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And Buffalo wins!

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There is nothing, I repeat NOTHING as exciting as ovetime playoff hockey.  I bite my nails to the bone.  End to end action with one mistake or one great play and it's all over in a split second.  I fuggin love it, and having the Sabres in makes it that much cooler.



I agree it is incredibly exciting - edge of your seat the whole time. I have vivid memories of 20 guys crammed in a college dorm room watching the Bruins-Sabres Game 7 overtime, and the tension was unbelievable. Brad Park broke most of our hearts, except for the two Bruins fans.


But, it's the split second thing and it's over thing that takes away from it a little for me. The payoff is not as good as the big hit in baseball............Think of the Carlton Fisk home run and the drama of how long it took to see if it was fair or foul. Andre running in the touchdown against the Oilers in '89..........These things give you a little bit of time to savor it..........Split second and it's over I don't like.........But, I have to say the entire time before that is riveting. Just not the payoff.

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