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Sarah Palin

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Alaska is a big socialist/welfare state. You know, where all the citizens get a government handout for oil. (whisper, whisper, pass it on).


Not only that but Alaska also has one of the highest government employee to resident ratios (1 to 25, in comparison California has 1 to 75) in the entire country. Hopefully she'll bring this bloated bureaucracy to Washington.

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Alaska is a big socialist/welfare state. You know, where all the citizens get a government handout for oil. (whisper, whisper, pass it on).

I was waiting for this to come from you. I heard that the other day and thought "how in the heck are they gonna criticize Obama for wanting to do the same?" with her record in Alaska?


As far as it being socialist? Que? What makes it socialist? Ask Alaska_Darin, I guess. From my own limited knowledge, it seems everybody up there is in business for themselves = fishermen, speculators, truck drivers, oil hands, etc. Off-hand I thought it to be the least socialist state there is, second only to New Hampshire and possibly Delaware. Perhaps I have been watching too much Discovery/History Channel?

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Not only that but Alaska also has one of the highest government employee to resident ratios (1 to 25, in comparison California has 1 to 75) in the entire country. Hopefully she'll bring this bloated bureaucracy to Washington.


Yep. Welfare Queen Alaska! Ya, but some will tell you it is just "the man" (federal gov't) that is keeping them down and enslaved... When in fact they would be nowhere today without gov't intervention.


Now is the time for states like that to pay back... But, they want to be cut free.


I liken the analogy of going to a bar with a group of friends... NYS, IL, CA, ID, and AK... NYS agrees to buy the first round for everyone, then CA, then IL... But, as soon as it is time for states like Alaska and Idaho to buy a round... They want to book and claim the wife is calling... :worthy::thumbsup:


We all know dead beats like this... But, still we keep them our friends.



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It's the Age of Aquarius? :thumbsup:



You asked: :worthy:


When the moon is in the Seventh House

And Jupiter aligns with Mars

Then peace will guide the planets

And love will steer the stars


This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius

The age of Aquarius




Harmony and understanding

Sympathy and trust abounding

No more falsehoods or derisions

Golden living dreams of visions

Mystic crystal revalation

And the mind's true liberation




When the moon is in the Seventh House

And Jupiter aligns with Mars

Then peace will guide the planets

And love will steer the stars


This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius

The age of Aquarius




Harmony and understanding

Sympathy and trust abounding

No more falsehoods or derisions

Golden living dreams of visions

Mystic crystal revalation

And the mind's true liberation



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Anybody see Cokie Roberts on Stephanopolis this morning? Went out of her way to defend Palin.


Stephanopolis said that she has no foreign policy experience. Robert's reply? Neither did Bill Clinton or Al Gore, they said it was a none issue.

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So even though the entire world, virtually all news organizations, virtually all Republicans and Democrats, and virtually all citizens were surprised if not shocked by the choice, you're criticizing the Obama team for not predicting it? Christ, dude, McCain didn't even know her.



Obama never expected McCain to pick a woman because he never thought about picking a woman.





True. But still, if you had to say whether she was for or against it, and she said yes early on, during the race for the governorship, but then when she got there shut it down, I would have to say she was against it.




Then again, you could call her a flip-flopper. :thumbsup:




Palin was for it before she was against it. That's funny.

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Nah, instead you'll support someone who clings to socialism and pandering. You're way better than those people. :devil:


Yeah, because population is what everything is about. There are almost no challenges in Alaska that are like the rest of America because we have so few people and everything here is obviously a really simple undertaking. But Governor Palin is the ignorant one, right Pete? Got any other really bankrupt arguments filled with soundbytes for us?


And throughout American history, the most complete answer to the question of "What exactly does a VP do?" is: Not a whole hell of a lot.


But you keep clinging to that cheerleader thing you've got going with Obama/Biden. Because they're way different than the rest of the Washington bureaucrats.

John Adams thought the VP did nothing too.

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Yep. Welfare Queen Alaska! Ya, but some will tell you it is just "the man" (federal gov't) that is keeping them down and enslaved... When in fact they would be nowhere today without gov't intervention.


Now is the time for states like that to pay back... But, they want to be cut free.


I liken the analogy of going to a bar with a group of friends... NYS, IL, CA, ID, and AK... NYS agrees to buy the first round for everyone, then CA, then IL... But, as soon as it is time for states like Alaska and Idaho to buy a round... They want to book and claim the wife is calling... :lol::devil:

We all know dead beats like this... But, still we keep them our friends.





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Yes, you have never done community organizing

Really? What else haven't I done?

and McCain was a fly boy. It is different.

Coming from someone with ZERO first hand knowledge of either the military or John McCain's service.

I have done community organizing work and know what that leadership is like and have plenty of family that have served with Fly Boys and know a few fly boys myself, and I wouldn't call them leaders.

Translation: My girlfriend's cousin's uncle's wife saw Ferris pass out at 31 Flavors last night!


I'm not sure there's ever been a more bankrupt argument here at PPP. Good job.

Most are good people but they are more akin to race car drivers then leaders. More important to me is John McCain's service in the US Senate. That is where he learned to lead "men".... or not ...depending on your political view.

You keep telling yourself that.

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Really? What else haven't I done?


Coming from someone with ZERO first hand knowledge of either the military or John McCain's service.


Translation: My girlfriend's cousin's uncle's wife saw Ferris pass out at 31 Flavors last night!


I'm not sure there's ever been a more bankrupt argument here at PPP. Good job.


You keep telling yourself that.


Whatever, I have respect for many in the military and while McCain's record is heroic, I don't think because of this he would make a good President. In fact the public record of his ill temperament make me believe it would create more problems if he became President. But since the GOP has touted his military record as a qualification, one must examine that experience and how he has behaved as a result. Unlike the military, this is politics and all experience must be questioned, judged and broken down and as a citizen it is my right and obligation.


Your denigration of community organizing and cynicism of it makes me suspect you have never done it, maybe you have. Either way, what ever you think about my arguments against McCain and I agree at points they could have been more coherent, it doesn't take away from the above stated paragraph.

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Anybody see Cokie Roberts on Stephanopolis this morning? Went out of her way to defend Palin.


Stephanopolis said that she has no foreign policy experience. Robert's reply? Neither did Bill Clinton or Al Gore, they said it was a none issue.

That's what I don't get. McCain appealed to me a lot because of experience. Obama early on seemed so wet behind the ears but has now been through a long campaign and did other things. This chick has just two years as governor of far out Alaska and that's it.


I just don't think he picked the best person.

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So the Chief Executive of a state that's got huge issues to deal with wasn't wasting time following international issues and said she supported the President's decision? You think maybe she was prioritizing on what was important to her job/day-to-day life?


Nah. She's just unqualified for the job but two guys who've never done ANYTHING in ANY Executive Position are gonna do just swell. You know, because they've spent time in the Beltway shaking hands and kissing babies.


Looks like you have something in common with McCain spokesperson Tucker Bounds -

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