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Where are the idiots now


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Yes, he didn't produce up to the standard of a #2 receiver, and in those given years, he couldn't and didn't beat out a subpar #2. Now if he was that great, he would be easily beat out Price and gotten more balls thrown his way. Again, he is performing that level at the moment, so no big.

Who said he was great? You said he was "mediocre" and "not producing like a #2 receiver". You've now had to revise the second part to "He couldn't beat out Peerless Price" because Reed wasn't actually a starter.

As I stated earlier, I am eating some humble pie. So back off, you insensitive jackass

Aw, did I hurt your feelings because you don't like being shown publicly that you don't know what you're talking about?

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Who said he was great? You said he was "mediocre" and "not producing like a #2 receiver". You've now had to revise the second part to "He couldn't beat out Peerless Price" because Reed wasn't actually a starter.


Aw, did I hurt your feelings because you don't like being shown publicly that you don't know what you're talking about?

Which reinforces the point that Reed was mediocre.


To answer your second part, I just think that you are a jerk that resorts to insulting people when you don't agree with their points. I think you are a pathetic shell of a person that feels the need to put others down to suffice his ego.

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Which reinforces the point that Reed was mediocre.

Really? So now you're lauding Steve Fairchild's decision making? I just can't wait to see what you come up with next.

To answer your second part, I just think that you are a jerk that resorts to insulting people when you don't agree with their points. I think you are a pathetic shell of a person that feels the need to put others down to suffice his ego.

You should really stop thinking in public and I'll let you know when I start caring about your opinion.

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who said anyone was wrong? A guy plays poorly for years and then starts to play well. Good for him, but it doesn't excuse what happened in the past. Hopefully, he keeps it going.

Poorly for years, how the hell did he make the team every year then? My opinion is he played well his rookie year as a number #3, played well last year, and is playing well again this year i think he's played well for years. he has had two bad years in my eyes, am i missing a year if so mark down as a solid year please.

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Poorly for years, how the hell did he make the team every year then? My opinion is he played well his rookie year as a number #3, played well last year, and is playing well again this year i think he's played well for years. he has had two bad years in my eyes, am i missing a year if so mark down as a solid year please.


Again whatever... there is no reason to be drawn into a Josh Reed bashing debate today. He played well. Good for him. Good for BillsNation.


If in your opinion, he has played up to the level of a 2nd round selection over the past 6 years, then that is your opinion. Others think differently. It doesn't really matter that people disagree.

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Really? So now you're lauding Steve Fairchild's decision making? I just can't wait to see what you come up with next.


You should really stop thinking in public and I'll let you know when I start caring about your opinion.

Jesus Christ Darin, you are looking for something to argue with me about, to the point where you are putting words in my mouth.



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You stated that he couldn't beat out Peerless Price, a decision made by Steve Fairchild. That's pretty much the point your entire argument has shifted to.

Yes, he couldn't beat out Price, but that isn't the same as me "lauding Steve Fairchild". Again, you are stretching here big time.



So, once again: Reed not beating out Price != me lauding Steve Farchild

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Again whatever... there is no reason to be drawn into a Josh Reed bashing debate today. He played well. Good for him. Good for BillsNation.


If in your opinion, he has played up to the level of a 2nd round selection over the past 6 years, then that is your opinion. Others think differently. It doesn't really matter that people disagree.

True, unless your self-esteem is entangled with being a dittohead. :thumbsup:

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I know it's tough for you to deduce conclusions.


You can't talk sh-- about Fairchild's decisions as a coordinator while ignoring his personnel decisions at the same time. Those 2 things ARE NOT MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE.


If you could wrap your head around these simple concepts, you wouldn't look like such a dumbass all the time. Now tell us again how Reed didn't produce as the number 2 receiver and how he's been mediocre.

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I know it's tough for you to deduce conclusions.


You can't talk sh-- about Fairchild's decisions as a coordinator while ignoring his personnel decisions at the same time. Those 2 things ARE NOT MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE.


If you could wrap your head around these simple concepts, you wouldn't look like such a dumbass all the time. Now tell us again how Reed didn't produce as the number 2 receiver and how he's been mediocre.

:thumbsup: Still trying to pick a fight

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Still can't face reality.

You realize that you are arguing with me about a point that i conceded on at the beginning of the thread. I was wrong on Reed. Jesus Christ. I am saying now that he is finally (IMO) playing like a true #2. So where the hell is the problem?


Now, you are looking like a fool when i said "So, once again: Reed not beating out Price != me lauding Steve Farchild"

!= means "not equal to."


Sober up a little bit and talk to me tomorrow.

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You realize that you are arguing with me about a point that i conceded on at the beginning of the thread. I was wrong on Reed. Jesus Christ. I am saying now that he is finally (IMO) playing like a true #2. So where the hell is the problem?

Kinda hard to "play like a real #2" when you've not been given the opportunities.

Now, you are looking like a fool when i said "So, once again: Reed not beating out Price != me lauding Steve Farchild"

!= means "not equal to."

I don't care how you wrote it, your deductive reasoning is completely flawed. And it ain't just on this particular subject.

Sober up a little bit and talk to me tomorrow.

I'm totally sober and I'm pretty sure I don't require your permission to do anything.

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Kinda hard to "play like a real #2" when you've not been given the opportunities.

You have to earn the position. It took him a while to do so. Thus, he had to take the opportunity.

I don't care how you wrote it, your deductive reasoning is completely flawed. And it ain't just on this particular subject.

uh huh Darin, again you go with the insults. Too proud to admit that another school of thought may have some points :thumbsup:


I'm totally sober and I'm pretty sure I don't require your permission to do anything.

If you are this much of a jerk when you are sober, I can't imagine how bad you can be when you are drunk

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