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Look out evildoers!

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Ware ye evildoers who would do harm to the US, particularly important sites as documented in the following


"...vulnerable critical infrastructure and key resources included an insect zoo, a bourbon festival, a bean fest and a kangaroo conservation center. They represent examples of key assets identified in Florida, Illinois, Indiana, and Maryland."


Yes, that's our government at work. The Statue of Liberty, Empire State Building (people WORK there) and other obvious targets are unprotected. Maybe they're just adequately funded? I don't know. The area around Ground Zero still feels like a ghost town, I cannot imagine what DHS is thinking (or not).




Maybe there's another secret list? I'd love to think that.

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Ware ye evildoers who would do harm to the US, particularly important sites as documented in the following


"...vulnerable critical infrastructure and key resources included an insect zoo, a bourbon festival, a bean fest and a kangaroo conservation center. They represent examples of key assets identified in Florida, Illinois, Indiana, and Maryland."


Yes, that's our government at work.  The Statue of Liberty, Empire State Building (people WORK there) and other obvious targets are unprotected.  Maybe they're just adequately funded? I don't know.  The area around Ground Zero still feels like a ghost town, I cannot imagine what DHS is thinking (or not).




Maybe there's another secret list?  I'd love to think that.


And therein lies the problem with the idea of stopping "terrorism". In theory, anyplace a decent number of people gather is a target. In a free society that's pretty much everywhere - a fact shown by this list.


It's going to be virtually impossible to stop terrorism by killing people or spending ridiculous amounts of money to harden targets that are pretty much "unhardenable."

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It's going to be virtually impossible to stop terrorism by killing people or spending ridiculous amounts of money to harden targets that are pretty much "unhardenable."



Perhaps we need a multi-billion dollar ad campaign to inform everyone that if they're at the Maplefest in East Deerfield, in the 1/765 trillion chance that a terrorist decides to put a bomb in the Steel Sap Collector Award, the government will.... say they're sorry.


Seriously, America. Grow a pair.

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Yes, that's our government at work.  ....


The area around Ground Zero still feels like a ghost town, I cannot imagine what DHS is thinking (or not).





Could it be that there are 3 government agencies that are smack in the middle of the rebuilding WTC effort. Do you think there's a coincidence that the only building that's been under private construction control is already taking tenants, with a beautiful view of a hole in the ground?

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