I would like him to be confident enough in his game and position so that when a play doesnt come in on time he can take charge and run something succesful, an example wouldve been during the 2 minute drill at the end of the half with all the confusion he shouldve stepped up and called a play instead of letting the clock run out..He has to learn to throw the ball and take chances at key points in the game and let his players make plays..Look what Delhomme did with Steve Smith in double coverage at the end of the game..He gave his receiver a chance to make a play he made it they won..Those are some major flaws he has to overcome..If he does great if not bring on the next one..


With that said I am so glad I never have to watch a BUffalo Bills offense run by JP again.. B-)


Agreed the injury factor, leadership skills scares me--but with experience, better coaching and better schemes, he should improve. Let's not forget Delhomme was a back-up for years before he became a solid starter.


And let me just stop some posters that will say, "well, Jp could get better with better players and coaches" ...uhh...no, he can't. He's just too dumb. Great arm, little else.

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Agreed the injury factor, leadership skills scares me--but with experience, better coaching and better schemes, he should improve. Let's not forget Delhomme was a back-up for years before he became a solid starter.


And let me just stop some posters that will say, "well, Jp could get better with better players and coaches" ...uhh...no, he can't. He's just too dumb. Great arm, little else.

Your screen name sucks.

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How could any quarterback not struggle in 70 mph winds?


Our team, no matter who is at qb, is not built to play outdoors in cold weather. I have read your posts, and I am sure that you understand this.

When we had the wind yesterday, NE had the ball for much of the time. Why? Because they were grinding out yardage against our small, weak defensive line. Our large, weak offensive line seems to do better at pass protection than at run blocking, and these games are won and lost up front. How much help was our stable of first round dbs? NE was also missing key starters, but the held the ball for 32 minutes to our 28. They are built for the elements, and they are well coached.


Now, did Trent have a great game? No. Did he make stupid mistakes? No. Dick Jauron and Marv Levy (in a symbolic way) lost this game for us, not Trent.


I hear what you say Bill and agree with you in the above paragraphs. But two rookie QBs are outplaying our "diamond in the rough" 2nd year 3rd round find. You can blame coaching/GMing all you want and in most cases I'd probably agree.


However, Trent was sacked/stripped/fumbled on an identical looking play that we crucified JP for two weeks ago. I'm not saying JP is a better QB by any stretch of the imagination - but at some point the QB HAS to make the play. At no time during the game yesterday or in any games this year except maybe against a very weak KC team - did I "feel" that Trent was gonna put the game on his shoulders and will the team to a win.


That has been my biggest gripe with the QBs we've taken in the draft - I wonder what kind of passion/will/drive the FO is seeing in guys we want to be our on field leaders when we draft them. Hell - Jon Kitna - for all his lack of ability has that fire.


A 5 minute post game press conference and the guy's on field demeanor is all I need to figure it out. I heard Parcells say once that the most important phase of the draft evaluation process is the passion of the player he interviews. If football isn't life or death to him or at least in the top 3 after God & Family, Parcells would have a problem with him.


I'm also involved in the music business - these days there are radio consultants who market test a single prior to sending it on to radio. Here's the kicker - they approve of records that don't get too high or too low consumer grades. They feel that it polarizes the customer base and they turn the channel. Thereby not keeping the consumer on said channel to "listen to advertisements for tires."


I sometimes feel like the football by committee approach espoused by the Bills (ie. consensus) is just like the above scenario. FO personnel have got to be willing to lay their b8lls on the line and say, "This guy is gonna win for us. We're taking him - end of discussion."


Trent could potentially be the heir apparent to Kelly/Flutie. But I'm just as concerned that he will be the next QB flop. Nothing in his demeanor says - "I will not allow myself to fail" Maybe that will change. But perhaps someone should tell me how long I should wait to find out. Better yet - how will I know? B-)



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"However, Trent was sacked/stripped/fumbled on an identical looking play that we crucified JP for two weeks"


As the Geico caveman would say, "ummm...what?"


The fumble/strip on Trent took all of two seconds--it was a complete whiff by DD and Trent never had a chance.


JP dropped back, rolled out and then once the DB had his hand around his shoulder he decided to try and get rid of the ball instead of protecting it.


Do people actually watch the plays?

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How could any quarterback not struggle in 70 mph winds?


Our team, no matter who is at qb, is not built to play outdoors in cold weather. I have read your posts, and I am sure that you understand this.

When we had the wind yesterday, NE had the ball for much of the time. Why? Because they were grinding out yardage against our small, weak defensive line. Our large, weak offensive line seems to do better at pass protection than at run blocking, and these games are won and lost up front. How much help was our stable of first round dbs? NE was also missing key starters, but the held the ball for 32 minutes to our 28. They are built for the elements, and they are well coached.


Now, did Trent have a great game? No. Did he make stupid mistakes? No. Dick Jauron and Marv Levy (in a symbolic way) lost this game for us, not Trent.



Where was this post when JP was playing?


Everything was his fault then. Well him and the DBs....on that you are consistent.


Is it Trent's hair highlights that have you fooled? They are indeed spiffy.


When will you be able to admit that both of the QBs stink? JP is gone thank God. Trent should be too. He will be entering his 5th season in August and enough is enough.

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Where was this post when JP was playing?


Everything was his fault then. Well him and the DBs....on that you are consistent.


Is it Trent's hair highlights that have you fooled? They are indeed spiffy.


When will you be able to admit that both of the QBs stink? JP is gone thank God. Trent should be too. He will be entering his 5th season in August and enough is enough.


Your bias is affecting your perception of reality. Trent was drafted in 2007.


Unless next August is 2011, next year will not be Trent's fifth year.


Also- obviously you continue to show ignorance when the subject is football if you think in Trent's short tenure he hasn't earned another year with the team, idiot.

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Where was this post when JP was playing?


Everything was his fault then. Well him and the DBs....on that you are consistent.


Is it Trent's hair highlights that have you fooled? They are indeed spiffy.


When will you be able to admit that both of the QBs stink? JP is gone thank God. Trent should be too. He will be entering his 5th season in August and enough is enough.

Trent has started more than 20 games and still no Super Bowl trophies. Time to move the fug on already. B-)

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Your bias is affecting your perception of reality. Trent was drafted in 2007.


Unless next August is 2011, next year will not be Trent's fifth year.


Also- obviously you continue to show ignorance when the subject is football if you think in Trent's short tenure he hasn't earned another year with the team, idiot.

I said 5th season.

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However, Trent was sacked/stripped/fumbled on an identical looking play that we crucified JP for two weeks ago. I'm not saying JP is a better QB by any stretch of the imagination - but at some point the QB HAS to make the play. At no time during the game yesterday or in any games this year except maybe against a very weak KC team - did I "feel" that Trent was gonna put the game on his shoulders and will the team to a win.

I don't know what you're talking about. The plays weren't even remotely similar. The sack of Edwards occurred while he was in the pocket waiting for the receiver to get open. Almost immediately after he dropped back, Jarvis Green, who wasn't even blocked, was on him and Edwards didn't know it. A QB has to have faith that his $49 million offensive lineman can execute the most basic of blocks against a backup.


Losman knew Elam was after him, which is why he sped up on the rollout.

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I don't know what you're talking about. The plays weren't even remotely similar. The sack of Edwards occurred while he was in the pocket waiting for the receiver to get open. Almost immediately after he dropped back, Jarvis Green, who wasn't even blocked, was on him and Edwards didn't know it. A QB has to have faith that his $49 million offensive lineman can execute the most basic of blocks against a backup.


Losman knew Elam was after him, which is why he sped up on the rollout.


Can a QB have faith that his 2 time "pro-bowl" OL will block an oncoming blitzer as opposed to no one?

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I don't know what you're talking about. The plays weren't even remotely similar. The sack of Edwards occurred while he was in the pocket waiting for the receiver to get open. Almost immediately after he dropped back, Jarvis Green, who wasn't even blocked, was on him and Edwards didn't know it. A QB has to have faith that his $49 million offensive lineman can execute the most basic of blocks against a backup.


Losman knew Elam was after him, which is why he sped up on the rollout.

But he can't count on an All Pro LT to block a CB?


Bottom line is that play cost us the game, just like Losman's play cost us the Jets game. QBs cost us the games against:


Miami 1

Jets 1


San Fran

Jets 2

NE 2


That is 6 of the 9 losses. And I am being kind regarding Miami 2 and NE 1. 100% of our QBs suck and only 50% of them are gone.

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