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Smerlas Bashing

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The frickin blow hard got himself a radio show in New England and commenced to rip into the Bills and kiss *ss elsewhere. So after how nice we all were to him while he played here ... then he has to go and do us dirty like that.


Oh yeah, and he also killed the Jolly Little Baker from Kaufman's Rye Bread with his bare hands.

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I believe he dissed the Bills over and over again... I'm not quite positive but I've seen references to it.


He CONSTANTLY ridicules the Bills. Even when we were winning, he was tearing us a new one on WEEI in Boston. One nice thing about the growth of the iPod and sat radio is watching their ratings plummet when they don't have Red Sox games to pump up the numbers.

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thanks for your input. I've probably been a fan of the Bills longer than you've been alive.




So have I. And that counts for what? Nothing. This is not a pi$$ing contest. Give him a break - the guy may have a point. Maybe Bills fans need to take a "wait and see" attitude now and then. Would YOU ;) consider it?

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So have I. And that counts for what? Nothing. This is not a pi$$ing contest. Give him a break - the guy may have a point. Maybe Bills fans need to take a "wait and see" attitude now and then. Would YOU :doh:  consider it?


You're thinking he's like some ESPN guy doing analysis of the Bills, and being critical that way. While he is critical, he also just HATES the Bills. Hates them. Not for professional reasons. It's personal. He hates Wilson, Levy, and apparently the entire city considering the way he goes off. And this is a guy we honor? :blink:



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I'm not sure what this means, but after seing this thread yesterday, I found a copy of "By A Nose" while cleaning out some old boxes in the back bedroom. Serendipity? Evil Portent?





I am sure that book is long out of print by now, so I feel okay about recommending it. You will likely be able to find it at a used book store somewhere, so fat Freddie won't make another penny off of it.


Much as I loathe the guy, "By a Nose" is definitely the most interesting Bills book I have ever read. It is the first/only real "insiders" look at the Bills that I know of. I know, Kelly had a book, and Marv had a book, but Kelly's is pretty much just a recap of his career, little insight into the "behind the scenes" stuff. Marvs' book is a good read too, but not real juicy....I read it before Marv was named GM. I feel like, listening to his press conferences, he has been repeating it over and over...anyway, hate the man (Smerlas- I do!) but read "By A Nose" if you can find it.


Smerlas left the Bills, on very bad terms. He resented Marv Levy for many, many years for cutting him, in favor of Jeff Wright. I am sure it kills him that he toiled on some truly awful Bills teams, only to get releasesd just as they were about to enter one of their truly golden eras...


If you lived in Buffalo when Smerlas and his buddy Jim Haslett were there, you may recall what a boorish ass this guy was towards fans. The two of these guys had a radio show on WBEN. It was

an embarassment to the Bills. As I recall, they were suspeneded by the radio station a few times, for threatening fans. When they returned for the second season of the show, they had to bring in John Murphy (if memory serves) to moderate, and keep it from getting too out of control.

Eventually, they were threatening Murphy too. It may be tame by todays' standards, but they really were a black eye on what was a very good time....not the character guys that Marv Levy prefers.


I loved that era of Bills football (1979-1981) when Chuck Knox was the head coach. It is probably because it was the first time in my cognisent Bills life, that the team was good. The OJ era was fun, but depressing because they just didn't win enough games. Smerlas and Haslett were great football players, but I rank them with Doug Flutie (another terrific football player) amongst my least favorite Bills of all time.


I don't necessarily dislike Bills players because they aren't very talented (think Lonnie Johnson), I save that rare distinction (for me) for those who are good, but I have a hard time feeling good cheering for. These days, I don't pay as much attention, because if I did, I am afraid I would have a hard time liking a lot of these guys...

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buftex - "Much as I loathe the guy, "By a Nose" is definitely the most interesting Bills book I have ever read. It is the first/only real "insiders" look at the Bills that I know of. I know, Kelly had a book, and Marv had a book, but Kelly's is pretty much just a recap of his career, little insight into the "behind the scenes" stuff. Marvs' book is a good read too, but not real juicy....I read it before Marv was named GM. I feel like, listening to his press conferences, he has been repeating it over and over...anyway, hate the man (Smerlas- I do!) but read "By A Nose" if you can find it."


Another good one is "They Call Me Dirty" by my namesake and Vic Carucci. Although Dobler also played for St. Louis (Cards) and N.O., it covers his years here during the Knox era pretty well.

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I'm not sure what this means, but after seeing this thread yesterday, I found a copy of "By A Nose" while cleaning out some old boxes in the back bedroom. Serendipity? Evil Portent?


THAT is one fine book. It makes me LMAO! :doh:


I do know that Freddy hates Marv because he was not even given the chance to compete as starting Nose against Jeff Wright after 5 Pro Bowls. Marv wanted and he was neched. End of conversation. :blink:

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Another good one is "They Call Me Dirty" by my namesake and Vic Carucci. Although Dobler also played for St. Louis (Cards) and N.O., it covers his years here during the Knox era pretty well.



That was a good one (The cover is Dobler biting the end off a football) and I would very strongly recommend Violent Sundays by Bob Chandler for his look at the Chuck Knox years. A lot of it deals with his time with the Raiders, but it is just a great FOOTBALL book.

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THAT is one fine book. It makes me LMAO!  :doh:


I do know that Freddy hates Marv because he was not even given the chance to compete as starting Nose against Jeff Wright after 5 Pro Bowls.  Marv wanted and he was neched. End of conversation.  :blink:






Is "neched" a Yiddish term? Still, I'm not understanding the sentence.


But, i get your point. He felt that Jeff Wright sucked and that he was a far better player. I'm guessing Marv didn't want Smerlas on the team for assorted character issues and his undisciplined play.

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Freddy was a victim of the notorious "Plan B" free agency. He was claimed by San Francisco and under the rules of the time had to go. he hurt his back very early that year and was done.


My enduring memory of Fred is "Offsides, Number #76, Defense. Five yeard penalty, first down." Of course my solid memories begin around 1984 when the team was shite so I don't really recall the "Bermuda Triangle" days.

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I am sure that book is long out of print by now, so I feel okay about recommending it. You will likely be able to find it at a used book store somewhere, so fat Freddie won't make another penny off of it.


Much as I loathe the guy, "By a Nose" is definitely the most interesting Bills book I have ever read. 





You can buy it on Amazon for .19 cents. :):D

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