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If it's on the TeeVee it MUST be true!


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That would carry a lot more weight if you weren't a f'in idiot.



Me? Im a complete !@#$ing idiot. I never dispute that. And I do my best to change it.


You??...You and Deb-o and the rest of your ilk think youre really above it all. That what you say either has more weight or something. Either that, or youre complete !@#$ing phonies just trolling merrily along getting little chuckles when you pull off another hip-shot. Maybe its both. I have it on good authority that its more the latter. Either way, its pretty !@#$ed up behavior.


So yeah...I may be a maroon (mis-spelling intentional...dont want you to pick that one up)...but I acknowledge that and work to make it better. What YOU have wrong with you commonly requires therapy of some sort. So Id be careful if I was you.


And by the way...sometime this week...its going to change to "Vice President !@#$ing Moron" to YOU, pal. Althought Im not too sure all that will fit on my business cards.



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Me? Im a complete !@#$ing idiot. I never dispute that. And I do my best to change it.


You??...You and Deb-o and the rest of your ilk think youre really above it all. That what you say either has more weight or something. Either that, or youre complete !@#$ing phonies just trolling merrily along getting little chuckles when you pull off another hip-shot. Maybe its both. I have it on good authority that its more the latter. Either way, its pretty !@#$ed up behavior.


So yeah...I may be a maroon (mis-spelling intentional...dont want you to pick that one up)...but I acknowledge that and work to make it better. What YOU have wrong with you commonly requires therapy of some sort. So Id be careful if I was you.


And by the way...sometime this week...its going to change to "Vice President !@#$ing Moron" to YOU, pal. Althought Im not too sure all that will fit on my business cards.






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Never met a vice president who didn't bore the sh-- out of me.  Never met one that did any actual work, either.



Ill be sure to think of you when Im celebrating tonight. Kinda like the way Boston thought of the Yankees when they were partying in the visitor's clubhouse.

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I've been a VP.  I've also refused a promotion to VP.  But keep thinking you're special, you friggin' moron.


I was a VP once, never want to work that hard again. Being a line officer was more fun...especially when there were rookies to torture. :doh:

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