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Been dazed and confused!


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Which side of the fence is ICE on today?


Do WE (TBDers) suck, or does the team suck now?


Is total blame laid at Drew's feet? 


Is total blame laid at the O-line's feet?


When did the transformation take place?




I'll recap for you.


We are all assclowns. Whatever those are.


We are also all ignorant of football. We will never keep up with what ICE knows. Where is the Bills' blame to be assigned? That's an easy one. Where ever the majority of posters DON'T say it is. That is what distinguishes the football genius. The ability to disagree with the consensus.


The transformation took place as it always does ... between the ticking seconds on your watch. With each lone tick the transformation moves through its motions many many times.


My question is ... why does ICE come back to WASTE his time on us assclowns when he said he was gone for good? And why after being called names do the posters flock back to communicate with the Great Frozen One? Have they no pride? Have they no self respect? Or do they just understand him for what he is?


Where did I get the info above? Why, ICE gave it to us in spades.


Good Luck ~


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I guess that depends on how you define necessary.


It isn't necessary for any vital bodily functions.  Is that what you're getting at?




Perhaps, but some of us believe that vomiting is a vital body function.

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Let me help edumacate you assclowns...


1) yes most of you are flat out dumbasses. This has been confirmed by not only myself but others at the great Tailgate 04.


2) I didn't say I was leaving for good. I said I was taking a break which I did for a few days. A Break can run from 15 min to when ever... It's true look it up.


3) Again if 1/2 of you had a brain you could understand although one player is washed up that doesn't mean ALL things wrong are related to that one player. Yeah folks it's true...it really is.

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Let me help edumacate you assclowns...


1) yes most of you are flat out dumbasses. This has been confirmed by not only myself but others at the great Tailgate 04.


2) I didn't say I was leaving for good. I said I was taking a break which I did for a few days. A Break can run from 15 min to when ever... It's true look it up.


3) Again if 1/2 of you had a brain you could understand although one player is washed up that doesn't mean ALL things wrong are related to that one player. Yeah folks it's true...it really is.


So the inner circle says I'm an assclown? :)

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