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Maybe the Kennedys should not drive

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I heard that the officer DID NOT administer a filed test... And said, he appeared drunk... Is this dumb or what... At least give credibility to yourself and administer the field test... Are they raising stumps for officers?


Why put yourself professionally in a "trick bag"... Administer the sobriety field test...



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Just be glad they aren't in the Supertanker business.



Like Capt. Hazelwood never existed?...


Right now... I would take them on the high-seas verses some mysterious "death car" out there ready to snuff out mine or some other's life randomly away.



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I heard that the officer DID NOT administer a filed test... And said, he appeared drunk... Is this dumb or what... At least give credibility to yourself and administer the field test... Are they raising stumps for officers?


Why put yourself professionally in a "trick bag"... Administer the sobriety field test...


:lol:  :lol:  :lol:



Maybe the officer was drunk.

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I think that last statement, in particular, was actually part of my point.


Its happened in politics, its going to continue happening, and sh-- aint gonna change.  :lol:


Thats crazy though that Ambien is that powerful, I didn't know that.


Is it an as needed thing or is it an every-day drug?



As needed, typically. (Depends on the doctor's instructions, really...mine's as needed; I suppose a doctor could prescribe it daily for a given period). I need something powerful, because sleep management is an important part of controlling mania, and when I'm not sleeping I typically need to knock myself out or bad things, man...


But it's apparently an addictive hallucinogen, so I make it a rule not to take it two nights in a row, no matter how much I need it. And it really does mess with your perception, literally, I don't dare walk up a flight of stairs within 20 minutes of taking it. On some occasions when my wife's taken it, I've need to sit with her until she goes to sleep to reassure her about what are and are not hallucinations. :lol: I can't begin to imagine the kind of fool that drives around on Ambien at three in the morning. That (and other sstrongly mind-altering drugs) ought to be a driving-under-the-influence charge right there. Anyone that stupid at least deserves a reckless driving charge.


And for me, it creates more questions than it answers. I'd have an easier time figuring out why a junior rep was driving drunk on Capitol Hill at 3am (answer: he was bar-hopping. He had a late committee meeting, and stopped by Rep. John Doe's office to shoot the sh-- and for a nightcap afterwards.) I can't begin to fathom why anyone would be at the office at 3am, take a friggin' sleep aid, then drive a car.

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As needed, typically.  (Depends on the doctor's instructions, really...mine's as needed; I suppose a doctor could prescribe it daily for a given period).  I need something powerful, because sleep management is an important part of controlling mania, and when I'm not sleeping I typically need to knock myself out or bad things, man...


But it's apparently an addictive hallucinogen, so I make it a rule not to take it two nights in a row, no matter how much I need it.  And it really does mess with your perception, literally, I don't dare walk up a flight of stairs within 20 minutes of taking it.  On some occasions when my wife's taken it, I've need to sit with her until she goes to sleep to reassure her about what are and are not hallucinations.  :lol:  I can't begin to imagine the kind of fool that drives around on Ambien at three in the morning.  That (and other sstrongly mind-altering drugs) ought to be a driving-under-the-influence charge right there.  Anyone that stupid at least deserves a reckless driving charge. 


And for me, it creates more questions than it answers.  I'd have an easier time figuring out why a junior rep was driving drunk on Capitol Hill at 3am (answer: he was bar-hopping.  He had a late committee meeting, and stopped by Rep. John Doe's office to shoot the sh-- and for a nightcap afterwards.)  I can't begin to fathom why anyone would be at the office at 3am, take a friggin' sleep aid, then drive a car.



Christ, that is strong. Good info, thanks.

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don't get too hung up on this story....he is a Democrat so the media won't bring him to the alter for sacrifice every day over the next 10 weeks.


i haven't followed this story much, and had no idea who he was....but i was listening to the noon news just a moment ago, and i was sort of suprised because they referred to this guy as; "Congressman". I thought to myself, I bet he is a Dem, otherwise if he was a Republican, they would have referred to him as "Repbulican Congressman Kennedy".

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He's a senator...but does Fred Thompson count?  He left office to go back to acting because "I long for the realism and sincerity of Hollywood."  :lol:



Hell, if all I had to do was a few Law & Order episodes a year, I'd "long for the realism and sincerity of Hollywood" too.

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don't get too hung up on this story....he is a Democrat so the media won't bring him to the alter for sacrifice every day over the next 10 weeks.


i haven't followed this story much, and had no idea who he was....but i was listening to the noon news just a moment ago, and i was sort of suprised because they referred to this guy as; "Congressman".  I thought to myself, I bet he is a Dem, otherwise if he was a Republican, they would have referred to him as "Repbulican Congressman Kennedy".


Are you mental? It's all over the freaking news, especially because he's a Kennedy. You want to talk about significant scandals that aren't getting play, let's talk about the prostitution alleged in the "Duke" Cunningham case, and the possible involvement of the CIA's Executive Director Kyle Dustin “Dusty” Foggo, and the Feds widening the investigation and requesting records from the Watergate Hotel.


All I see on MSNBC, FOX, CNN, and Drudge is news about a Kennedy wrecking his car while allegedly driving under the influence of Ambien. So, pardon me if I find your suggestion that the "liberal-driven" media is ignoring the salacious "Kennedy's on pills" story to be ingenuous.

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Are you mental?  It's all over the freaking news, especially because he's a Kennedy.  You want to talk about significant scandals that aren't getting play, let's talk about the prostitution alleged in the "Duke" Cunningham case, and the possible involvement of the CIA's Executive Director Kyle Dustin “Dusty” Foggo, and the Feds widening the investigation and requesting records from the Watergate Hotel.


All I see on MSNBC, FOX, CNN, and Drudge is news about a Kennedy wrecking his car while allegedly driving under the influence of Ambien.  So, pardon me if I find your suggestion that the "liberal-driven" media is ignoring the salacious "Kennedy's on pills" story to be ingenuous.



Hey nimrod...i simply said, that i had heard something in passing this morning and again at noon. and....during that report, they referred to him simply as "Congressman Kennedy" and not Democrat Congressman Kennedy".


i don't sit in front of the news 24/7

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Hey nimrod...i simply said, that i had heard something in passing this morning and again at noon.  and....during that report, they referred to him simply as "Congressman Kennedy"  and not Democrat Congressman Kennedy".


i don't sit in front of the news 24/7


I accept your apology. :lol:

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Hey nimrod...i simply said, that i had heard something in passing this morning and again at noon.  and....during that report, they referred to him simply as "Congressman Kennedy"  and not Democrat Congressman Kennedy".


i don't sit in front of the news 24/7



That must mean that this quote from you is true then!


he is a Democrat so the media won't bring him to the alter for sacrifice every day over the next 10 weeks
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I heard gout medicine will make you seem drunk... If there is anyone that would get gout... It would have to be Teddy...




Untrue. I take three different types of gout medicine AND a bunch of booze on top and I never remember being drunk even once!

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