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Why R U going to the Christmas Eve Game?


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well, I am not going as I will be here in Richmond, but the game will be TIVO'd and duly watched at around 6.30 pm, bout an hr after grammy(from the bad side of the family, my wifes side) arrives . My sister and her family coming Saturday, so we are knocking all the assembly and stuff out Sat. night.My brother in law will poor the scotch, I'll be drinking beers, we will be outside on the porch with two stogies and in peaceful, non female bliss!!!

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I am going to the because as a season ticket holder I have tickets :(

I will also be attending a dinner at 5:30 or so if we get out of the lot.

Yes I will be a little wobbly for dinner but out of respect, I will not be falling down.


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Your son will be horrified when he is old enough to know the importance of the Bills.  Deep down, he wants you to go....


you are probably right...more horrifying though will be him hearing the stories of how daddy fell into the ditch with no pants on on xmas eve after the Bills whooped the Titans to control their own destiny for the playoffs....unfortunatley for daddy...he has the self control of a person with tourettes....

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Going cause I got the tickets dirt cheap, and would rather be in the stadium cheering on the bills then fighting the crowds at the mall starting my christmas shopping.


My family also don't really do anything on christms eve so it doesn't matter, and I'm taking my girlfriend (although the game doesn't count towards a christmas present :( ) so I will be spending time with her.

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