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My constant Bledsoe Bashing & "Statue" comments

Foxboro Mike

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Its like talking about someone else's family, you dont have that right. You were being a dick. I'm still suprised you spend the time to come here and put forth your drivel the way you do. Maybe you should get another hobby. After Bledsoe is gone you'll have some other player to hang you bull sh*t on. Some here are giving you a free pass, and I wont. I've been reading your sh*t long enough to know your not doing it in the name of good sportsman ship. So, for lack of a better way of saying it, !@#$ off.



Again, go away. :P





Rant over, flame on Mike lovers :devil:

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The thing with bledsoe bashers is they have four refrains:


If he plays bad they say "Just like Drew! I told you so!"


If he puts up mediocre or poor numbers, whether he wins or loses, they say, "Just like Drew! Look at the numbers!"


If he puts up huge numbers and loses, they say, "Yeah, just like Drew! Puts up big numbers but it's scoreboard, baby! He can't win!"


If he puts up big numbers and wins, they say, "Just like Drew! He's a tease! He has a bunch of good games but will always !@#$ you in the end!"

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I'm pretty sure that my opinion of Drew Bledsoe is pretty well-known on Two Bills Drive.  Is this an understatement?  :devil:


I started a thread critiquing Bledsoe this AM that was greeted with a lot of consternation and knashing of teeth.  My comments were meant to be light-hearted, to ignite a spirited debate on the board, and to tweak the Bledsoe apologists a little (hey, I'm being honest).  My goal wasn't to offend, I swear.  I love the good-natured back and forth and ripping on each other's teams, as well as the good, solid football talk.  :) Part of the fun of being a sports-fan is busting on the opposition, IMO. 


Even I can see at this point that my opinions regarding Drew are tired and have run its course.


So, for those of you who despise my Drew-bashing (and me), here it is:  Consider my Drew-Bashing a thing of the past; I'm on Twelve-Step Statue recovery program.  I'm admit I've been excessive in my vocal critique of 'ol #11, and I pledge to not unnecessarily or gratuitously slander Bledsoe going forward in any way.  Any criticism of him will be valid, straightforward and as gentle as possible, I promise.


I hope you'll allow me these last words on the subject, if only to get it out of my system:


Statue, Albatross, Cerebral, patpatpatshufflesack.


My pledge starts... NOW.


I only hope the Dead Horse Beaters Club can forgive me.  :(


McGahee's ACL became Foxboro Mike, I can do it againTo quote Rocky IV:  If I can change, you can change, anyone can change!!!" :P


Edit:  Whoops, need to change my signature too.



:I starred in Brokeback Mountain:

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Unfortunately this board is unwilling to have any debate anymore over Bledsoe's ability to lead the Bills to the promised land. If you disagree with Drew's play AT ALL, then you are automatically labeled a "crusader."


Yes, Drew had a technically sound game yesterday and made no major mistakes like he routinely did last year. Yes, the blame for the offensive woes against the Jags was partly due to a superior Jags run D and to Mularkey's conservative play calling and to Moulds' fumbles, etc...


However, we have $5 mill+ invested in our starting QB this season, and for that amount of dough I'd like to see the starting QB be asked to do a little bit more than hand off the ball 60% of the time and make only a couple pass attempts per game greater than 20 yards. 10 points of total offense off of 2 defensive turnovers is not going to win us a lot of games. Shane Matthews can easily do all that we asked of Drew yesterday, and Matthews costs us only the veteran minimum. If Sunday's game was a sign of all that we expect from Drew this season, maybe we should have flat out released him in the offseason and used that extra cash to get some real interior linemen. That's all some of the anti-Bledsoe people are saying.


Drew is a Bill and I still support him all the way. In the weeks to come, though, I hope we can debate his worth to the team without being torn a new one in the process.


Foxboro Mike, as long as you're willing to accept positive criticism of Drew, then I see no reason for you to not continue posting on this forum.




This is what I've been trying to say, albeit a LOT more caustically. Well spoken... something I'm not. :devil:

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I'm pretty sure that my opinion of Drew Bledsoe is pretty well-known on Two Bills Drive.  Is this an understatement?  :devil:


I started a thread critiquing Bledsoe this AM that was greeted with a lot of consternation and knashing of teeth.  My comments were meant to be light-hearted, to ignite a spirited debate on the board, and to tweak the Bledsoe apologists a little (hey, I'm being honest).  My goal wasn't to offend, I swear.  I love the good-natured back and forth and ripping on each other's teams, as well as the good, solid football talk.  :doh: Part of the fun of being a sports-fan is busting on the opposition, IMO. 


Even I can see at this point that my opinions regarding Drew are tired and have run its course.


So, for those of you who despise my Drew-bashing (and me), here it is:  Consider my Drew-Bashing a thing of the past; I'm on Twelve-Step Statue recovery program.  I'm admit I've been excessive in my vocal critique of 'ol #11, and I pledge to not unnecessarily or gratuitously slander Bledsoe going forward in any way.  Any criticism of him will be valid, straightforward and as gentle as possible, I promise.


I hope you'll allow me these last words on the subject, if only to get it out of my system:


Statue, Albatross, Cerebral, patpatpatshufflesack.


My pledge starts... NOW.


I only hope the Dead Horse Beaters Club can forgive me.  :doh:


McGahee's ACL became Foxboro Mike, I can do it againTo quote Rocky IV:  If I can change, you can change, anyone can change!!!" :P


Edit:  Whoops, need to change my signature too.






Best.Post.Ever on Two Bills Drive!!! I think I'll take a quote from Rocky IV too, this one from Adrian to Bills fans everywhere; "YOU CAN'T WIN!!!"

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:devil:  :P  :)

Best.Post.Ever on Two Bills Drive!!!     


A Patriot fan siding with a Patriot fan. What's next for you guys, 6 shows a week at the Sands... :(

I think I'll take a quote from Rocky IV too, this one from Adrian to Bills fans everywhere;  "YOU CAN'T WIN!!!"


But Rocky won in Rocky IV..... :doh:

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Unfortunately this board is unwilling to have any debate anymore over Bledsoe's ability to lead the Bills to the promised land. If you disagree with Drew's play AT ALL, then you are automatically labeled a "crusader."


Yes, Drew had a technically sound game yesterday and made no major mistakes like he routinely did last year. Yes, the blame for the offensive woes against the Jags was partly due to a superior Jags run D and to Mularkey's conservative play calling and to Moulds' fumbles, etc...


However, we have $5 mill+ invested in our starting QB this season, and for that amount of dough I'd like to see the starting QB be asked to do a little bit more than hand off the ball 60% of the time and make only a couple pass attempts per game greater than 20 yards. 10 points of total offense off of 2 defensive turnovers is not going to win us a lot of games. Shane Matthews can easily do all that we asked of Drew yesterday, and Matthews costs us only the veteran minimum. If Sunday's game was a sign of all that we expect from Drew this season, maybe we should have flat out released him in the offseason and used that extra cash to get some real interior linemen. That's all some of the anti-Bledsoe people are saying.


Drew is a Bill and I still support him all the way. In the weeks to come, though, I hope we can debate his worth to the team without being torn a new one in the process.


Foxboro Mike, as long as you're willing to accept positive criticism of Drew, then I see no reason for you to not continue posting on this forum.


In this entire post, as well as others you have started along this line, I see nothing here for which one can fault Drew. Of course, it was Foxy Mikey who suggested this was really Drew's fault because he forced them to not not ask more of him because they simply can't without exposing his weaknesses.


If your beef is with the coaches, the gameplan, the offensive scheme that's fine. Although as I have said countless times, and as was pointed out by another poster in this thread, we've been playing this offense for all of about a month now, and only yesterday when it really mattered. I guarantee you we hadn't run probably half of those plays before yesterday against a real opponent. Perhaps we ought to give the new OC who is calling plays for the first time the opportunity to bring this brand new offense up somewhat conservatively at first. It helps build confidence all the way around and will give players like Travis Henry the chance to figure out which is his left and which is his right in this new offense.


What is of course extremely ironic about this position is that there is a huge contingent on this board that would prefer we never threw the ball again unless it is 3rd and more than 20 yards to go.


Maybe we ought to just give this offense a few weeks to mature and expand itself before we start worrying that 153 yards of passing offense is all we are going to expect from Drew this year. I know it sucks, but that's what happens when you bring in a new HC, a new OC who has never called plays, you install a completely new offense and go about changing your starting QBs entire approach to the game, one that he has followed for well over a decade. If in three or four games, Drew is still not taking occasional shots downfield or some more medium range passes, then you might have something to fear.

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;)  :lol:  :lol:


Best.Post.Ever on Two Bills Drive!!!       I think I'll take a quote from Rocky IV too, this one from Adrian to Bills fans everywhere;   "YOU CAN'T WIN!!!"



:I starred in Brokeback Mountain:


Am I the only one who noticed this? I didn't mind you guys at first but now your just being ridiculous. Thurman's Helmet huh? nice.... The two of you including Hollywood Donahoe are totally just making a joke out of our team and what some of us have been brought up to love. Your making a mockery out of US BILLS FANS and the players we stand behind (not just Drew). I for one hope that your franchise falls hard because of as$holes like the three of you who just spew with cockiness due to recent success. so :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: ! I for one am not buying any of your apologizing bullsh!t posts because your sarcastic emphasis on everything is tired.


We can't win, huh ?


:I starred in Brokeback Mountain:

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:I starred in Brokeback Mountain:


Am I the only one who noticed this?  I didn't mind you guys at first but now your just being ridiculous.  Thurman's Helmet huh?  nice....  The two of you including Hollywood Donahoe are totally just making a joke out of our team and what some of us have been brought up to love.  Your making a mockery out of US BILLS FANS and the players we stand behind (not just Drew).  I for one hope that your franchise falls hard because of as$holes like the three of you who just spew with cockiness due to recent success.  so  :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: !  I for one am not buying any of your apologizing bullsh!t posts because your sarcastic emphasis on everything is tired. 


We can't win, huh ? 


:I starred in Brokeback Mountain:



Jesus, Man... when you wre ADK#1BillsFan, you were easily the most vocal and caustic critic of most Bills fans, now you're a victimized pacifist?


Please, relax. This stuff is all in fun.

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Jesus, Man... when you wre ADK#1BillsFan, you were easily the most vocal and caustic critic of most Bills fans, now you're a victimized pacifist?


Please, relax.  This stuff is all in fun.


I thought I heard an alarm clock. Time to go away now. Take that other patsie troll with you.

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Jesus, Man... when you wre ADK#1BillsFan, you were easily the most vocal and caustic critic of most Bills fans, now you're a victimized pacifist?


Please, relax.  This stuff is all in fun.



I wonder how well received Bills fans would be received on a Pat’s board especially if we spewed the same constant dribble about one of your players.

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Drew did not cause the loss.


But it is pretty sad that the offensive braintrust has so little confidence in our HoF QB that they felt compelled to dumb down the offense so much that a rooke could run it. (Gee- I may have stumbled onto something here. too bad our rookie got hurt)


However, you are incorrect in that the Bills paid Drew $5 mil for this limited production. TD will pay Drew $8.75 mil in cash for 2004.


Another dubious decision by Teflon Tom if they are not even going to try to exploit Drew's big arm with play action passes, especially with as much as they ran on Sunday.


Hopefully, the coaches will get bolder as they get moe comfortable and the OL starts to jell. Much will depend on if Fat-Slow Mike will ever develop into something more than a turnstyle.







Unfortunately this board is unwilling to have any debate anymore over Bledsoe's ability to lead the Bills to the promised land. If you disagree with Drew's play AT ALL, then you are automatically labeled a "crusader."


Yes, Drew had a technically sound game yesterday and made no major mistakes like he routinely did last year. Yes, the blame for the offensive woes against the Jags was partly due to a superior Jags run D and to Mularkey's conservative play calling and to Moulds' fumbles, etc...


However, we have $5 mill+ invested in our starting QB this season, and for that amount of dough I'd like to see the starting QB be asked to do a little bit more than hand off the ball 60% of the time and make only a couple pass attempts per game greater than 20 yards. 10 points of total offense off of 2 defensive turnovers is not going to win us a lot of games. Shane Matthews can easily do all that we asked of Drew yesterday, and Matthews costs us only the veteran minimum. If Sunday's game was a sign of all that we expect from Drew this season, maybe we should have flat out released him in the offseason and used that extra cash to get some real interior linemen. That's all some of the anti-Bledsoe people are saying.


Drew is a Bill and I still support him all the way. In the weeks to come, though, I hope we can debate his worth to the team without being torn a new one in the process.


Foxboro Mike, as long as you're willing to accept positive criticism of Drew, then I see no reason for you to not continue posting on this forum.


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Drew did not cause the loss.


But it is pretty sad that the offensive braintrust has so little confidence in our HoF QB that they felt compelled to dumb down the offense so much that a rooke could run it. (Gee- I may have stumbled onto something here. too bad our rookie got hurt)


However, you are incorrect in that the Bills paid Drew $5 mil for this limited production. TD will pay Drew $8.75 mil in cash for 2004. 


Another dubious decision by Teflon Tom if they are not even going to try to exploit Drew's big arm with play action passes, especially with as much as they ran on Sunday.


Hopefully, the coaches will get bolder as they get moe comfortable and the OL starts to jell. Much will depend on if Fat-Slow Mike will ever develop into something more than a turnstyle.



LOL. Tell me obie, hoe exactly did they "dumb down the offense". The offense they were running was anything but vanilla.

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I wonder how well received Bills fans would be received on a Pat’s board especially if we spewed the same constant dribble about one of your players.



Actually, that's how Thurman's Helmet and I wound up over here in the first place - after week one last year we were inundated with Bills fans. We never would have heard of this place otherwise.

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