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What Would Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!) Do?


What would Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!) do if he were here right now?

He'd make a plan and he'd follow through!

That's what Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!)'d do!


When Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!) was in the Olympics skating for the gold,

He did two Salchows and a triple Lutz wearing a blindfold!


And when Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!) was in the Alps,

Fighting Grizzly bears,

He used his magical fire breath,

And save the maidens fair!


So what would Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!) do if he were here today?

I'm sure he'd kick an ass or two,

That's what Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!)'d do!


I want this V-chip out of me.

It has stunted my vocabulary.


And I just want my mom to stop fighting everyone.


For Wendy I'll be an activist too, cause that's what Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!) do!


And what would Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!) do?

He'd call the kids in town

And tell them to unite for true!

That's what Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!)'d do!


When Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!) traveled through time to the year 3010,

He fought the evil robot king and saved the human race again!


And when Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!) built the pyramids he beat up Kublai Kahn!


Cause Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!) doesn't take sh-- from aaaaaanyyyyybooooodyyyy!


So let's all get together!

And unite to stop our moms!

And we'll save Terrence and Phillip too!

Cause that's what Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!)'d dooooooooooooooooooo...

That's what Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!)'d do!

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(Canton, Ohio, November 3, 2005) In a surprise move, after an hastily called emergency session, the Pro Football Hall of Fame nominating committee has waived the "in retirement for a minimum of 5 years" criteria and added Tedy Buschi to the list of eligible candidates for this year's induction class.


In a related move, the Hall of Fame Board of Selectors has waived the voting requirement and has immediately enshrined Bruschi (We're not worthy!) in the Hall. In a prepared statement, the committee stated: "when you have a player and a man as great as Tedy, who's skills as a player far supercede those of any other, past, present or future, and who's mere existence makes him far superior to any mortal, why wait. Our only regret is that we will be unable to complete the newly approved Tedy Buschi Wing prior to this year's ceremony as we are having difficulty procuring enough gold and diamonds. We hope Tedy will understand.". The Board has also decided that Bruschi (We're not worthy!)'s wife, Heidi will also be enshrined, stating that "if Tedy likes her, we like her and anyone who is married to Tedy obviously surpasses any requirements we may have". It has also been decided that no other candidates will be enshrined this year so as not to distract from nor diminish Bruschi (We're not worthy!)'s enshrinement.

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I just took a giant Bruschi (We're not worthy!) (We're not worthy!)

(vote one to give Tedy the Stojan treatment)


I'll give that a #2 - vote that is. For all the crap we had to hear for the last couple of days it's only appropriate to call it what it is.

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I never did until Monday morning.


And even then, it was only Joe Theisman, who's so !@#$ing brain-damaged already I don't think it counts...



Actually, there is an outside chance it could help. :blink:

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What Would Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!) (We're not worthy!) Do?


What would Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!) (We're not worthy!) do if he were here right now?

He'd make a plan and he'd follow through!

That's what Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!) (We're not worthy!)'d do!


When Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!) (We're not worthy!) was in the Olympics skating for the gold,

He did two Salchows and a triple Lutz wearing a blindfold!


And when Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!) (We're not worthy!) was in the Alps,

Fighting Grizzly bears,

He used his magical fire breath,

And save the maidens fair!


So what would Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!) (We're not worthy!) do if he were here today?

I'm sure he'd kick an ass or two,

That's what Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!) (We're not worthy!)'d do!


I want this V-chip out of me.

It has stunted my vocabulary.


And I just want my mom to stop fighting everyone.


For Wendy I'll be an activist too, cause that's what Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!) (We're not worthy!) do!


And what would Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!) (We're not worthy!) do?

He'd call the kids in town

And tell them to unite for true!

That's what Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!) (We're not worthy!)'d do!


When Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!) (We're not worthy!) traveled through time to the year 3010,

He fought the evil robot king and saved the human race again!


And when Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!) (We're not worthy!) built the pyramids he beat up Kublai Kahn!


Cause Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!) (We're not worthy!) doesn't take sh-- from aaaaaanyyyyybooooodyyyy!


So let's all get together!

And unite to stop our moms!

And we'll save Terrence and Phillip too!

Cause that's what Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!) (We're not worthy!)'d dooooooooooooooooooo...

That's what Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!) (We're not worthy!)'d do!




copy cat :blink:


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