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Patroits are the Devil

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I hate the F'n Patriots, Tom F'n Brady, and Bill F'n Bellichek. They just won the Superbowl, they know it I know it and you know it. I hate there guts.

If they really deserved it it wouldnt be so painful. I hate to sound so religious----but i think a plane should drop some holy water over the stadium in next weeks game against Indy.That may be the only way/.

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i have never, ever, never ever hated something as much as i hate the new england gaytriots.

call me jealous or whatever you want i cannot even stand to here that satanic group of voodoo doctors names anymore. and the worst part about it is they are still around, and i'll have to put up with the tom brady, bill belichick, teddy bruschi, bullsh-- for a whole offseason again. i wish them nothing but misery in there quest to be the greatest football team of all time.

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i have never, ever, never ever hated something as much as i hate the new england gaytriots.

call me jealous or whatever you want i cannot even stand to here that satanic group of voodoo doctors names anymore. and the worst part about it is they are still around, and i'll have to put up with the tom brady, bill belichick, teddy bruschi, bullsh-- for a whole offseason again. i wish them nothing but misery in there quest to be the greatest football team of all time.


The negative sentiment toward the Patriots is a little much. The Bills really aspire to be just like them. Good characters guys, play like a team and stay out of jail, court and the tabloids. Maintain a high level of play year over year and don't overpay your free agents. Draft well. You have to admire what they do. Here's to hoping the Bills can crack that code.

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The negative sentiment toward the Patriots is a little much. The Bills really aspire to be just like them. Good characters guys, play like a team and stay out of jail, court and the tabloids. Maintain a high level of play year over year and don't overpay your free agents. Draft well. You have to admire what they do. Here's to hoping the Bills can crack that code.



oh stfu.

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The negative sentiment toward the Patriots is a little much. The Bills really aspire to be just like them. Good characters guys, play like a team and stay out of jail, court and the tabloids. Maintain a high level of play year over year and don't overpay your free agents. Draft well. You have to admire what they do. Here's to hoping the Bills can crack that code.


I tend to agree with you. I mean as much as I hate em like most of the rest of us, you really have to admire what they accomplished today. Brady had a bad game but gets clutch at the right time. Defense bends doesnt break. No stupid penalties. I mean they were not hateable today. Rivers flopping on the other hand, and LT after the game whatever his problem was.....I lost some respect for them.

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I tend to agree with you. I mean as much as I hate em like most of the rest of us, you really have to admire what they accomplished today. Brady had a bad game but gets clutch at the right time. Defense bends doesnt break. No stupid penalties. I mean they were not hateable today. Rivers flopping on the other hand, and LT after the game whatever his problem was.....I lost some respect for them.


I'm sorry. LT could have walked up to Belicheck and slugged him in the jaw, and I couldn't lose respect for the guy as a player. He's a gamer, and he played well tonight. Not his fault that the rest of the team choked.

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oh please....rivers flopped on the ground like a little B word!! i knew there was a reason i didn't like that guy. he's a B word! if the chargers would have stuck with brees they'd still be playing.


he's worse than ovechkin collapsing like he got shot after briere TAPPED his nads with his stick.

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