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In reading and occationally posting on the PPP, I notice a lot of people support the current administrations handling of the Iraq conflict. I also notice a lot of people oppose it. Some are even saying invading Iran would be justified because they could pose a threat as well.


I have on thing to say to both sides of the debate. There is only one question needed to justify any war. One thing that makes war ok. Imagine the person you love most in this world. Your spose, your child, your best friend. Now ask yourself, would I send this person to die for this cause? Who you send your wife to die because Iraq is a threat?

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In reading and occationally posting on the PPP, I notice a lot of people support the current administrations handling of the Iraq conflict. I also notice a lot of people oppose it. Some are even saying invading Iran would be justified because they could pose a threat as well.


I have on thing to say to both sides of the debate. There is only one question needed to justify any war. One thing that makes war ok. Imagine the person you love most in this world. Your spose, your child, your best friend. Now ask yourself, would I send this person to die for this cause? Who you send your wife to die because Iraq is a threat?



All I can say is that people can talk themselves into a lot of things.


I guess whatever gets you through the day?

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In reading and occationally posting on the PPP, I notice a lot of people support the current administrations handling of the Iraq conflict. I also notice a lot of people oppose it. Some are even saying invading Iran would be justified because they could pose a threat as well.


I have on thing to say to both sides of the debate. There is only one question needed to justify any war. One thing that makes war ok. Imagine the person you love most in this world. Your spose, your child, your best friend. Now ask yourself, would I send this person to die for this cause? Who you send your wife to die because Iraq is a threat?


Or your twin daughters? Nah..I wouldn't even send my fish to fight in this war...and I don't even LIKE my fish!

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In reading and occationally posting on the PPP, I notice a lot of people support the current administrations handling of the Iraq conflict. I also notice a lot of people oppose it. Some are even saying invading Iran would be justified because they could pose a threat as well.


I have on thing to say to both sides of the debate. There is only one question needed to justify any war. One thing that makes war ok. Imagine the person you love most in this world. Your spose, your child, your best friend. Now ask yourself, would I send this person to die for this cause? Who you send your wife to die because Iraq is a threat?




Did even one person in this thread answer your question? It does not look like it to me. Mainly just more hate speak and stupid rhetoric.


I have no problem saying where I stand. We were right to invade iraq because I have zero doubt in my mind that they were part of the terrorist network around the world. In whatever capacity, they were involved, and SH left to his own accord, would welcome the oppertunty to provide WMD to those who hate us.


Also do not forget that almost on a daily basis, SH was shooting at our pilots in the no fly zone. To me that in and of itself is a reason to kick thier ass. We should never put up with anyone directly attacking our troops. We should have stated this war on terror back when they attacked us the first time.


So my position is at least clear. Not some whimpy "I hate someone so everything they do must be bad" stance.

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Did even one person in this thread answer your question? It does not look like it to me. Mainly just more hate speak and stupid rhetoric.


I have no problem saying where I stand. We were right to invade iraq because I have zero doubt in my mind that they were part of the terrorist network around the world. In whatever capacity, they were involved, and SH left to his own accord, would welcome the oppertunty to provide WMD to those who hate us.


Also do not forget that almost on a daily basis, SH was shooting at our pilots in the no fly zone. To me that in and of itself is a reason to kick thier ass. We should never put up with anyone directly attacking our troops. We should have stated this war on terror back when they attacked us the first time.


So my position is at least clear. Not some whimpy "I hate someone so everything they do must be bad" stance.



I've given so many responses to that question already that I just can't muster the energy. Anyone here who doesn't understand my position by now just doesn't read.

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In reading and occationally posting on the PPP, I notice a lot of people support the current administrations handling of the Iraq conflict. I also notice a lot of people oppose it. Some are even saying invading Iran would be justified because they could pose a threat as well.


I have on thing to say to both sides of the debate. There is only one question needed to justify any war. One thing that makes war ok. Imagine the person you love most in this world. Your spose, your child, your best friend. Now ask yourself, would I send this person to die for this cause? Who you send your wife to die because Iraq is a threat?




Dumbest arument I've ever heard...if that was the case, 90% of the wars in history wouldn't have been fought. This includes Desert Storm I.

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Dumbest arument I've ever heard...if that was the case, 90% of the wars in history wouldn't have been fought. This includes Desert Storm I.


If you believe in a cause you should be willing to fight for it, or encourage your family to do so. That's pretty straightforward. It's easy to support a war when you aren't the one who has to make the sacrifice.

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Guest RabidBillsFanVT

Iraq, NO.


Iran, YES.


North Korea, YES.


Afghanistan, YES.


My only problem with the wars has always been Iraq, the unjustified war.


There is the answer to your question.

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Now ask yourself, would I send this person to die for this cause? Who you send your wife to die because Iraq is a threat?


This is really such a silly question. How could I send my family member to a war? Do I call the Army and say hey, here's my son, take him to Iraq? Obviously not. But, in the context of the question, no, I would not "send" my family member to Iraq.


Now, on the other hand, if an ADULT family member made a PERSONAL DECISION to join the military and defend our country, I would be very supportive of them going to Iraq. I would pray for their safety 24/7, I would be very concerned for them, and I would be extremely proud. I would respect their decision to follow through on their commitment to the country. I would recognize that they are getting the opportunity to bring principles of freedom and democracy to an oppressed region. A much bigger cause than I'll ever be part of living my cushy life in America.

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Dumbest arument I've ever heard...if that was the case, 90% of the wars in history wouldn't have been fought. This includes Desert Storm I.



Are you saying lack of wars is a bad thing- not that I think you are- but what exactly are you saying?

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Iraq, NO.


Iran, YES.


North Korea, YES.


Afghanistan, YES.


My only problem with the wars has always been Iraq, the unjustified war.


There is the answer to your question.



Well?....you're wrong. You haven't been getting the memos. BTW, I got the answer from my end. Our end prefers stevestojan to come as a request through Belgium through the CJCS J-5. Funny how no one ever thought to write it all down, though. It was interesting to me that often the stevestojan comes through State.

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In reading and occationally posting on the PPP, I notice a lot of people support the current administrations handling of the Iraq conflict. I also notice a lot of people oppose it. Some are even saying invading Iran would be justified because they could pose a threat as well.


I have on thing to say to both sides of the debate. There is only one question needed to justify any war. One thing that makes war ok. Imagine the person you love most in this world. Your spose, your child, your best friend. Now ask yourself, would I send this person to die for this cause? Who you send your wife to die because Iraq is a threat?



My guess is you are asking about Iraq, not the larger overall situation. Iraq is justified because when Gulf War I ended, there were conditions. Iraq was required to comply with conditions of a TRUCE. Not only did they not comply, they waved their genitals in our general direction, daily. 9-11 changed our nation's focus on a lot of things, including Iraq. Even without the immediate FINDING of WMD, it's justified. That Idiot Sadam drew us into two wars.


We don't send our loved ones to die. But they do. They strap bombs to their daughters to go die killing inocent people, they do not know. When we mobilize our people to win a conflict that has been thrust upon us, it is not to die. It is to win. It is to make life better on this planet for them, and us, and even you.

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Guest RabidBillsFanVT
Well?....you're wrong. You haven't been getting the memos. BTW, I got the answer from my end. Our end prefers stevestojan to come as a request through Belgium through the CJCS J-5. Funny how no one ever thought to write it all down, though. It was interesting to me that often the stevestojan comes through State.



True, but if they were really serious about winning the election and proving that it was justified, then then would have done something by now (something had to be available that wasn't so sensitive). I won't doubt you BUT if it takes years to finally show that they were right, then I'll believe... right now, no.


SHAPE is a funny place... What makes me mad is the fact we have rules that specifically state what are the policies and procedures for TS information, and they just allow certain people to blow them off. Classic case of high-ranking people not leading by example, you know.


My sponsoree just got here, so it's been hell trying to get him checked in here. Ack!

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