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the new regime


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when we clean house,when is the best time to get a gm?it seems that the new gm would have alot of work in putting a staff together and would this gm and new coach only have "tape"to rely on for which players to keep?seems that with no mini camps before the draft they would only be going by what they see on tape to evaulate the players.i am sure there are players that do bad because of bad coaching and some playerts like coy wire that get to stay because he has gay photos of donahoe or something.all i know is i want a coach/gm who when a player is really bad they cut the player kinda like what bill parcells would do.hopefully our new gm would look at the talent on our team and then build around our young offense (the strengths of jp,willis and lee)and evaluates our defense and builds a team that can run the ball when weather is bad in buffalo and be a good run oriented team,go bills in'06

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I think the best way is as soon as the season is over. (Then again, as this season is lost, there's really no reason not to start tomorrow.)

I think the ideal situation is to get rid of the people at the top, and retain some or all of the asst. coaches. (Does anyone want to see April leave?)

The position coaches will have a better feel/opinion of the potential of their players and it's the upper level coaches (HC, OC, DC) that dictate the direction of the team.

Also, based on their resumes (too lazy to find the character for the accent ague or whatever it is), we've assembled a top-notch group of assts.

This has been touched on elsewhere b4, but one asst I'd like to see replaced is our Strength & Conditioning guy. It may very well have been a serious loss when we let Rusty go.

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