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*sigh* Merry Christmas!!!  Gotta love how far society has fallen



I don't know why every store has not gone with the ticket system for these products. You go out 1/2 hr before the store opens, give tickets entitling the people who are first in line products they want. Do this until all your tickets are gone. That way there is no mad rush, just people picking up

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I don't know why every store has not gone with the ticket system for these products.  You go out 1/2 hr before the store opens, give tickets entitling the people who are first in line products they want.  Do this until all your tickets are gone.  That way there is no mad rush, just people picking up



Ah... Because it is OUTSIDE of Wal-Mart... There is no way you let your minimum wage, thankful to be working in the US employee not locked up locked in the store... And besides, it would actually cost money to pay that employee a whole half hour before starting time... That would cut into the bottom line!


Anyway, it looks good on TV when people act like animals... You can always point your finger at the individual!



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Ah... Because it is OUTSIDE of Wal-Mart... There is no way you let your minimum wage, thankful to be working in the US employee not locked up locked in the store... And besides, it would actually cost money to pay that employee a whole half hour before starting time... That would cut into the bottom line!


Anyway, it looks good on TV when people act like animals... You can always point your finger at the individual!


:lol:  :lol:


Minimum wage happy-to-be-working-in-the-US employee? AND you think this is Wal-Mart's fault? I bet you have a great welfare plan you'd like to tell me about. In fact, we should right now begin the Remove Personal Accountability Act of 2006.


Christ, man, how about the person in line acting like a !@#$ing human being? How's THAT for starters?


But no. This is Wal-Mart's fault. Because they are trying to be profitable. And they like the press. And they piss on employees because they can.


Grow up. Or do something to help the less fortunate. But blaming Wal-Mart? Lame, dude. Very lame.

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Did you ever go through life and not know something that everyone else knows? For some reason, you never learned it, but everyone else did?


I never knew that the day after Thanksgiving was a big shopping day. I look at the Circuit City ad (3 years ago). I see a great price on a 19 inch TVs ($69) and 32 inch TVs ($299). I look in the ad to see what time they're open. I see they open at 7:00 AM. I think "Great, I don't have to work, I'll go really early!"


I leave my house at 6:45AM and pass a Walmart with a full parking lot (still dark). I am thinking "they must be doing inventory or something". I drive to Circuit City and I see this massive line. I want the 32 inch TV, so I stand in line. TV crews are interviewing people. Radio stations are passing out coffee and doughnuts. After 5 minutes in line, I look behind me and see the line's length has doubled.


They open the doors and it's like Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman trying to claim land at the end of "Far and Away". I refuse to run. I say to myself that I will not run like a crazed idiot. People are banging into me- hard. I tighten my elbows in my side (like I am doing curls) and continue to walk into the store and wham! This lady, about 50, runs into my elbow and she got it bad. If you ever hit a hardball on the sweetspot, well, this lady got it good and I hardly felt a thing. She goes down hard.


I helped her up and she was hurting, but she continued running into the store. I walk in and go wait in a long line at the TV section. (I later learned I should have gone to any department in the store that wasn't busy, they could have rung me up). I finally get to the cashier and the store announces they are out of 19 inch TV's. They had only 24 of them and they were out in literally 3 minutes.


Riots were starting to form. Grown men and women were bitching to managers..."bait and switch! bait and switch!". A high school kid who worked at Circuit City took over and calmed the crowd down. People left swearing their head off, but no violence occurred. This high school kid really took control of the situation. I thought I was gonna see a fight.


I find out they only had twelve 32 inch TV's and I got the eleventh one.


I had to now get in line to pick up my merchandise with 30 people ahead of me, but thats another story.


I learned one thing: Avoid Black Friday shopping at all costs. It is a shopper's fantasy football draft day. Except there's thousands of em in one place. Never again.

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Minimum wage happy-to-be-working-in-the-US employee? AND you think this is Wal-Mart's fault? I bet you have a great welfare plan you'd like to tell me about. In fact, we should right now begin the Remove Personal Accountability Act of 2006.


Christ, man, how about the person in line acting like a !@#$ing human being? How's THAT for starters?


But no. This is Wal-Mart's fault. Because they are trying to be profitable. And they like the press. And they piss on employees because they can.


Grow up. Or do something to help the less fortunate. But blaming Wal-Mart? Lame, dude. Very lame.



I was being sarcastic... I thought I made that clear with the winks.


It is a win-win situation for Wal-Mart with people like you.


That is why you wouldn't find me anywhere near the place, let alone in a situation like that.


It is everybody's fault... More so the individual that puts her/himself into that situation.





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Did you ever go through life and not know something that everyone else knows?  For some reason, you never learned it, but everyone else did?


I never knew that the day after Thanksgiving was a big shopping day.  I look at the Circuit City ad (3 years ago).  I see a great price on a 19 inch TVs ($69) and 32 inch TVs ($299).  I look in the ad to see what time they're open.  I see they open at 7:00 AM.  I think "Great, I don't have to work, I'll go really early!"


I leave my house at 6:45AM and pass a Walmart with a full parking lot (still dark). I am thinking "they must be doing inventory or something".  I drive to Circuit City and I see this massive line.  I want the 32 inch TV, so I stand in line.  TV crews are interviewing people.  Radio stations are passing out coffee and doughnuts.  After 5 minutes in line, I look behind me and see the line's length has doubled.


They open the doors and it's like Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman trying to claim land at the end of "Far and Away".  I refuse to run. I say to myself that I will not run like a crazed idiot.  People are banging into me- hard.  I tighten my elbows in my side (like I am doing curls) and continue to walk into the store and wham! This lady, about 50, runs into my elbow and she got it bad.  If you ever hit a hardball on the sweetspot, well, this lady got it good and I hardly felt a thing.  She goes down hard.


I helped her up and she was hurting, but she continued running into the store.  I walk in and go wait in a long line at the TV section. (I later learned I should have gone to any department in the store that wasn't busy, they could have rung me up).  I finally get to the cashier and the store announces they are out of 19 inch TV's.  They had only 24 of them and they were out in literally 3 minutes.


Riots were starting to form.  Grown men and women were bitching to managers..."bait and switch! bait and switch!".   A high school kid who worked at Circuit City took over and calmed the crowd down.  People left swearing their head off, but no violence occurred.  This high school kid really took control of the situation.  I thought I was gonna see a fight.


I find out they only had twelve 32 inch TV's and I got the eleventh one.


I had to now get in line to pick up my merchandise with 30 people ahead of me, but thats another story.


I learned one thing: Avoid Black Friday shopping at all costs.  It is a shopper's fantasy football draft day.  Except there's thousands of em in one place. Never again.





I guess you learned the hard way.


Call me weird ( :D:D ), cheap, or whatever but, not clueless when it comes to comsuming.


Heck, I still got the 19" color TV that my mother (God rest her sole) won back in 1990 and gave me when I moved out of the house with. It is still the only TV in my house if you don't count the tuner card on my PC that was installed in my computer back in 1997 (and that thing is still ticking). :lol::lol:


Sh*t, I feel guilty if I can't get my weeks garbage (family of four) into one can on Wednesdays!


This isn't to say I don't possess quality things or lack any modern gadgets and technolgies either. I never lived without cable... Even halfway through the 1970's we had color TV and cable. Now my wife's family got rid of the rotary wall phone not more than 10 years ago and she didn't have color TV till the mid 1980's... She grew up never knowing Grover on Sesame Street was blue! :(


As you can tell, I (most definitely my wife) are way off the beaten path... :D:D:lol:

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I learned one thing: Avoid Black Friday shopping at all costs.  It is a shopper's fantasy football draft day.  Except there's thousands of em in one place. Never again.



i'm poor but i've never felt the need to rush out and buy a bunch of substandard garbage they try and push out

what do people do with all that stuff anyway? every year, people pile out like refugees waiting for food handouts

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I guess you learned the hard way.


Call me weird ( :D  :D ), cheap, or whatever but, not clueless when it comes to comsuming.


Heck, I still got the 19" color TV that my mother (God rest her sole) won back in 1990 and gave me when I moved out of the house with.  It is still the only TV in my house if you don't count the tuner card on my PC that was installed in my computer back in 1997 (and that thing is still ticking). :blink:  :doh:


Sh*t, I feel guilty if I can't get my weeks garbage (family of four) into one can on Wednesdays!


This isn't to say I don't possess quality things or lack any modern gadgets and technolgies either.  I never lived without cable... Even halfway through the 1970's we had color TV and cable.  Now my wife's family got rid of the rotary wall phone not more than 10 years ago and she didn't have color TV till the mid 1980's... She grew up never knowing Grover on Sesame Street was blue! :o


As you can tell, I (most definitely my wife) are way off the beaten path... :D  :D  :lol:


Thanks for the smile! 0:)

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I learned one thing: Avoid Black Friday shopping at all costs.  It is a shopper's fantasy football draft day.  Except there's thousands of em in one place. Never again.


Great story. Truth now, you remember that elbow with some degree of satisfaction, don't you? :blink:

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I gave up on the early shopping a couple of years ago. Usually if you check around you can buy the stuff at other times either at the same price or for just a few bucks more.


This year I especially liked the woman who was tripped and when she hit the floor her wig came off. As two other people appeared to step on here she remained on the floor until she could retrieve her wig and place it back on her head. You can't make this stuff up no matter how hard you try.

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