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Yeah, true, but you know that the Bills can't sign him at any cost. They can't afford that guy. Plus, I like Stroud and Williams in the middle. I think that they are doing a good job. To me there defense is fine, and I wouldn't touch it. I think the offense is screwed up. Maybe take the money you would put on a Haynsworth and go after McNabb, or a center (What ever happened to Melvin Fowler anyway?).


Williams is a depth player at DT. He may be involved in 1-2 plays per game, but gets pushed around too easily. Stroud still has some tread left on the tires, but he's 30. The Bills still need to find another DT, but add that to DE, OLB, S, TE, C, OT, and QB depth. Once we get those problems resolved, we'll be fine.


Baltimore does that with Ngata.


If only we'd have had a chance to get the guy...a 3-4 NT with the mobility to play the 1 gap in a 4-3. Wait...

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OH geezus...Ralph has been spending left and right, get over he is cheap crap...such an ignorant statement.


He is cheap... If you'd actually look at the cap totals, you'd see that they are well under the cap... These are some of the most current totals I could find. Granted, Lee Evans extension came after the season started, but even with that added the Bills still have plenty of space...






But you sound like the type who just wants to be a contrarian and get people's blood up cause you're bored with your pitiful life... Bring it on...


I've read some of your posts, and you sir don't strike me as an intelligent fan...


If we dont get Haynesworth or Peppers you are going to say Ralph is cheap...truth is, we are NOT going to get these two players because of two reasons...


1. Peppers is almost a lock to resign with Carolina, and Haynesworth is also high probability to resign in Tenn


2. Other teams are going to back up a dump truck full of money to them, so even if we also do the same they are going to have to choose between where they want to play, NOT CHOOSE MONEY as everyone is going to be offering about the same amount of money.


Ralph is cheap...


And if you're trying to tell me that we would offer as much bonus money to Haynesworth or Peppers as certain other clubs, you haven't been paying attention to Buffalo's offseason signings... There's a surprise, judging from your mindless warble...


So, pay attention to your football team, becasue if you did you would know that there are FEW, yes FEW owners who have spent more money than Ralph the last couple of offseasons to bring in key players and retain players like Schobel and Evans. (Mitchell, Dockery, Walker, Schobel, Evans, Kelsay, Denney, Stroud, etc, etc.).


I have paid very close attention to this team for over 20 years... Sure, he spent SOME money on SOME players... SOME of which should not have gotten the contracts they got... Therefore the Bills have tied up what little money they spend, compared to other clubs, on SOME solid (not all-pro) talent, SOME mediocre talent, and SOME bad talent. Not the smartest investments for a team that spends less...


Everytime I see "Ralph is Cheap" comments from a poster it just tells me that all the posters other comments on any thread need to be taken with a grain of salt becasue they dont know football, arent old enough to know football beyond Madden Football on the Xbox, have a base knowledge of football from playing fantasy football, are a converted Raider Fan, don't really follow our team except during the season, of just like to whine about the en vogue thing to whine about. Maybe all of the above...


This part of the post shows how pathetic your assumptions are... Where's your evidence of my biography...?


You have no clue who I am... so don't assume. I've watched more NFL games and read more NFL articles than you could possibly know...


He aint Cheap, get over it...if you want to argue that he spent money unwisely, then fine, but you can not claim he didnt spend money. In fact, out all the big money he spent, he really only made two bad investments in Denney and Kelsay. The rest have worked out great as the O Line went from one of the worst in the league to pretty good, the DL went from one of the worst in the league to pretty good when healthy, Evans was key, Mitchell has been important, etc)


He didn't spend enough money... and what money he did spend, which all owners must do to a certain degree if they want to keep their fan base, was not wisely spent. So I'm actually making both arguments... He's cheap and he spent unwisely.


Yes, the O-Line went from bad to average... "Pretty good"..? I disagree... and to go from a bad O-Line to average with $74 million spent on two players is a bad investment. Why not take that $49 million you spent on a guard and get a Haynesworth instead? This is where he spent the most money recently of any of their acquisitions... but for a team that is more fiscally conservative, each investment needs to be worth it. Otherwise, you are throwing away what little you spend...


The D-Line...? "Pretty good"???? Are you kidding...? 22 sacks to date..? With Denney leading the team with 4 sacks? I understand Schobel has been injured for some time this year, but many teams have won the Super Bowl with many injuries... Its not an excuse.


I was all for re-signing Evans... for what money Wilson did shell out... but what do you mean "Evans was key"..? From a production standpoint, no he hasn't been... 3 tds and 900 yards? 2 bad investments..? More like some bad investments and some mediocre investments... with less spent than the Snyders and Jones of the league... I haven't seen any of the signings as great investments to this point.

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Yeah, true, but you know that the Bills can't sign him at any cost. They can't afford that guy. Plus, I like Stroud and Williams in the middle. I think that they are doing a good job. To me there defense is fine, and I wouldn't touch it. I think the offense is screwed up. Maybe take the money you would put on a Haynsworth and go after McNabb, or a center (What ever happened to Melvin Fowler anyway?).

You wouldn't like us to have a passrush??...???...????...????

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You wouldn't like us to have a passrush??...???...????...????


I always hear the expression "boring offense" when talking to fans about teams that generally suck. The Bills imho have a very boring defense. They don't give up a lot of points. They also don't do well anything. It's kinda like watching someone kick a rock around for awhile. Eventually they're either gonna get bored, or kick the rock too far and give up. The Bills doesn't rush the passer. They give up too many long time consuming drives. They don't force turnovers, and 3 and outs in crucial moments are pretty rare. They're not fast or particularly athletic in any one area. It's like watching a rock. Occasionaly the rock may stub your toe, and you'll trip up, but most of the time the failure of the rock goes unnoticed in the bigger picture. Anyone who thinks we can win in the postseason with this defense the way it is, they are just fooling themselves.

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I'd haynesworth, peppers seems to disappear for entire seasons, he was garbage in phillly


what do we do with Mcargo? gone? and Anthony Hargrove? will he be back.


wow...what can I say.....first of all we all know McCargo is gone next season...Bills tried trading him to Colts but he was shipped back..now he doesnt even suite up..McCargo is on IR....Hargrove..Hargrove?...do you even know who is on this team?..we have 4 DT's: Stroud, Williams, Johnson and Mace...I think Hargrove has been gone for 2 years now....

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Ralph is cheap...


And if you're trying to tell me that we would offer as much bonus money to Haynesworth or Peppers as certain other clubs, you haven't been paying attention to Buffalo's offseason signings... There's a surprise, judging from your mindless warble...




I have paid very close attention to this team for over 20 years... Sure, he spent SOME money on SOME players... SOME of which should not have gotten the contracts they got... Therefore the Bills have tied up what little money they spend, compared to other clubs, on SOME solid (not all-pro) talent, SOME mediocre talent, and SOME bad talent. Not the smartest investments for a team that spends less...




This part of the post shows how pathetic your assumptions are... Where's your evidence of my biography...?


You have no clue who I am... so don't assume. I've watched more NFL games and read more NFL articles than you could possibly know...




He didn't spend enough money... and what money he did spend, which all owners must do to a certain degree if they want to keep their fan base, was not wisely spent. So I'm actually making both arguments... He's cheap and he spent unwisely.


Yes, the O-Line went from bad to average... "Pretty good"..? I disagree... and to go from a bad O-Line to average with $74 million spent on two players is a bad investment. Why not take that $49 million you spent on a guard and get a Haynesworth instead? This is where he spent the most money recently of any of their acquisitions... but for a team that is more fiscally conservative, each investment needs to be worth it. Otherwise, you are throwing away what little you spend...


The D-Line...? "Pretty good"???? Are you kidding...? 22 sacks to date..? With Denney leading the team with 4 sacks? I understand Schobel has been injured for some time this year, but many teams have won the Super Bowl with many injuries... Its not an excuse.


I was all for re-signing Evans... for what money Wilson did shell out... but what do you mean "Evans was key"..? From a production standpoint, no he hasn't been... 3 tds and 900 yards? 2 bad investments..? More like some bad investments and some mediocre investments... with less spent than the Snyders and Jones of the league... I haven't seen any of the signings as great investments to this point.


One...I am not going to get into who has read more, followed more or knows football more as its a useless argument. I can assure you though I know my fair share about football from both following it year round for 20 years myself and playing the game at a high level on a top 10 ranked school for four years through college.


Two...if you truly knew football, you would know that cap space doesnt illustrate a owners level of cheapness. Unlike Madden Football on your Xbox, the REAL NFL has to manage cap space, factor in the size of the market, and most importantly not just SPEND THE CAP SPACE because you have it. That is how you end up in salary cap hell...so the fact that our team has managed to sign some big players, keep players like Evans, bring in players like Stroud and STILL manage to give us manueverablility with cap is not a frugal move, its a smart move. We have a shot of players like Peppers and Haynesworth (although from what I hear they most likely dont change teams, and I have some reliable sources) because we have managed the cap well while STILL SPENDING MONEY!


Three...EVANS WAS KEY...its not his fault TE cant throw the ball passed the 5 yard line, or JP cant get him the ball either. QB play is everything to a WR, and even when Evans is open the ball is not being thrown to him. There is no effort to get him the ball. So you can fault Evans for that if you want, but the QB play is the main reason for his production you refernece in your post.


Four...The O-line is vastly improved from what it was...didnt say it was the quality of the Giants or something, just it was just that bad before the additions.


Five...The D Line is also vastly improved from WHAT IT WAS...not saying its as good as TENN, just was THAT BAD before the upgrades.

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