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LOST 2.06 Discussion Thread

UConn James

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Someone mentioned it earlier, but I'd like to add to it.  I am becoming extremely annoyed with A-L.  Not her character, but the acting by Michele Rodriguez.  It's terrible.  She is overacting in a big way.  Every scene she has where she tries to act tough just reminds me of the previews of some of her other "tough chick" roles like from the movie S.W.A.T.  For all the other characters I think the casting has been excellent, but IMO Rodriguez was a terrible choice.  There's no subtly in her acting.  I don't think it's the writing either.  I get the point that she is supposed to be tough, but it's overdone the way her face contorts and her voice raises every time she is trying to assert herself.



If Ana is supposed to be hated by all then she and the story creators are certainly pulling us in. Who likes her? Most everybody wants to see Ana get what's coming don't they? So she may be over the top. I think this second group is traumatized by the crash and the demise of a sizable number of their survivors. I expect we are being set up for a softer side of Ana or at least a back story that better explains why she is like she is, such as was revealed in last weeks back story of Shannon.


I see Ana accelerating her dominant behavior such as having the nerve to take over the "tent" that Sayid created for Shannon. I also expect Ana to show limited remorse for shooting Shannon. Ana will not go too soft as it would take the steam out of the drama.

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I think you might find this theory posted in another forum of interest.  Ultimate Theory


What a load of crap.


Polar reversals are normal, and in fact, the exact location of Earth's magnetic field moves feet, or inches every year. The fact that the poles flip from one to the other is a well documented event that does little more than force our compasses backwards. In fact, Earth is overdue for a reversal.


Now, if you want to mix Electromagnetic fields into this argument, I think I know my way around that subject, so I can safely say this moron has no friggin clue to what is going on.


every strange (and a lot of mundane) occurrences in Lost can be attributed to electromagnetism as wielded by the collective consciousness on the island


Yes, everything on this planet will react to a strong enough magnetic field, including biologicals and plastics. But for these items to react, the field has to be much MUCH stronger than anything created in nature. And even an area on the island of increased magnetic fields would have to be tremendous in nature to effect these items. Furthermore, for a field to be strong enough to pull in a plane, it would also have to be large enough for the plane to be in that field, and thats just impossible.



Education Coordinator

National High Magnetic Field Laboratory

Tallahassee, FL

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What a load of crap.


Polar reversals are normal, and in fact, the exact location of Earth's magnetic field moves feet, or inches every year. The fact that the poles flip from one to the other is a well documented event that does little more than force our compasses backwards. In fact, Earth is overdue for a reversal.





Don't forget we're talking about a Science Fiction show. I thought it was an interesting theory of what was going on on the island. Whether or not it's right at least it's not another "They're all dead" theory.

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Somebody put a lot of time into that.


Definitely some things to think about; esp that cabana-thing shaped like the I Ching and the metal spheres that look like the ones the Dharma people were using. Still, I think the leap he's taking on the theory re: they've been cryogenically frozen and placed there, etc. is a bubble off plumb.

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Somebody put a lot of time into that.


Still, I think the leap he's taking on the theory re: they've been cryogenically frozen and placed there, etc. is a bubble off plumb.



Yeah I thought so too, but it was a cool idea. I think he's going to end up being right about the electromagnetism and polar reversal in some for or another (despite what Puhonix thinks).

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My name is Matt and I'm a LOST-aholic (hi, Matt)


Okay, I haven't posted in a LOST thread in awhile, but have been watching religiously, and really enjoy the hidden-clue aspect of the writing.


Some thoughts and ramblings:

1. Shannon's "thing" seems to be that whenever something good happens to her, something bad comes quickly thereafter.


2. I think Ana Lucia is made more sympathetic in this next week's episode. I think they show why she snapped.


3. Prediction: we see some of the Others and they look like normal people. This will also help explain why Ana shot Shannon. This may fit in with Rouseau's "sickness" that overcame her research team (or did she just go crazy).


4. My "big" prediction: The Others are the people that have died on the island previously. Bonne, Ethan (and/or Shannon) may well be seen again....


5. Another big guess: mostly the others are invisible because they are going backwards through time, but temporarily become visible when.... (the countdown is reset? bad thoughts come out?...)


6. Maybe people have manifested several others on the island (made real by thinking about them), at least temporarily: Jack's dad, the polar bear, Desmond, who knows: the tail section survivors? Claire's baby after kidnapped? Walt?


Has anyone tried mapping out the character connections? Is Jack definitely the center of the connections?

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