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what did we learn? NOTHING


oh, except the one guy's name is Ben or something? Whatever, I'm done with this show, what a waste of time...



Maybe they should've just revealed everything about the whole story including the end tonight?


Yikes, I thought it was fantastic myself...But who am I ?

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what did we learn? NOTHING


oh, except the one guy's name is Ben or something? Whatever, I'm done with this show, what a waste of time...



Don't you see !!! BEN. His name is Ben !


Ben Jonson was the Chief Chronologer of London in 1628, our most reliable witness to Shakespeare's existence. Jonson's most notable play was " The Isle of Dogs", which was so controversial he was JAILED for sedition !!!


Polar bears ! And one of the Others is the pilot "Swamp Thing" from CON AIR ! And did a full frontal scene in SIDEWAYS, chasing Miles to his car ! Finally, this B word is starting to make some sense....

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I loved the beginning of the episode where the setting looked like a normal, everyday neighborhood street! Then the airplane flew over and broke in half. Wonder where that street is on the island?


And we've been introduced to another Dharma station.


P.S. Don't tell me you guys didn't like seeing Kate in that dress. :w00t:

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what did we learn? NOTHING


oh, except the one guy's name is Ben or something? Whatever, I'm done with this show, what a waste of time...


Don't let the door hit ya...


Just when some questions start to get answered, a whole new can of WTF gets opened. Great episode.

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Don't let the door hit ya...


Just when some questions start to get answered, a whole new can of WTF gets opened. Great episode.



It looks like the theory contained in my sig is holding more and more water with each passing episode.

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I've watched every single episode of this show since day 1. Fact is, I think great television is more than being strung along with one bit of crumb here and there. I think that only revealing a guys name as the major plot point is lame. Sorry to offend you all...

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I've watched every single episode of this show since day 1. Fact is, I think great television is more than being strung along with one bit of crumb here and there. I think that only revealing a guys name as the major plot point is lame. Sorry to offend you all...




If thats all you got from last nights episode then you weren't paying attention....There was tons on stuff :devil:

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I've watched every single episode of this show since day 1. Fact is, I think great television is more than being strung along with one bit of crumb here and there. I think that only revealing a guys name as the major plot point is lame. Sorry to offend you all...




So stop watching. And PLEASE stop posting in Lost threads. It's really tiring hearing everyone's "Nothing happens" posts every time an episode airs.

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I've watched every single episode of this show since day 1. Fact is, I think great television is more than being strung along with one bit of crumb here and there. I think that only revealing a guys name as the major plot point is lame. Sorry to offend you all...


I'm not sure if you were being sarcastic about revealing a guy's name as a major plot line but there was so much more revealed in that episode then just that Henry's real name was Ben. We learned for fact that Jack's wife left him for another man, which was speculated by prior episodes but confirmed. We also learned that Jack's father was sober 50 days and up until the time Jack demanded to learn more about Sarah's conversations. We also learned that outside of (polar) bears and sharks there were also dolphins used in the Dharma project. Not to mention that it was many years ago according to Juliette who seemed to know a lot about Jack which seems to indicate the Others have contacts outside the island or things on the island are a lot bigger then just the island itself. We also learned one of Juliette's favorite books was by Stephen King, some speculation is it's Carrie and if it was, one could speculate between that main charcter and Walt. If I'm not mistaken Juliette was one of the Others with Zeke that originally captured Walt.


To be honest I found last night's episode more enjoyable then most of the episodes in season 2.


Can anyone tell me what happened in the very last minute?  I recorded the show so that I could watch the Sabres and it cut off right when Jack sat down with his back against the wall again.


Juliette left her side of the room to get Jack some food and passed Henry in the outside corridor and Henry commented "Good work Juliette" and she replied "Thank you Ben". You can watch the episode at http://www.abc.com if want to see for yourself. As I did so last year when missed the last few minutes of last years episode when Michael killed Ana Lucia and Libby.

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I'm really curious as to the Stephen King book. Ben says to Juliette, "I guess I'm not invited" to the next book club sitting.


I'd understand Ben's reaction if it was "Animal Farm," so any rabid King fans out there who might be able to speculate what book he'd be averse to? I was wondering if it was "The Stand" (an apocalyptic tale of survivors after a mass plague) or perhaps Misery, where the unwitting victim prompted his fan's sadism by threatening her fantasy universe?

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I've watched every single episode of this show since day 1. Fact is, I think great television is more than being strung along with one bit of crumb here and there. I think that only revealing a guys name as the major plot point is lame. Sorry to offend you all...




OK, I am going to lean to MC's side on this episode. Frankly, I am getting tired of the Jack/drunken father/ex-wife storyline. It is boring. And with his insistence on demanding who the new boyfriend is just illogical - it makes no sense. Jack is portrayed as a logical physician and this demand, just to know, does not make character sense. If he wanted to beat the crap out of the guy, then I can understand from an emotional standpoint.


The banter between Kate and Sawyer did not make sense, either. The concern each of them voiced about the others when they were seperated after they were captured makes complete sense. But, if I found one of my compatriots, that I have been separated from after being captured, it would be something along the lines of "what happened", "did you learn anything", etc. I guess their dialogue is cute but unrealistic. I understand this is a fantasy show but to deviate from normal human inteactions makes it become like 24, a parody of itself. I enjoyed the creativity and dialogue of the show since the beginning. And, apart from a few episodes, it has generally been interesting. But IMO, this was not a great start out of the gate. I will keep watching and hope that it will get better.

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Juliette left her side of the room to get Jack some food and passed Henry in the outside corridor and Henry commented  "Good work Juliette" and she replied  "Thank you Ben".  You can watch the episode at http://www.abc.com if want to see for yourself. As I did so last year when missed the last few minutes of last years episode when Michael killed Ana Lucia and Libby.


That's it? That was the big payoff? Ugh, not a great episode.


BTW, the Stephen King book they were holding was way too thin to be The Stand.

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