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The Top Five Most Annoying Fans at the Ralph

Red Dragon

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I just hate it when everyone in front of me feels the need to stand up for the whole game.  This is especially true at Ohio Stadium for a Buckeyes game.  Doesn't seem to be so bad at Bills games, but it's been awhile since I've been at one.


Listen up folks.  There's no need to stand.  We can all see just fine if we all sit down.  It's a time out.  You can sit down now.  Still standing......Ugggh!



i cant stand sitting down, I did it out of respect to those in back of me but if it was up to me id be standing the whole game, i cant sit down and watch a game at home either, i guess its the anxiety of the game

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Just got back home from the game - great weather, great tailgating by the fieldhouse, great game and win and I have to say that I really enjoyed myself. Nobody annoyed me EXCEPT for the fans in section 115/116 who insist on trying to start that godforsaken wave crap.  I don't know why but it drives me crazy. Thankfully everything was just meant to be perfect today and the speds gave up after a half dozen attempts.  :rolleyes:



i was in section 109 row 2 sitting next to what felt like a swarm of chiefs fans, including three who were the guys i went to the game with. during the tailgate this 8-11 year old girl sprayed my friend with something and screamed chiefs suck and ran away. it was funny, wish i would have had a picture of that

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RD ...you forgot Mr. I have to get so hammered before the game. You know the guy that's shirtless by halftime in December and calling the Bills c*cksuckers and mother!@#$ers around 6 and 7 year old kids. The guy that acts like a complete !@#$stick that even his friends can't stand him.


I don't think RD should be too critized for his assessment.....it's pretty accurate and a main reason that Direct TV has a huge following.



OK, 3 new A-holes made their appearances in my section this past Sunday. Weren't season ticket holders as I never saw them before.


#1; kid about 20, goofy looking, throwing nuts at people all game long. Idiot grin on him, you'd think after 3 hours that kind of juvenile behavior would get old. Not for this mental midget

#2; A guy 4 seats away, passed out mid-way through the first quarter, only woke up when people were leaving at the end of the game.

#3; #2's buddy, either incredibly drunk, or mentally handicapped, or both. Sits down down and starts right away with the MF's and CS's, then tries to hug and kiss at least 3 different people. Guy next to me with his little kid left 10 minutes into the game. If he came near me, although bigger and 25 years younger than me, I was going to take the best swing of my life at him



OK, for the record, as I singled this guy out originally, he was OK at this game

Stamer wannabe

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I have one for the list. Not so much annoying, just not too smart. We have seats in the family section which as everyone knows is the section where they don't allow alcohol. In general they don't allow knuckleheads either. People tend to have their kids with them, we make our share of noise and overall it's a pretty good bunch.


Anyhow, we get to the seats right at kickoff and here's this guy already standing up and shouting at the field, not necessarily at a player or play, just loudly, constantly and as near as all around could tell, fairly stupidly. As this was not your average family section attendant, it was just a matter of time until the men in yellow showed up. Sure enough, here come three security guys to talk to Mr. Upright who can't understand why they want to speak with him.


A few minutes later I had to hit the bathroom and so I walk up the tunnel past the aforementioned three security cards and the now indignant fan who can't understand why his behavior is unacceptable in this specific section. Heading back to the seats after the bathroom run, said fan is now flat on the ground, being held down by two of the security cards, with more on the way to help escort him out of the stadium. I guess common sense and diplomacy were not his strong points.

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I already embody all of the following during a Bills game, but this thread has made me decide to be ever louder, more abnoxious, more drunk, and throw more opposing teams' fan's hats into the tunnel (yeah, I sat next to a douchbag Cheifs fan who bitched when we piled on after a touchdown, so into the tunnel went his Chiefs hat).


Listen, you don't like a football game? Stay home where it's safe, or better yet:


Try these tickets

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Paint your face, wear your silly outfits, do your crazy dances-all of that is fine.  Just don't tell me what to do while I'm there and stay out of the view of myself and whoever would accompany me to a game.  As long as that respect is given to me, I live and let live. 


Pretty simple isn't it?


I guess some people just enjoy whining.

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