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Do you think that we'll see the likes of Soprano3695 or

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Every year it seems that the trolls come out from under the bridge right around draft time. They might even hang around as long as the season begins but once their teams start doing poorly they disappear. I actually kind of like when they come over here and start some of their sh-- and then watch them get blasted by the board members. that's when you read some of the funnier stuff on this board. Here's an invite to any and all trolls who wear armor, come on down!

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Every year it seems that the trolls come out from under the bridge right around draft time. They might even hang around as long as the season begins but once their teams start doing poorly they disappear. I actually kind of like when they come over here and start some of their sh-- and then watch them get blasted by the board members. that's when you read some of the funnier stuff on this board. Here's an invite to any and all trolls who wear armor, come on down!


Agreed. Group beatdowns of opposing tards is always a ton of fun.

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C'mon just because a person from another team comes to the board doesn't mean they're a troll.





Oh wait, yes it does.


If I may borrow yet another line from Eric Cartman, this one about Muslims and Terrorists....

Not all fans of other teams who post here are tards, just most of them. And all it takes is most of them

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