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Witness details puppy's final moments

Tux of Borg

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Same here. :bag:  :(


Animal torturers are among the lowest forms of life on Earth.  If the death penalty is fit for anybody, it's them.



If I could change one thing about our justice system, I'd make it so that those who intentionally inflict suffering on another living person or pet be made to endure a similar form of suffering themselves. I know that will never happen, cause the logistics of such a thing would be damn near impossible to establish....but still, is jail really THAT much of a punishment for a lot of these folks?


I hate to admit this on a damn message board, but I honestly don't know what I'd do if I ever caught someone doing something like that....I'd totally lose it!

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If I could change one thing about our justice system, I'd make it so that those who intentionally inflict suffering on another living person or pet be made to endure a similar form of suffering themselves. I know that will never happen, cause the logistics of such a thing would be damn near impossible to establish....but still, is jail really THAT much of a punishment for a lot of these folks?


I hate to admit this on a damn message board, but I honestly don't know what I'd do if I ever caught someone doing something like that....I'd totally lose it!



I found myself fantasizing about what I'd do to these guys, and let me assure you it would be something other than pleasant.

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I found myself fantasizing about what I'd do to these guys, and let me assure you it would be something other than pleasant.



I'm with ya, man....I'm glad that there are other people who feel the same way.

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That one was horrible too. I guess some people get off on this stuff.



Exactly... They are both very horrible stories and some do get off on this sh*t... Some here even want to do the same to the perps... :(:wallbash:


As much as I hate these guys for doing it... Doing it back to them is even more disgusting, IMO... It is no different than the person who "gets off" on this twisted sh*t.

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Is this not Off the Wall? Last I checked, anything could be posted here as long as it's in good taste.


This is simply a thread linking to a news story. You can tell by the title it's not going to be a pleasant story. No one forced you to read it, you choose too.


You might be sickened by the act, but asking for the thread to be deleted isn't going to make the fact that it happened go away. Use better judgement when reading threads if you want to avoid these kinds of stories, just like you would do when reading the newspaper.

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*** UPDATE *** UPDATE *** UPDATE ***


My Webpage


Holdout stuns jurors, forces retrial in puppy death



The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Published on: 12/16/06


One juror simply refused to consider whether two brothers were guilty of hogtying a small puppy with duct tape and stuffing it live inside a searing hot gas oven.


And, that was enough to save Joshua and Justin Moulder — at least for now.


The two brothers, 17 and 19 respectively, faced up to 85 years in prison if convicted on all 11 counts. Instead, Friday the jury found them not guilty on one charge and reported it was hung 11-1 on the others.


A retrial was instantly set for Jan. 3.


The brothers have been in custody since the Aug. 21 incident. They were returned to Fulton County Jail after the jury's decision.


The lone holdout juror left prosecutors, other jurors and the animal advocates who flocked to the trial shocked, bitter and angry.


"When they won't even deliberate, it's insane," said District Attorney Paul Howard. "It's really bad that someone would come to a jury deliberately to sabotage a case."


Prosecutors, Howard said, would push in January for state lawmakers to pass a law allowing for non-unanimous jury decisions.


Beth Haynes of Atlanta, one of the six women on the jury, said the case had holes in it but jurors spent time going over the details and resolved that the two brothers were guilty of the horrific charges against them.


One woman, Haynes said, immediately said she wouldn't convict on any charge and refused to budge over two days of deliberations.


During testimony, prosecutors in detail explained how the 13-pound, mixed-breed puppy thrashed about inside a gas oven — bouncing its nose, tail, back and feet against the searing metal in a futile attempt to escape.


"I cried in the first hours of testimony," Haynes said. "I'm just tired and disappointed now."


Stephen Young of Atlanta, the jury foreman, said he was "sick to my stomach" by the jury's inability to convict two young men.


"There's not one iota of doubt in my mind they are guilty," Young said. "That's what's so disappointing. I feel like we totally failed the system.'


Young described the charges the jury debated as "unbelievable. I can't even fathom who would put a dog in an oven to cook."


The case drew interest from animal activists across the country and beyond.


Howard received more than 1,600 e-mails from people who mostly applauded him for taking the animal cruelty case seriously. All the charges came from an Aug. 21 rampage at the Englewood Manor apartments in Atlanta.


Prosecutors said the young men broke into the newly refurbished center and trashed it — destroying computers, breaking windows, splattering paint around, knocking water fountains off walls and eventually putting duct tape around the snout and legs of a puppy and shoving it inside the center's gas oven.


The jurors acquitted the two brothers Friday on one of four child cruelty charges.


That charge sprang from a young girl who told prosecutors the Moulders showed her the dog in the oven. But, in court she said she didn't go inside


the center and never saw the dog.


Chesta Drake, one of the animal lovers who spent the past week in the Fulton courthouse, fought back tears.


"I'm stunned," Drake said. "I just don't understand. It was just such a blatantly cruel thing. Now, there's no closure."


Not everyone had that reaction. Defense lawyers Timothy Owens and Kevin Schumaker won a partial victory. Their clients weren't convicted.


"I've said from the outset the state was overreaching on this case," Owens said.


When the verdict finally came, the brothers' father, Jody Horsley, was the only member of their family remaining in court. "I'm happy that things came out better for them," Horsley said.

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I find it very odd that several people are asking to have this post deleted, but I couldn't find one that asked to have this one deleted.





I find it amusing that rather than letting it fall to the lost world of page 2, people keep showing their outrage by bumping it back to the top. (oops....)


And yes, I'd execute the perps without hesitation.

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This is so typical. We never get to hear the Moulders side of this.

There could be a perfectly reasonable explanation.

(I couldn't help myself  :wallbash: )




Before you all crusify me... I am commenting on X's post, I truly feel sorrow for the poor puppy.



Ya right... There has got to be a reasonable explanation for the "beige paint" part???... :(



















(Sorry, I couldn't help myself either :oops: ... This is one sicko story)

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