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Hank Baskettttt #1 receiver in NFL


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Somewhere along the way, Hugh Hefner went from being someone I envied, to someone that just kind of creeps me out...I think it happened about 20 years ago...

Yeah....i agree...he went from the debonnaire older guy who has it all.....to kind of a creepy sad skeleton

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Poor Hef. Sounds like this is all he has to keep him happy now.

for once, I don't envy Hefner. For playboy, those girls are 5's or 6's, which still translates to about an 8.5 for the average guy. That said, I can say with confidence the last few girls I have dated were on par or better looking them two.

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for once, I don't envy Hefner. For playboy, those girls are 5's or 6's, which still translates to about an 8.5 for the average guy. That said, I can say with confidence the last few girls I have dated were on par or better looking them two.


pictures please, i am quite skeptical about this claim

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