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OT: The Real..... DAD!!!!


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This summer when I gave up the Herb, cigerettes and drinking... I was having a little girl. I was and still am very nervous which is why I didn't come out and say anything then. I'm hoping to get some kind words from some of the posters here with their own little ones. I've already read 11 books on proper parenting but would love suggestions.




Does anyone like the name Kaia?



Kaia Lee. That's her name.




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Very pretty name. She may not think so later though. She'll have to spell it 2-3 times each time she gives her name.




I did my research on names and fell in love with that one and Leila. The mother won't have leila though so I'll take what I can get.


Kaia is latin for Mother Earth. It's strong and unique. Just what I'm hoping for from my little girl.





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This summer when I gave up the Herb, cigerettes and drinking... I was having a little girl.  I was and still am very nervous which is why I didn't come out and say anything then.  I'm hoping to get some kind words from some of the posters here with their own little ones.  I've already read 11 books on proper parenting but would love suggestions. 




Does anyone like the name Kaia? 

Kaia Lee.  That's her name. 




Two great books in my mind, but they will just resolidify your thinking if you are, like me, more into old fashioned parenting than newer trends.


One, first and foremeost, is called BABYWISE. All about teaching your kids to learn to sleep through the night. I have only had two, but both sleeping throught the night at 8 weeks(7.30through 5.30 6am). Also, have never had any issues with bedtime since, and believe me, it is a big issue with a lot of parents.


Second, books by John Rosemand I think are great. Again, will just reinforce old fashioned values in terms of child rearing.



Now, my kids are FAR from perfect, but I think we are on the right track with them

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Welcome to the most frustrating, and at the same time rewarding, time of your life. I'd suggest the "What to expect..." series (they have a "...the First Year" and a "...the Toddler Years") to help you understand how your baby should be developing, and, um, what to expect.


Congrats. If you think time flew before now, it just kicked into high gear...

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This summer when I gave up the Herb, cigerettes and drinking... I was having a little girl.  I was and still am very nervous which is why I didn't come out and say anything then.  I'm hoping to get some kind words from some of the posters here with their own little ones.  I've already read 11 books on proper parenting but would love suggestions. 




Does anyone like the name Kaia? 

Kaia Lee.  That's her name. 




I love Kaia...Is it from the Greek for "Earth"? Per Aussiew, folks might be confused about spelling - but maybe they'll learn something - God forbid...


I'm a "new" parent - we have a 2.5 year old girl. She rocks!! The thing I have learnt is to just provide them with a safe environment and nurture/encourage their natural curiosity. They kind of come with their own "program" and if you just let them be, they'll blossom. The truth is no one else but you and your partner knows how best to parent this particular child.


You should always seek counsel from people that you respect and incorporate things you like into your parenting style. Ditto for books. But, books and advice deal with the average baby or toddler or worse, some other baby or child...


Your child will never be average (at least in your eyes)... Trust her to show you...Trust yourself...


Hang on for a hell of a ride...say goodbye to a goodnight's sleep...


Good luck,



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I don't have any kids, but I'd be willing to bet a lot that the trade off of having one v. butts, booze and dope isn't a real close call.


Good for you, I'm sure you'll be a great parent.



Closer than you think brother, especially when your tring to watch an uninterupted Bills Game :rolleyes:

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This summer when I gave up the Herb, cigerettes and drinking... I was having a little girl.  I was and still am very nervous which is why I didn't come out and say anything then.  I'm hoping to get some kind words from some of the posters here with their own little ones.  I've already read 11 books on proper parenting but would love suggestions. 




Does anyone like the name Kaia? 

Kaia Lee.  That's her name. 




Great name.....I really like less-common names.

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Kai Ya is how it sounds.



I like the spelling Kaya but jamaican people use the word for pot and I don't want that affiliation if I don't have to.


As for being a parent, the majority of the reading I've found just says be there as much as possible. Don't be a push over but don't be to hard. Never swear or fight in front of them.


Oh yeah, I'm pregnant. :rolleyes:

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As a new father of a 6 month old baby myself here's some advice I can give you:


Trust your instincts – you’re the parent you know what's right and what's not.


Don't be afraid to ask for help or advice - If you don't know something don't be afraid to ask, they don't come with manuals it's the biggest on the job training you'll ever go through


Last of all...enjoy being a parent; it's the best feeling in the world I personally wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.


If you have any questions feel free to ask me, I'll help you the best you can.

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Here's a little something else I have for you. I think it'll help you a lot, it did me even though it was addressed to Mom. Congrats


Hi Mom, sorry that I have kept you up all week. I know you are tired and truth be known so am I, but I just felt I needed you. A lot is going on right now with me and I feel so much better when you pick me up, sing to me, rock me, and feed me. I know it doesn't seem like I could be hungry when I cry every 20 minutes and guess what....I'm not, but when you pull me close and try to feed me it feel so nice. I used to be with you all the time in your tummy and sometimes I feel cold and lonely and I just need to feel close to you again.


I am sorry that the book on helping me sleep didn't work but I don't feel ready yet, I promise when I am bigger I'll sleep better, maybe even through the night....then again I've heard about that whole potty thing and I bet that might keep me up too. You really are doing a great job mom. I love you.


Oh, and don't worry about your milk. It's great! I know at times I confuse you by not eating one day and then eating soooo much the next but its just my mood, sorry to confuse things. I'm sure you know how I feel though, some days I am more hungry than the next but it only takes a day and your milk becomes exactly what I need. Cool hey? I know sometimes I eat a lot, but I'm growing right now, I know the books don't say I should be having a growth spurt right now, but I am not like all other kids, I am special....isn't that what you always tell me?


So please, please, pretty please don't get too upset with me. everything is just so overwhelming at times and I need you. You know what??? I have ears, I just found them. I know its only 3am but I wanted to tell you, I am so excited. I know I only woke you up 45 minutes ago to tell you my legs hurt but I am a growing kid and I think just seeing you makes me feel better. You are so pretty mom especially at this hour!


I'll make you a deal...if you can be patient with me when I wake up at night ( it'll only last a year or so, and I hear in the big picture a year isn't really that long) and hold me, hug me and feed me my favorite yummy milk, then I'll stop complaining about that stupid mobile you make me stare at for hours at a time.


P.S. I am not the only one waking people up...you keep on waking me up to put on that annoying snow suit. No one asked me if I wanted to go out in that crazy weather.


Your loving child, and again thanks for being so patient with me I love you sooo very much

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This summer when I gave up the Herb, cigerettes and drinking... I was having a little girl.  I was and still am very nervous which is why I didn't come out and say anything then.  I'm hoping to get some kind words from some of the posters here with their own little ones.  I've already read 11 books on proper parenting but would love suggestions. 




Does anyone like the name Kaia? 

Kaia Lee.  That's her name. 




Nice. When is your and Mom's wedding date?

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