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Now HERE'S a surprise!


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Oh God - I can have so much fun with this! It could explain why all the chest-thumping neocon Neanderthals are so stupid....


Then again, most of them turn out to be chickenshits who hide behind plastic and duct tape when the chips are down so maybe they don't have much testosterone ...


Or perhaps it's all artificial which might explain things.


But it sure explains a lot of stupidity in the world today. It surely does.

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Could someone explain tis complex matter to me...



What is the meaning of this particular thread? I must be missing something, it seems like a stab at humor, but it is a bad stab that almost hit my blow up doll girlfriend in the throat.



Please someone explain.

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Could someone explain tis complex matter to me...

What is the meaning of this particular thread? I must be missing something, it seems like a stab at humor, but it is a bad stab that almost hit my blow up doll girlfriend in the throat.

Please someone explain.



It's election time and she has nothing else.

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Oh God - I can have so much fun with this! It could explain why all the chest-thumping neocon Neanderthals are so stupid....


Then again, most of them turn out to be chickenshits who hide behind plastic and duct tape when the chips are down so maybe they don't have much testosterone ...


Or perhaps it's all artificial which might explain things.


But it sure explains a lot of stupidity in the world today.  It surely does.




Damn! So I guess a BJ is out of the question?? :blink:

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Oh God - I can have so much fun with this! It could explain why all the chest-thumping neocon Neanderthals are so stupid....


Meanwhile, scientists are still years away from explaining the breathtaking levels of stupidity you display on this board......

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