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Sabres doing something?


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Thanks, Habs! Regulation W over Boston keeps the Sabres 2 pts. behind the Bruins, and they're now even in games played (w/ two head-to-head remaining).




These are very young men on the Sabres... Given the golden goose... They better not blow it! If they do, they don't deserve it and I am at peace! Well, maybe... :):wallbash:


They have the talent... As you can see... Even without CD and DB... They just have to find a way to channel it!

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No joke. The truth. The last three teams to win were all driven by Canadian kingpins. Carolina, TB, Ducks. The Wings have not won anything this season and I don't think they can do it without Stevie Y. Hasek in net is a ingrate and have had no use for him. Forget them. Out of the 8 euros on the Sharks, only 5 start on a regular basis. Goc is a 4th liner. So only Michalek, Murray and Nabakov are the only real contributers that start all the time. The Sharks are driven by Canadians and interestingly enough, Americans. Canadians Rivet, Campbell, Mcclaren, Vlassic are solid on D. I will say that Doug Murray, a swede on D, is a up and comer and plays like a Canadian. I like him a lot. Up front they are lead by Thornton, Setoguchi, Marleau, Cheecho are Canadian. US born players Pavalski, Grier, Roenick, Carle and Rismiller all contribute positively and play all the time. Point is the engine that drives them is mostly Canadian. Not to say the other don't. They are 2nd overall in the league btw and only 5 behind the dead Wings. I would put them up against Washington, Habs, Wings or Devils anytime right now. The teams I am worried about are Calgary, Ducks, Dallas and even Minnesota. Should be interesting.




After about 20 years of european players in the league reading stuff like that makes me want to puke... what's next? You can't win in the MLB with japanese players?!!

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After about 20 years of european players in the league reading stuff like that makes me want to puke... what's next? You can't win in the MLB with japanese players?!!


No. No. You can win... But, it is harder in the l o n g NHL season... Especially if they call it the old way!


Don't shoot me... I don't see that inherent "gritty" effort with many of the Euros... I know I am stereotyping them, I don't mean too... It is the attitude, and you can totally see it on the ice...


Just saying

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No. No. You can win... But, it is harder in the l o n g NHL season... Especially if they call it the old way!


Don't shoot me... I don't see that inherent "gritty" effort with many of the Euros... I know I am stereotyping them, I don't mean too... It is the attitude, and you can totally see it on the ice...


Just saying

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Oh... Olivier... Some of the Russian (Ovechkin) are different though... And you do get some real "chippy" play fromt he Scandinavians (Alfie), like you do with SOME of the French Canadians (Danny Briere v. Ovechkin, 2007 game)...


Don't shoot the mesanger!





when i read that b...s... about the origins of players and how anglo canadians are supposed to be the only ones playing hockey the "right " way... two words come to my mind: Eric Lindros!

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You can be sick all you want... It is what it is.


And the effort is noticable... Not everybody has it... I do suspect it is a culutral thing... I know you want everything to be perfect and equal... It is not.


Yes, they are stereotypes... Sorry for painting with a broad brush... Hockey is a funny game... A flukey game... and things really can turn on a little extra "grit"...


Things are changing of course and becoming more "homogenized"... Yet, me thinks it goes right back to when the children were first learning the game... There is a ton of different philosophies out there...

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when i read that b...s... about the origins of players and how anglo canadians are supposed to be the only ones playing hockey the "right " way... two words come to my mind: Eric Lindros!


Ya... Again... I am not saying all. But, the trends point to certain styles of play... You are too PC!


Look at Bernier v. Briere... If the Sabres can get Steve to do what Danny does (score)... They have lightning in a bottle and the best of both worlds.

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There's never been a euro player to match the likes of Gump Worsley! :)






A lot of it is "intestinal fortitude"... Heck, not everybody has "it"... Even amongst the so called "Anglo Canadian."


I do acknowledge that it is preached more in N. America... Stick that in your pipe and smoke it Olivier!



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You can be sick all you want... It is what it is.


And the effort is noticable... Not everybody has it... I do suspect it is a culutral thing... I know you want everything to be perfect in and equal... It is not.


Yes, they are stereotypes... Sorry for painting with a broad brush... Hockey is a funny game... A flukey game... and things reall can turn on a little extra "grit"...


Things are changing of course and become more "homogenized"... Yet, me thinks it goes right back to when the children were first learning the game... There is a ton of different philosophies out there...



The problem is not the cultural and way to play differences, of course there's some... the problem is the "you can't win with them" stuff... How many Forsbergs, World championships, Olympics , Haseks and Ovechkins do some north americans need to understand hockey is a true international game?

And it's the exact same thing with basketball...

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There's never been a euro player to match the likes of Gump Worsley! :)




well Tretiak was not only tough he was a lot better than Worsley...





"When I was twelve, I received my first serious injury," Tretiak recalls. "The puck hit me squarely in the forehead. I didn't cry only because I was afraid that I'd be kicked off the team. I had fallen in love with the game so much that I was selflessly devoted to it."

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well Tretiak was not only tough he was a lot better than Worsley...



"When I was twelve, I received my first serious injury," Tretiak recalls. "The puck hit me squarely in the forehead. I didn't cry only because I was afraid that I'd be kicked off the team. I had fallen in love with the game so much that I was selflessly devoted to it."



Did he ever play without a mask? Other then when 12 years old?

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well Tretiak was not only tough he was a lot better than Worsley...



"When I was twelve, I received my first serious injury," Tretiak recalls. "The puck hit me squarely in the forehead. I didn't cry only because I was afraid that I'd be kicked off the team. I had fallen in love with the game so much that I was selflessly devoted to it."


You have a guy wearing a helmet and face mask... The "Gumper" just wore a crew-cut as a goalie (maybe a mask very late... Maybe??), so as to stitch him easier... Some goalies (pre-mask era) would actually have a puke bucket by their net so as not to get too psyched out!


Again, you point to the exception... And you are using a Russian (closest to the NA culture) as an example.


What did Gump look like in a mask? I am not sure? :):wallbash:

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You have a guy wearing a helmet and face mask... The "Gumper" just wore a crew-cut as a goalie (maybe a mask very late... Maybe??), so as to stitch him easier... Some goalies (pre-mask era) would actually have a puke bucket by their net so as not to get too psyched out!


Again, you point to the exception... And you are using a Russian (closest to the NA culture) as an example.


What did Gump look like in a mask? I am not sure? :):wallbash:



what's your point? that the Gumper was not an exception?!! :)


that russians are not europeans? :wallbash: (what's funnier is that russians are usually the first called "soft" by north americans!)


Come on Exiled! Do you think we play hockey with white gloves in Europe? I've been around ice rinks since i was a child around here... you know what? hockey played anywhere is still hockey. with crazy guys, tough guys, fast guys, funny guys, goons, fights, artists, scorers, passers...

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what's your point? that the Gumper was not an exception?!! :)


that russians are not europeans? :wallbash: (what's funnier is that russians are usually the first called "soft" by north americans!)


Come on Exiled! Do you think we play hockey with white gloves in Europe? I've been around ice rinks since i was a child around here... you know what? hockey played anywhere is still hockey. with crazy guys, tough guys, fast guys, funny guys, goons, fights, artists, scorers, passers...


Some Russians.


It is not the same... You see the ethic with your own eyes. And sure I am painting with a broad brush... Styles are different.


Not black and white as you like to believe.

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I'm definitely painting with a broad brush I know. Like I said. The three euro guys on the Sharks are great. Nabokov is a stud in net. Murray is just mean as they come on D and a big hitter. Michalek comes to play every night and has great overall game. BUT, it really is a fact that when the playoffs roll around it becomes a protracted war in which Canadian players seem to excel. Not saying russians or other european players arent tough. Just that they don't have the determination needed for the test of will that is the NHL playoffs. jmho. Sure I may be wrong but I don't believe so because every year the results seem to be the same. And if the euro laden Dead Wings or Capitals win it all this season you can link to this thread and I will be proven wrong. NP

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If they would just call the new rules... Nobody would run with the Sabres' talent and system. That's how John Tortorella with Tampa gets himself in a sticky wicked with the Sabres... Just when he thinks he is gonna run and bury with the Sabres'... The Sabres' blow the doors off!


They are calling the so called new rules though. Where they tricked people was when they called it a cutback on obstruction. All they ever started doing was making all those crappy hooking calls. They never did do anything about the clutching and grabbing. I think the players fell for all the talk of "obstruction" too as they weren't slowing down attacking forwards at first. Somewhere around the midpoint last year they realized that the refs weren't calling that stuff at all, so they went right back to practically stopping forwards on dump-ins. It's one thing for the defensemen to get in the way of the forechecker, but now they're reaching out and grabbing them again. There was a play in the 1st period the other day that was the perfect example. Roy was flying down the boards chasing a puck in the corner and Boyle threw an arm into him, knocking him completely off stride. I don't understand why they even bother having interference in the rulebook if they're going to let this crap go.

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Thanks, Habs! Regulation W over Boston keeps the Sabres 2 pts. behind the Bruins, and they're now even in games played (w/ two head-to-head remaining).


Go Habs Go....way to help out the boys!!

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