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The Problem with this Franchise...

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...is that there's not much continuity.


Besides Bledsoe who was a known quantity even though we ignored it when we signed him, when's the last QB besides Kelly that got two full seasons to start much less three or four? There hasn't been one.


Most teams give their young, unproven, and rookie QBs, at least those selected relatively high in the draft, at least a couple seasons often three or four to prove something. Here in Buffalo we yank them in and out like it's fantasy football.


JP was drafted in round one but the team played head games with him by swapping him and Holcomb, another QB that some fans thought would be great while others of us knew would suck, out at will. JP got '06 to start before the team undermined him last season too.


Why? Because we keep changing our OCs. We make idiotic decisions hiring OCs like Gilbride or Fairchild, which again, should be known by people considered to be "experts" and should know more than all of us collectively but don't, nor do even a rudimentary amount of research on them beyond the highly superficial. We make those idiotic moves because our GMs suck who hire poor head coaches. Donahoe sucked yet everyone said we were on the right track back then at the time. He hired Gilbride and promoted Gilbride, and of course Wilson himself has much to do with it the same way that Dan Snyder does with the Skins poking his head in where he shouldn't be.


Meanwhile, with this revolving door of FO and coaching change, of course every player wants to "bring their own guys in" especially at QB.


So what we have is one giant clusterf*&% with things constantly changing to suit the needs of the coaches and administrators so that they don't look bad, or look as good as possible I suppose, although none of them know what they're doing and can't even keep from getting thrown under the bus when they're driving their own damn bus.


I don't care which effin QB we play quite frankly, but it would be damned refreshing to see one start for two or three seasons and then have the entire effin coaching staff and FO take their lumps win or lose. But this constant "no, just one more change here" nonsense that is perpetual gets really old. The team keeps making excuses for the components of this losing franchise that they want to keep around. It really makes one wonder what their goals are for having a team, because it's really tough to convince us that it's truly about winning when from the top down this franchise makes some of the most idiotic and risky moves in the entire league.


And why not, most of you support it.


There's no accountability in Buffalo regarding the Bills until it becomes blatantly apparent to a blind man what's entiirely obvious and usually predictable.

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...is that there's not much continuity.


Besides Bledsoe who was a known quantity even though we ignored it when we signed him, when's the last QB besides Kelly that got two full seasons to start much less three or four? There hasn't been one.


Most teams give their young, unproven, and rookie QBs, at least those selected relatively high in the draft, at least a couple seasons often three or four to prove something. Here in Buffalo we yank them in and out like it's fantasy football.


JP was drafted in round one but the team played head games with him by swapping him and Holcomb, another QB that some fans thought would be great while others of us knew would suck, out at will. JP got '06 to start before the team undermined him last season too.


Why? Because we keep changing our OCs. We make idiotic decisions hiring OCs like Gilbride or Fairchild, which again, should be known by people considered to be "experts" and should know more than all of us collectively but don't, nor do even a rudimentary amount of research on them beyond the highly superficial. We make those idiotic moves because our GMs suck who hire poor head coaches. Donahoe sucked yet everyone said we were on the right track back then at the time. He hired Gilbride and promoted Gilbride, and of course Wilson himself has much to do with it the same way that Dan Snyder does with the Skins poking his head in where he shouldn't be.


Meanwhile, with this revolving door of FO and coaching change, of course every player wants to "bring their own guys in" especially at QB.


So what we have is one giant clusterf*&% with things constantly changing to suit the needs of the coaches and administrators so that they don't look bad, or look as good as possible I suppose, although none of them know what they're doing and can't even keep from getting thrown under the bus when they're driving their own damn bus.


I don't care which effin QB we play quite frankly, but it would be damned refreshing to see one start for two or three seasons and then have the entire effin coaching staff and FO take their lumps win or lose. But this constant "no, just one more change here" nonsense that is perpetual gets really old. The team keeps making excuses for the components of this losing franchise that they want to keep around. It really makes one wonder what their goals are for having a team, because it's really tough to convince us that it's truly about winning when from the top down this franchise makes some of the most idiotic and risky moves in the entire league.


And why not, most of you support it.


There's no accountability in Buffalo regarding the Bills until it becomes blatantly apparent to a blind man what's entiirely obvious and usually predictable.

Gilbride just won a superbowl as an Offensive Coordinator for the Giants, not the best example for your argument. Most all Franchises in the NFL have this problem until they can land a QB, which means you have to be really horribly one year to get one through the Draft ala Indy with Payton or lucky and find a Diamond in the ruff ala Brady and Romo. Yes our management has been piss poor and there qb decisions, trading a 1st round pick for Rob Johnson, drew Bledsoe, and using one on JP, Bledsoe Filled a void for 2 years but Jp didnt pan out, hopefully marved cleaned up the mess when he was in and where on the right track.

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Gilbride just won a superbowl as an Offensive Coordinator for the Giants, not the best example for your argument. Most all Franchises in the NFL have this problem until they can land a QB, which means you have to be really horribly one year to get one through the Draft ala Indy with Payton or lucky and find a Diamond in the ruff ala Brady and Romo. Yes our management has been piss poor and there qb decisions, trading a 1st round pick for Rob Johnson, drew Bledsoe, and using one on JP, Bledsoe Filled a void for 2 years but Jp didnt pan out, hopefully marved cleaned up the mess when he was in and where on the right track.

So the Giants winning the Superbowl validates all of Gilbride's ineptness? How many times did Killdrive's guys smash Tom Brady, and did they hold NE to to their lowest scoring output of the season?


Bledsoe should not have been released. He should have started until JP's fourth year. Just the same, Edwards should not have been exposed to last year's failure of a team.


The more things change, the more they will remain the same

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Continuity for continuity's sake does no one any good if the HC, QB, whatever is not good at what they do.


Each position, each coach, each player should be given enough rope to either establish themselves as "the answer" or enough rope to hang themselves. Sticking with losers just because change is tough is a cop-out, and is just as harmful as making changing for changes sake.

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Continuity for continuity's sake does no one any good if the HC, QB, whatever is not good at what they do.


Each position, each coach, each player should be given enough rope to either establish themselves as "the answer" or enough rope to hang themselves. Sticking with losers just because change is tough is a cop-out, and is just as harmful as making changing for changes sake.



agreed ;)

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Continuity for continuity's sake does no one any good if the HC, QB, whatever is not good at what they do.


Each position, each coach, each player should be given enough rope to either establish themselves as "the answer" or enough rope to hang themselves. Sticking with losers just because change is tough is a cop-out, and is just as harmful as making changing for changes sake.

So scrapping a veteran who is the best guy available for a QB who was drafted as a project and missed his first season is a good idea. ;)


Firing Wade Phillips was a HUGE mistake, which snowballed. There is no end to this madness in sight.

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So scrapping a veteran who is the best guy available for a QB who was drafted as a project and missed his first season is a good idea. ;)


Firing Wade Phillips was a HUGE mistake, which snowballed. There is no end to this madness in sight.

You know, it's funny - I just re-read my post, and I don't see the names Bledsoe or Wade Phillips listed. I also don't see where I agreed with anything you just posted. Take your <_< somewhere else. I simply commented on the main point of the post - the title of the thread:


The problem with this franchise...is that there's not much continuity.
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The problem with krazykat is he focuses way, way, WAY too much on the QB position as the root of every problem with the franchise. And specifically, his opinion that JP didn't get enough time to prove he has game.


Get a new schtick, dude, this is getting a little old.

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The problem with krazykat is he focuses way, way, WAY too much on the QB position as the root of every problem with the franchise. And specifically, his opinion that JP didn't get enough time to prove he has game.


Get a new schtick, dude, this is getting really old.

I agree with most of this, but I'd add that if you strip away his BS and rhetoric, the central idea of his post - making good hires, drafting good players to play under those hires and then letting them learn as a group -- is the basic formula for building a winning team.

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Gilbride just won a superbowl as an Offensive Coordinator for the Giants, not the best example for your argument. Most all Franchises in the NFL have this problem until they can land a QB, which means you have to be really horribly one year to get one through the Draft ala Indy with Payton or lucky and find a Diamond in the ruff ala Brady and Romo. Yes our management has been piss poor and there qb decisions, trading a 1st round pick for Rob Johnson, drew Bledsoe, and using one on JP, Bledsoe Filled a void for 2 years but Jp didnt pan out, hopefully marved cleaned up the mess when he was in and where on the right track.

The offense has been the problem with that team and it was as inconsistent as they make 'em this past year. And let's be honest here, your ready to credit their O for the win over what their D did? I mean if Eli doesn't dig deep on one play we're all having to deal with "Perfection Park." Otherwise Gilbride's track record has been piss poor too as Eli hasn't done squat until the last few games this year.

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Continuity for continuity's sake does no one any good if the HC, QB, whatever is not good at what they do.


Each position, each coach, each player should be given enough rope to either establish themselves as "the answer" or enough rope to hang themselves. Sticking with losers just because change is tough is a cop-out, and is just as harmful as making changing for changes sake.

I agree. But you cannot have no continuity plus no talent in the critical FO and coaching spots too.


Then let's fix what's broken which is a lot. Instead, everyone here cheers for what will eventually be more of the same in Schonert now after Fairchild, the last big hero, left and Levy too.

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The problem with krazykat is he focuses way, way, WAY too much on the QB position as the root of every problem with the franchise. And specifically, his opinion that JP didn't get enough time to prove he has game.


Get a new schtick, dude, this is getting a little old.

What's getting old is what you just said. If you had half a clue, then you'd know what I think is entirely wrong with this team is the fact that those running it are morons. Isn't that what this very thread is all about?


You and everyone else's "my skin is so thin that I consider any positive discussion about JP hurts my feelings about my man love for Edwards" schtick is even older than Wilson.


Get a grip and get it right if you're going to criticize my positions.

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Gilbride just won a superbowl as an Offensive Coordinator for the Giants, not the best example for your argument. Most all Franchises in the NFL have this problem until they can land a QB, which means you have to be really horribly one year to get one through the Draft ala Indy with Payton or lucky and find a Diamond in the ruff ala Brady and Romo. Yes our management has been piss poor and there qb decisions, trading a 1st round pick for Rob Johnson, drew Bledsoe, and using one on JP, Bledsoe Filled a void for 2 years but Jp didnt pan out, hopefully marved cleaned up the mess when he was in and where on the right track.


All of that happened under old regimes and old HC's. Today is today and let's focus on that! ;)



So scrapping a veteran who is the best guy available for a QB who was drafted as a project and missed his first season is a good idea. <_<


Firing Wade Phillips was a HUGE mistake, which snowballed. There is no end to this madness in sight.


If you keep looking in the past the Bills have no chance. If you look at the last three years they have a great shot.

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Stop wasting your time with this troll, TSW.


Anyone who comes on here, claims to be a fan and ONLY goes against the grain of popular thought, and contrives only the negative = a troll.


Stop feeding her!

Popular since the dawn of the Donahoe era = LOSING!


Yes, I go against Losing. Yes I hate it unlike so many here who apparently are just fine with it.


Thank you!


At least you got something right about me.

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What's getting old is what you just said. If you had half a clue, then you'd know what I think is entirely wrong with this team is the fact that those running it are morons. Isn't that what this very thread is all about?


You and everyone else's "my skin is so thin that I consider any positive discussion about JP hurts my feelings about my man love for Edwards" schtick is even older than Wilson.


Get a grip and get it right if you're going to criticize my positions.


So the NEW FO breaks down the team and starts to rebuild with young talent like: Whitner, Simpson, Peters, Poz, Lynch, Edwards, Hardy, Dockery, Stroud, Mitchell, McCargo, Johnson, and Fred Jackson and yet the FO sucks. ;)


What are you going to do when the Bills make the playoffs this year? What are you going to B word about then?

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What's getting old is what you just said. If you had half a clue, then you'd know what I think is entirely wrong with this team is the fact that those running it are morons. Isn't that what this very thread is all about?


You and everyone else's "my skin is so thin that I consider any positive discussion about JP hurts my feelings about my man love for Edwards" schtick is even older than Wilson.


Get a grip and get it right if you're going to criticize my positions.


And the FO are "morons" b/c they didn't agree with you about the Edwards/JP situation and took one step back (some would argue they simply took a side step b/c hate to break it to you, but JP didn't play well last year) so they can take four steps forward. Got it. BTW --- how is this thread substantively different from your earlier Edwards thread? Besides the fact that that thread slipped off the front page?


What are you going to do when the Bills make the playoffs this year? What are you going to B word about then?


He's going to B word about how we should have kept JP, or that we got nothing in return for JP.


That, and that the stadium concessions should have signed an exclusive contract with A&W root beer.

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So the NEW FO breaks down the team and starts to rebuild with young talent like: Whitner, Simpson, Peters, Poz, Lynch, Edwards, Hardy, Dockery, Stroud, Mitchell, McCargo, Johnson, and Fred Jackson and yet the FO sucks. ;)


What are you going to do when the Bills make the playoffs this year? What are you going to B word about then?

Yeah, just like we were with Bledsoe, Vincent, Milloy, McGahee, Williams, Tim Anderson, Parrish, Losman, Mike Gandy, Bennie Anderson, Ryan Denney, Kelsay, Matt Bowen, Robert Royal.


I mean doesn't this get old for you, constantly sucking butt of the team that no matter who they tell is going to propel them into the future you bite and bite hard?


I mean since the Donahoe FO has been in place have there been more personnel failures or successes?


Seems to me I'm trying to discuss what's wrong with this team but apparently you think there isn't. Naturally we'll have to wait another half decade again for the guys that you support to prove themselves. LOL


Meanwhile you and others continue to make more and more excuses letting them off the hook. Sure, and me and my preferences for winning are the issues.


It's good humor at least.


Let me ask you, with your head in there, do you get lightheaded when Brandon and Jauron fart?

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