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2005 season evaluation


SECONDARY 2.5 stars (out of 5)


This unit was perhaps the most disappointing of all units. Many boasted that “on paper” the Ravens secondary was one of the most formidable of all time featuring the NFL Defensive Player of The Year in Reed, Pro Bowl corners McAlister and Rolle and Pro Bowl nickel and dimes of Sanders and Carter. It didn’t work. Surprisingly Sanders was healthy the entire season but played out of position and too often it showed. Dale Carter is but a shadow of his former self and he should follow Deion and Boulware down the happy retirement trail. Will Demps played with spirit and intensity but was too often out of position leaving his corner (most often McAlister) exposed in the Cover 2. Chad Williams proved that he’s a good dime back but not a NFL starter. The ongoing communication breakdowns amongst this group are a bit puzzling particularly considering their resumes.




Defensively, Rex Ryan as promised, tried to utilize the 46 or Double Eagle more frequently as the season unfolded, but injuries and breakdowns in the secondary prevented that. Johnny Lynn should be held partly to blame for the repeated looks of confusion on the faces of Demps, McAlister, Sanders and Rolle time and time again. The defense was built to get after the quarterback and force turnovers yet the secondary managed only 5 interceptions combined – four fewer than Ed Reed alone last year.

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Before we even debate this guy, isnt it amazing how FAST someone can find something bad on a coach or HC as soon as we all know about it??


it was the first thing i found.


more info:


in his first season as DC for the giants, they did pretty well (10th in yards, 3rd in points). the second season, they were horrible, but they were decimated that year (03). the ravens have been 5th and 6th overall in d the past two seasons (in terms of yards given up).

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Before we even debate this guy, isnt it amazing how FAST someone can find something bad on a coach or HC as soon as we all know about it??


Funny how you guys read into some things. Some of us are simply concerned that perhaps we could be making better hires. Unlike you and others that probably go running down the halls with your fingers in your ears, shouting so that npo one else can get a word in edge wise, talking about how there's gonna be a 12 game swing from this season to next, we actually care about who's gonna be leading our team in the hopes that maybe we'll just have some reason for thinking that we may win 10 or 12 games.


Are all of you broke? The way you talk about the Bills I'd half expect you guys to run out of the house to go buy the last product that you saw on some commercial. Run out, pay for it, get back, next commercial and ZOOOOM! You're gone again and keep repeating the exercise until you're out of money and have all sorts of crap that you don't need.




What a bunch of pigeons.

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Funny how you guys read into some things.  Some of us are simply concerned that perhaps we could be making better hires.  Unlike you and others that probably go running down the halls with your fingers in your ears, shouting so that npo one else can get a word in edge wise, talking about how there's gonna be a 12 game swing from this season to next, we actually care about who's gonna be leading our team in the hopes that maybe we'll just have some reason for thinking that we may win 10 or 12 games. 


Are all of you broke?  The way you talk about the Bills I'd half expect you guys to run out of the house to go buy the last product that you saw on some commercial.  Run out, pay for it, get back, next commercial and ZOOOOM!  You're gone again and keep repeating the exercise until you're out of money and have all sorts of crap that you don't need. 




What a bunch of pigeons.




Here we go again... Only the pessimists are realists... the optimists are pigeons, or morons, or something...


Give me a @#$%ing break!


I can't speak for either of the other two non-pessimists on this board, but I can assure you that I am not an idiot who buys every product. I am a Bills fan; I am happy when they win, sad when they lose. I am also smart enough to know that it is a sign of intense psychological pathology for someone to select a voluntary action such as being a fan of a particular team and then not only to go around looking for reasons to be gloomy but also to feel compelled to yell in the face of every other person in this voluntary activity that they should be gloomy too. Think about it, man. I don't know if Dick Jauron will win a championship for the Bills, but neither do you. You know what, he probably won't, because so few teams do win championships. So be it. Be a fan, watch the games or not, buy tickets and tschotchkes or not, but do not tell me or anyone else that it is somehow smarter to walk around with a self-created raincloud over your head. I am smart enough to know that following sports is supposed to be fulfilling, even the torment that all Bills fans are heir to.


I do not post that often, but I imagine that about 90% of my posts have made this same argument. Maybe I will kill this thread too, but it bears repeating: Being repetitively, aggressively gloomy is NOT, repeat NOT in itself a sign of intelligence. In its most extreme forms, it is a sign of dementia. In its TBD form it is annoying as hell.


Go Bills!

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Here we go again... Only the pessimists are realists... the optimists are pigeons, or morons, or something...


Give me a @#$%ing break!


I can't speak for either of the other two non-pessimists on this board, but I can assure you that I am not an idiot who buys every product. I am a Bills fan; I am happy when they win, sad when they lose. I am also smart enough to know that it is a sign of intense psychological pathology for someone to select a voluntary action such as being a fan of a particular team and then not only to go around looking for reasons to be gloomy but also to feel compelled to yell in the face of every other person in this voluntary activity that they should be gloomy too. Think about it, man. I don't know if Dick Jauron will win a championship for the Bills, but neither do you. You know what, he probably won't, because so few teams do win championships. So be it. Be a fan, watch the games or not, buy tickets and tschotchkes or not, but do not tell me or anyone else that it is somehow smarter to walk around with a self-created raincloud over your head. I am smart enough to know that following sports is supposed to be fulfilling, even the torment that all Bills fans are heir to.


I do not post that often, but I imagine that about 90% of my posts have made this same argument. Maybe I will kill this thread too, but it bears repeating: Being repetitively, aggressively gloomy is NOT, repeat NOT in itself a sign of intelligence. In its most extreme forms, it is a sign of dementia. In its TBD form it is annoying as hell.


Go Bills!



Forget the logic, this is one of the best written piece on this board - excellent use of the English language.

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I do not post that often, but I imagine that about 90% of my posts have made this same argument. Maybe I will kill this thread too, but it bears repeating: Being repetitively, aggressively gloomy is NOT, repeat NOT in itself a sign of intelligence. In its most extreme forms, it is a sign of dementia. In its TBD form it is annoying as hell.


Go Bills!

Being gloomy and DOOMY is a defense mechanism. Basically it's a way to not be disappointed. If the teams sucks, it's an "I told you so" and the person feels good on a certain level that he/she was right. If the team does well, it's "great, they're winning" and again the person feels good on a certain level because the team is doing well.

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