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Lavar Arrington, Carlos Emmons, Luke Petigout


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Actually Arrington could probably do very well in the cover 2. He's athletic and a great hitter. Probably won't happen though.


One of the main points about the cover 2 is being disciplined in your role. Yes you need to have speed and athleticism, but being disciplined and playing within a scheme has never been a strong point of arringtons. I am however a little suprised the giants cut him because he was playing fairly well prior to getting injured. His injury must have been worse then previously let on.

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Arrington: ruptured Achilles tendon, surgery last October. That's later in the season than Spikes blew his out the year before. Can't see him being anywhere near ready for the start of next season...

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I wouldn't mind taking a look at Luke Petitgout assuming he's healthy. He's been a pretty good tackle for the giants over the years and was arguably their best offensive linemen the past 2-3 years. Would be a nice addition to a team looking to improve in the trenches.

McNally use to coach him, so I would think he knows if Petitgout should be brought in.

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FWIW: heres my take:


Arrington: Ruptured Achilles, at least as bad as Spikes' injury and Im not so sure that Arrington is as intense a comptetitor as TKO so that doesn't bode well. Also, I believe he is primarily a weakside guy although he has played strong too. Arrington at 100% is a complete LB, he can tackle, cover and rush the passer...however, I think those days are over. My take is that he may not even play in 07.


Petitgout: Drafted in 99 first round out of Notre Dame. Played LT for the Giants, really blossomed under mcnally's tutelage, around this time he scored a big fat contract extension. When I watched him it always appeared that he was above average but not great, which is fine. Definately worth a long hard look.


Emmons = garbage: done and done

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I wouldn't mind taking a look at Luke Petitgout assuming he's healthy. He's been a pretty good tackle for the giants over the years and was arguably their best offensive linemen the past 2-3 years. Would be a nice addition to a team looking to improve in the trenches.

Petitgout's been primarly a Left OT in NY. I can't see us signing him unless you propose we sign him to play Right OT?

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well if we dont franchise london sign him up but is he as good as he was his pro bowl years in washigton


No way in hell he's ready by the start of the season. A ruptured achilles isn't easy to come back from just ask TKO. LaVar was never really the impact player that he was supposed to be coming out of college and i've heard a lot of that is due to his lack of discipline and being able to fit within a scheme and the cover 2 is the ultimate discipline scheme.

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No way in hell he's ready by the start of the season. A ruptured achilles isn't easy to come back from just ask TKO. LaVar was never really the impact player that he was supposed to be coming out of college and i've heard a lot of that is due to his lack of discipline and being able to fit within a scheme and the cover 2 is the ultimate discipline scheme.


But did you know that he has a chess room in his house?

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Petitgout's been primarly a Left OT in NY. I can't see us signing him unless you propose we sign him to play Right OT?


I'm fully aware he's a lt, but Yes I'd sign him to to play rt. I dunno if he'd be willing to make the switch, but if he was it would be a nice way to solidify our tackle spots.

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