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Sarah Palin

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I agree. Very good speech. I can see why the people of Alaska like her.


I speak in public a lot. I teach public speaking. McCain is a bore. Biden is decent. Obama is very good. She is also very good. She's going to give VERY good speeches.


MY wife--a Hillary supporter who likes Obama, really liked that speech and is excited. Still voting for Obama she says, but she feels energized.

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As Taro_T posted above, I'm not so sure that it does completely undermine that argument.


The way her experience is an issue is if McCain's age catches up with him. I'm not sure that it'll be very easy for Obama to say "McCain's going to die in the White House, so you'll have an inexperienced person as #1 either way." Obama would also have to talk about his own inexperience at that point.


Half of the Republican party right now is going "WHO"?


For six months we've been hearing about the "experience needed to lead". You're really going to tell me that if something unfortunate does happen to Sen. McCain that you're comfortable with a completely inexperienced unknown taking over the reigns.


Maybe the Bills can start pulling players out of the stands during games when people get injured. Hell, if experience or capability don't matter we'll just pick a random fan as long as they support the team.


Your candidate just threw away the election.

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Do you really think someone with a baby makes a good potential president? I think some stay-at-home women may have a problem with that.



Please, please, please, please let your above quote be a Dem talking point. That would HAND the election to McCain.


You proved yourself a racist a few months ago. But now, and I wonder if blzrul agrees with me, you have shown you are a sexist pig.

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You are a republicon simpleton who has been taken apart here before but does anybody expect the vp pick of one of the two parties not to be the number one story tomorrow? Jeezus, talk about stating the obvious!!


Yeah, justnzane and you really take me apart here before.


I'm not a Republican you ninny. The poster here I disagree with the most is Wacka, who has his head half-up the Republican elephant's butt.

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Yeah, justnzane and you really take me apart here before.


I'm not a Republican you ninny. The poster here I disagree with the most is Wacka, who has his head half-up the Republican elephant's butt.


I don't care what the hell you are but when you make a moronic ecstatic premature ejaculation over this shrill woman saying "Everyone will tune in to see her speak at the RNC" it tends to undermine the small amount of credibility you have here.

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As Taro_T posted above, I'm not so sure that it does completely undermine that argument.


The way her experience is an issue is if McCain's age catches up with him. I'm not sure that it'll be very easy for Obama to say "McCain's going to die in the White House, so you'll have an inexperienced person as #1 either way." Obama would also have to talk about his own inexperience at that point.

Obama's position stays the same. That "judgment", not experience, is the key. He can still believe that, and stay with that with Palin. He can easily say that Palin would be ready, IF, she showed this solid judgment, and had some experience in foreign policy (which is even far less than Obama). But if McCain is saying that experience "doesnt" really matter, what is his selling point? His main selling point is experience and bona fides, IMO, not being a maverick.

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CNN Dem commentator post speech: [paraphrasing] "You can't just switch the skirt from Hillary to Palin and expect to get votes."


So demeaning. I wonder if the "pander" angle will backfire on Dems.

This makes no sense as Hillary wears pants suits.

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I don't care what the hell you are but when you make a moronic ecstatic premature ejaculation over this shrill woman saying "Everyone will tune in to see her speak at the RNC" it tends to undermine the small amount of credibility you have here.


Wow. You really care about being well-informed, don't you? You've never heard of her and so far your complaints are that she's "shrill." You base your vote based on a melodious voice, do you? Ahh, welcome to the American electorate.


And for someone who doesn't care about my party, you taxed yourself enough to guess at it.


Where's the attack on my credibility?

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Obama official statement was similar to the McCain congratulations ad last night. Congrats to Palin. Great to see barriers to fall. She adds an exciting voice to the election. Etc.


I guess they needed to do that after referring to her as a small town mayor and completely ignoring that she's a Governor.

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wow...dems need to be careful on attacking her experience, lots of these could be used right back against Obama.


For example, just heard heard this about her: "I don't think the American people are ready to gamble on somebody with so little foreign policy experience considering how important it is in this year"



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Wow. You really care about being well-informed, don't you? You've never heard of her and so far your complaints are that she's "shrill." You base your vote based on a melodious voice, do you? Ahh, welcome to the American electorate.


And for someone who doesn't care about my party, you taxed yourself enough to guess at it.


Where's the attack on my credibility?



It is safe to say that there is more than just me who hasn't heard of her. My response is based on the reactions of the republicons such as yourself, praising her for the most shallow of reasons. It's what you idiots basically use to nail Obama supporters with....so the whole hypocrisy thing comes back again.



But of course being a public speaker yourself why shouldn't you sing her praises for having a golden throat. Why I bet she electrifies the Nation in St Paul with the whole world (everyone) watching.



Oh I'm also sure she'll be on the front page of the Buffalo News on Saturday.



Sunday might be a different story.

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wow...dems need to be careful on attacking her experience, lots of these could be used right back against Obama.


For example, just heard heard this about her: "I don't think the American people are ready to gamble on somebody with so little foreign policy experience considering how important it is in this year"




Yup, yup yup. I'd rather have an inexperienced VP and an inexperienced P.


The Obama camp is running around crazy right now wondering, "How do we attack her?"

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It is safe to say that there is more than just me who hasn't heard of her. My response is based on the reactions of the republicons such as yourself, praising her for the most shallow of reasons. It's what you idiots basically use to nail Obama supporters with....so the whole hypocrisy thing comes back again.



But of course being a public speaker yourself why shouldn't you sing her praises for having a golden throat. Why I bet she electrifies the Nation in St Paul with the whole world (everyone) watching.



Oh I'm also sure she'll be on the front page of the Buffalo News on Saturday.



Sunday might be a different story.


idiot? anyways....

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It is safe to say that there is more than just me who hasn't heard of her. My response is based on the reactions of the republicons such as yourself, praising her for the most shallow of reasons. It's what you idiots basically use to nail Obama supporters with....so the whole hypocrisy thing comes back again.



But of course being a public speaker yourself why shouldn't you sing her praises for having a golden throat. Why I bet she electrifies the Nation in St Paul with the whole world (everyone) watching.



Oh I'm also sure she'll be on the front page of the Buffalo News on Saturday.



Sunday might be a different story.


You sure are obsessed with my party affiliation.


Find my "attacks" on Obama's experience since you know so much about me.


I'm not praising her. I don't know jack about her. Maybe I'll like her. Maybe I won't. So far I said she gave a good speech--the one she needed to hit out of the park. She did it. She's principled from what I read. She's an outsider, whcih to me, is GREAT news.


I'd rather have an inexperienced VP and an inexperienced P, but that's just me.

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By saying that she is inexperienced, it just puts the spotlight on the Messiah's inexperience. She is the VP candidate, not the Pres.


Republicans are already arguing that the experience/potential to be Prez in an emergency doesn't hold much weight because she's ONLY the VP.


They're also arguing that you lost out on Hillary, so here's your chance to vote for a woman in the White House.


But I thought she was ONLY the VP? Can't have it both ways...

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