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overwhelming majority of fans want Sherman


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So the Bills will pick Jauron. I know that they won't make the decision on what the fans think. But with the state of the Bills right now you'd think that they might take who the fans want into consideration. In my case, if the Bills signed Sherman I'll renew my season tickets the day after he signs. If they sign Jauron, I'll have to wait and see what other off-season moves they do. I think Sherman gives us instant credibility and I think he's just a better coach.


Please sign Sherman and do it ASAP.

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So the Bills will pick Jauron. I know that they won't make the decision on what the fans think. But with the state of the Bills right now you'd think that they might take who the fans want into consideration. In my case, if the Bills signed Sherman I'll renew my season tickets the day after he signs. If they sign Jauron, I'll have to wait and see what other off-season moves they do. I think Sherman gives us instant credibility and I think he's just a better coach.


Please sign Sherman and do it ASAP.



I would guess the overwhelming majority of fans really don't know. The INTS are not necessarily even complete yet and even if they were folks know they were not there to look these men in the eye,


Ultimately, a lot of this comes down to a more rational judgments by fans of do you trust Marv and Ralph or not.


I do right now because as a Bills fan I almost always give my owner and appointed leader the benefit of the doubt until they screw up on the field.


I have grave doubts about Ralph and Marv but as a afan they get the benefit of any doubt I have so I am on board with their decision whatever it is.


I felt the same way about TD. I have grave doubts from the start about GW from the start but he got the benefit of the doubt from me (also clearly my opinion did not matter much).


I was happy to also give GW a mulligan after the 3-13 year due to an expected result for cap hell.


Ironically, I begin to call publicly on TSW for GW's dismissal after the team's record improved to 8-8 on the field because the other elements of GW's on the field performance demonstrated to me that once again the NFL hiring process had failed and rather than pick the guy who could win on the field (Fox or Lewis), TD seemed more motivated by picking a guy who would not pull a Cowher on him.


Right now, the benefit of the doubt says keep the faith. I doubt the fan base is overwhelming toward any point but if it is I think it also is keeping the faith.


Actually if we are not I think it says more about us as fans than about Marv or Ralph.

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I've been wondering, have the Bills been monitoring sites like this and looking at fan reaction? Do they care? Normally you'd say the Bill's should pick whomever they feel is the best man (or woman) for the job. But considering the short leash most fans are giving the Bill's right now, you'd think they'd want to do something to ease the fans concerns. Season tickets are important and I'd think they'll see a bigger dropoff in sales if they go with Jauron. Ralph stated there was no budget for picking the coach. Again hiring Sherman will support that statement. If I recall, didn't Marv in the past make some type of quote, "If you start listening to fans, soon you'll be one"??


The difference I see between the two is, if they give Sherman the job, I think the fan's will give him a bit of a break next year if they start losing. If they give it to Jauron, I doubt there'll be much of a honeymoon. If they start out 2-6 everyone will rip them and start staying away form the games.


If they pick Sherman, we'll never know if they picked him cause they felt he was the best person or because of fan reaction. If it's Jauron. you will know they don't care about fan reaction, or are oblivious to it. In todays internet world, I'd more think it's that they don't care.

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I've been wondering, have the Bills been monitoring sites like this and looking at fan reaction? Do they care?  Normally you'd say the Bill's should pick whomever they feel is the best man (or woman) for the job.  But considering the short leash most fans are giving the Bill's right now, you'd think they'd want to do something to ease the fans concerns.  Season tickets are important and I'd think they'll see a bigger dropoff in sales if they go with Jauron.  Ralph stated there was no budget for picking the coach.  Again hiring Sherman will support that statement.  If I recall, didn't Marv in the past make some type of quote, "If you start listening to fans, soon you'll be one"??


The difference I see between the two is, if they give Sherman the job, I think the fan's will give him a bit of a break next year if they start losing.  If they give it to Jauron, I doubt there'll be much of a honeymoon.  If they start out 2-6 everyone will rip them and start staying away form the games.


If they pick Sherman, we'll never know if they picked him cause they felt he was the best person or because of fan reaction.  If it's Jauron. you will know they don't care about fan reaction, or are oblivious to it.  In todays internet world, I'd more think it's that they don't care.



My guess is that they are monitoring websites such as these because it would simply be good market research to know what their customers (and particularly manic ones willing to devote time to sites such as this and buy Zubazz pants (and actually wear them out in public) and buy season tickets are reacting to things.


While monitoring is good, they would be silly to allow fan opinion (which is mercurial at best to drive decisions. They hear us but it does not necessarily matter.


If anything they can assign an intern to monitor the sites and report up the foodchain as to what is going on.

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I'm in the minority then. I do not want anything to do with Sherman or Jauron or Capers. James Lofton would have been a great choice. Bills are stuck with the best (or worst) of a bad lot.

What has Lofton shown/proven? This is the kind of thinking that led Denny Green to eschew giving the Bills the Cards' 2nd round pick for Travis last year. And while Travis didn't workout for the Titans last year, the guy the Cards picked is an absolute bust. Give me a guy who has a proven track record, especially given the failures of the past 2 HC's.

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What has Lofton shown/proven?  This is the kind of thinking that led Denny Green to eschew giving the Bills the Cards' 2nd round pick for Travis last year.  And while Travis didn't workout for the Titans last year, the guy the Cards picked is an absolute bust.  Give me a guy who has a proven track record, especially given the failures of the past 2 HC's.



To be honest, even though Lofton has only a few years of coaching experience at any level, I'd rather the Bills take a chance on him than hire either Capers or Jauron. That said, I'd much rather the Bills hire Mike Sherman as HC.

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I'm in the minority then. I do not want anything to do with Sherman or Jauron or Capers. James Lofton would have been a great choice. Bills are stuck with the best (or worst) of a bad lot.




Well, they are stuck with the best (or worst) of a bad lot that they created. There may not be a ton more of experienced guys out there than Sherman, Jauron and Capers, but their are certainly other worthy candidates that they have chosen not to interview.


While, of the three mentioned, I would pick Jauron (and would love Capers as a DC), I can't say that someone like Dick LeBeau or the recently axed Jets DC (sorry, I can't remember his name at the moment!), or even Ron Rivera wouldn't get me a lot more excited. Unless LeBeaus' age is a factor (he's 68 I think- young by Bills standards- "We Love the 80's!" afterall), I can't really understand why he hasn't warrented any interviews anywhere. The guy has been hugely successful everywhere he has been, except in his brief stint of one of the very most dysfunctional franchises in NFL history. Surely, if Jauron deserves a second chance, and Capers a third, why not LeBeau a second?

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I've been wondering, have the Bills been monitoring sites like this and looking at fan reaction? Do they care?  Normally you'd say the Bill's should pick whomever they feel is the best man (or woman) for the job.  But considering the short leash most fans are giving the Bill's right now, you'd think they'd want to do something to ease the fans concerns.  Season tickets are important and I'd think they'll see a bigger dropoff in sales if they go with Jauron.  Ralph stated there was no budget for picking the coach.  Again hiring Sherman will support that statement.  If I recall, didn't Marv in the past make some type of quote, "If you start listening to fans, soon you'll be one"??


The difference I see between the two is, if they give Sherman the job, I think the fan's will give him a bit of a break next year if they start losing.  If they give it to Jauron, I doubt there'll be much of a honeymoon.  If they start out 2-6 everyone will rip them and start staying away form the games.


If they pick Sherman, we'll never know if they picked him cause they felt he was the best person or because of fan reaction.  If it's Jauron. you will know they don't care about fan reaction, or are oblivious to it.  In todays internet world, I'd more think it's that they don't care.



I think you miss the point of Marv's quote. Yes, Marv and Ralph do care about fan's opinion's. But when it comes to making a decision they are paid to make the decision based on the resume of the candidate's and interview's. They make their decision on whats best for the team and the net result will hopefully be winning and then happy fans.

Fan's only see half the picture when making judgements. We only see the resume and not the interview process which is not enough info to make the right decision. Hence, the quote, "Listen to the fans and you will soon be one !"

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No I understood. That's what I was implying. Based on Marv's quote, they will decide who to choose regardless of how easy or hard sell it will be to the fans. Ralph's position though is slightly different that Marv's as he does have a bit more at stake than Marv with regard to fan acceptence. Marv will make the exact same amount of money whether fans are happy or not. Ralph can lose money if fans are pissed. In the grand scheme of things the amount he'll lose is small though.


I think you miss the point of Marv's quote. Yes, Marv and Ralph do care about fan's opinion's. But when it comes to making a decision they are paid to make the decision based on the resume of the candidate's and interview's. They make their decision on whats best for the team and the net result will hopefully be winning and then happy fans.

Fan's only see half the picture when making judgements. We only see the resume and not the interview process which is not enough info to make the right decision. Hence, the quote, "Listen to the fans and you will soon be one !"


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