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Texans Score TD


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That play was called 400 series 18 stretch naked throwback keeper down on one. Im kidding I didnt see it. But how many people here really know enough football terminology for any of us to needle each other over it?

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QB Draw. Learn the game, dumbass.

:wallbash: What's a matter you? Somebody tell you they can roll 3.5 on a die again? At least he didn't pull a Molson_Retard and call it a halfback option or...well that's not Molson enough...at least he didn't call it a roll-out to the TE, and then circular reason his way to blaming Bush for why the Dolphins forgot to cover the middle of the field. I would think that would rate a ", dumbass." from you, not merely a sneak instead of a draw. ;)


wow...that seemed just a little harsh
That play was called 400 series 18 stretch naked throwback keeper down on one. Im kidding I didnt see it. But how many people here really know enough football terminology for any of us to needle each other over it?
A Fish Fan? Maybe? Bottom line is Miami loses.
Pound it out your porthole! :thumbsup:

Heh! Look! Tom's getting bashed by rookies and the practice squad. (In other news, a low howl steadily progressing into an otherworldly scream was heard on 495 during rush hour today...) Teehee!


Lighten up Francis! ;)

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I think everyone watching that game saw that play coming a mile away when, on the play before, dude was staring at a wide open field and coulda run it in on 3rd down. I was definitely rooting for Miami to stop totally sucking this year, but I gotta say, that Wildcat Offense is scary sometimes, especially picturing it against our schizophrenic defense, so I breathed a big sigh of relief at that game.

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