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Is she really that "gifted"?


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No question that's more than a mouthful, but without being able to see the rest of the body, there's no way to tell what the proportions look like.  Could be scary.  :(



This goes hand-in-hand with my theory that you always see hot girls in their cars as you drive by. The reason (and it took many years of tireless research to determine this) is that you only see them for a short amount of time, and you can't see their itty bitty titties and their ginormous ass.


My previous theory was that there was an underworld of hot girls who just drove around in cars and never did anything else, but that theory never panned out.


I went to undergrad at USC and there is no question Leinart is the king of that castle. With no NFL team, they are the big show in LA.

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And people wonder why he stayed for one more year?


I bet Leinart gets more ass than a toilet seat.


Because that's likely to change when he's a multi-millionaire?


I have a buddy who played in the NHL. His advice to every kid he talks to is to swear off women until you reach your athletic peak, because when he was in pro hockey the shelf he got to pick from ain't available to regular people.

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And people wonder why he stayed for one more year?


I bet Leinart gets more ass than a toilet seat.



Last months Esquire had an interview with him. He's got a blonde, vollyball-playing girl who is, of course, hot as hell.

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Because that's likely to change when he's a multi-millionaire?


I have a buddy who played in the NHL.  His advice to every kid he talks to is to swear off women until you reach your athletic peak, because when he was in pro hockey the shelf he got to pick from ain't available to regular people.



Its so bad you can see the dollar signs in the blonde's eyes next to him...

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I went to undergrad at USC and there is no question Leinart is the king of that castle.  With no NFL team, they are the big show in LA.



Since you've lived in Southern California you can probably back up my first thought upon seeing on that photo: THESE ARE THE CHICKS THAT HE'S GETTING?


Fer cryin' out loud, I get hotter chicks than that! Cute, but not the Playboy bunny caliber that Cade McNown was getting.

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