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GO SEE 300!!!


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I can't decide if you're being a fag or a dork.


Go with dork. It's usually the safe bet. :devil:


Hey, "ahistorical" bugs me, I'm sorry. Some things I can let slide, but Spartans fighting for freedom against war elephants straight out of Middle Earth is too much of a stretch. So sue me.

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Go with dork. It's usually the safe bet. :devil:


Hey, "ahistorical" bugs me, I'm sorry. Some things I can let slide, but Spartans fighting for freedom against war elephants straight out of Middle Earth is too much of a stretch. So sue me.


Was the King of Persia really that much of a drag queen in the original story?

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Saw it today. It was definitely entertaining.

I do not know much about the battle of Thermopylae(sp), but I am quite sure that this was not an exact historical acount of what happened, but I was'nt expecting that.


After all this movie is based on a graphic novel by Frank Miller.


Acting was decent, storyline was basic, visuals were amazing. Glad I saw it on the big screen.


This movie was made for the crowds of people who get bored when a movie has 1 minute of dialogue.

A reason why historical epics like The Alamo, Alexander, & Kingdom of Heaven failed at the box office.


An enjoyable movie, but not a great one.

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Well, it did yield me a Ph.D.


I used to be an avid reader of ancient greek literature and am well aware of how Sparta should be spelled. If you watch the movie (or just the trailer), Gerard Butler's scottish accent gives it the "taugh" sound.


But please, mister born in 1987, let's talk more about my education.


Ahh, but your Ph.D. obviously didn't teach you how to monitor or understand sarcasm. I have seen the preview, and please do not wave your Ph.D. in front of ones face like it is some kind of entitlement.



Get the sarcasm? GOOD!

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The Canadian reviewer has his history correct. I dont remember if he mentions Platea or not, but this was also a significant victory over the Persians after they sacked and burned Athens. There was anther movie in the wings a while ago, based on Pressfields book "Gates of Fire" I think it would have made an excellent movie. Perhaps now it will get made.

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This movie was made for the crowds of people who get bored when a movie has 1 minute of dialogue.

A reason why historical epics like The Alamo, Alexander, & Kingdom of Heaven failed at the box office.


An enjoyable movie, but not a great one.

Kingdom of Heaven was solid, but Alexander and Alamo tanked because they were bad, bad movies.

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For those of you that have seen it, is it appropriate for a 14 year old boy? I'm not bothered by the violence he's put together well enough to know it's holloywood, but I have heard there's nudity and a rape scene. Is this true, and how graphic is it? He's going in 14 I dont want him leaving 21.

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For those of you that have seen it, is it appropriate for a 14 year old boy? I'm not bothered by the violence he's put together well enough to know it's holloywood, but I have heard there's nudity and a rape scene. Is this true, and how graphic is it? He's going in 14 I dont want him leaving 21.


In my opinion it's not that bad. There is some nudity (breast shots, and a little mini lesbo orgy type thing), the rape scene is more implied than actually happening. It's not even really rape but more like a situational thing. I don't know what you let your 14 year old normally watch but it's probably nothing compared to what they see and hear in school. Just my opinion though. My son is 14 and I would take him.

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In my opinion it's not that bad. There is some nudity (breast shots, and a little mini lesbo orgy type thing), the rape scene is more implied than actually happening. It's not even really rape but more like a situational thing. I don't know what you let your 14 year old normally watch but it's probably nothing compared to what they see and hear in school. Just my opinion though. My son is 14 and I would take him.


thanks, like I said he's a pretty well put together kid, but nudity and rape are another thing all togethter

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Went and checked out 300 yesterday. What an awesome movie. Some of the best cinematography I've ever seen in any move. Great story of pride and sacrifice. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED... 5 stars.... in my opinion.... :wallbash:


Why a guy I work with has already told all of us about the SOB from start to finish. I swear, we start talking about where we are going for lunch and somehow.... "hey you know in the movie 300 they were eating" or "I saw this funny parody online about 300 and..."


This cat has watched EVERY documentary on the movie and actual history on it (courtesy or AE and The History Channel) so now he's the bandwagon expert on the subject and it drives most of us bat-sh$* crazy. We're seriously considering sending him to Iran just so he'll stop working another 300 reference into our discusion about whether we should golf this week.

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We're seriously considering sending him to Iran just so he'll stop working another 300 reference into our discusion about whether we should golf this week.

You're lucky he doesn't spear you through the skull while screaming "SPARTA!" for even suggesting such endeavors in his presence.

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Well, it did yield me a Ph.D.


I used to be an avid reader of ancient greek literature and am well aware of how Sparta should be spelled. If you watch the movie (or just the trailer), Gerard Butler's scottish accent gives it the "taugh" sound.


But please, mister born in 1987, let's talk more about my education.

Nicely done.

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For those of you that have seen it, is it appropriate for a 14 year old boy? I'm not bothered by the violence he's put together well enough to know it's holloywood, but I have heard there's nudity and a rape scene. Is this true, and how graphic is it? He's going in 14 I dont want him leaving 21.

I probably wouldn't take the average 14 year old to it. The "rape scene" is more implied but there's the typical of the period "orgy" looking stuff and plenty of other eroticism. The violence is pretty over the top.

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This movie was freaking awesome. Action, Blood,a little history (maybe not taotally accurate). Bottomline if you like watching movies see this one, if you like a history lesson watch discovery channel. This is a very well made and thought out movie.:wallbash:

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The movie was, in my estimation, maybe about 70% accurate. Of course, there were many instances of artistic licence, or Hollywooding it up for the general audience, but for the most part it was entertaining.


My biggest gripe is that there was absolutely no mention of the naval component to the battle. A large part of the reason the Spartans were able to hold out as long as they did was that the Greek Navy was able to hold back the Persion fleet.


In actuality, it was Xerxes who killed the beast as a rite of passage into manhood, and it was a lion, not a wolf...

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