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The Official Katrina Aftermath Thread


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I heard mention that along with toxic chemicals and human waste, there are going to be gators and posonous snakes and such that were invariably brought into the city with the floodwaters...just adds to the fun...


I did too, but I assumed that the gators would have been brought in by storm surges from the wetlands south of the city.


I'm sure there will be plenty of cottonmouths and fire ants to deal with in any case.

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I know.  Just thought it was funny seeing her picture when I was expecting to see looters or wall street traders.  I guess I'll take any laugh I can get today.  :rolleyes:


True, that.


I'm just glad it didn't link you to some really unfortunate picture. I do a good enough job of my own looking like a jackazz without yahoo doing it for me.

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Yuck.  I don't know anything about Louisiana -- if you'll pardon my LAMP, it's one of only three states I haven't visited -- but are there gators in Pontchartrain or only in the southern marshes, or both?  Because it sounds to me like the water problem is coming from the north.



You may be right on the water coming from the north, but I'd bet there are some Gators that have been displaced, maybe a lot of them. Who knows. I was just sitting here thinking how bad it would be if I had to go through what some of those folks are going through, sad.

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Yuck.  I don't know anything about Louisiana -- if you'll pardon my LAMP, it's one of only three states I haven't visited -- but are there gators in Pontchartrain or only in the southern marshes, or both?  Because it sounds to me like the water problem is coming from the north.



I'm curious what the other two states are. I have never visited N. Dak, S. Dak. Alaska and Idaho (though my wife and I may go to Boaise to meet her god-daughter who is the child of the gal who was matron-of-honor at our wedding).


It used to be 5 states I had missed out on until a friend of mine from Lil Rock got married and I went to AR for the first time.

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I'm curious what the other two states are. I have never visited N. Dak, S. Dak. Alaska and Idaho (though my wife and I may go to Boaise to meet her god-daughter who is the child of the gal who was matron-of-honor at our wedding).


Maine and Alaska. I managed to hit Mississippi while visiting Memphis and Alabama while driving up from Tallahassee to Atlanta via Columbus... spending all of about five minutes in both states, which was enough for me and my New York plates. ;)


I guess I can rule out hitting all three states in one trip. :rolleyes:

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The governor of Louisiana just called for the evacuation of everyone left in New Orleans.  CNN and FoxSnooze both reporting. 


:rolleyes: Wow.  We've just watched over the course of 72 hours the entire population of an American city become refugees.  Holy sh--.



I hope he's get a plan. ;)

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Maine and Alaska.  I managed to hit Mississippi while visiting Memphis and Alabama while driving up from Tallahassee to Atlanta via Columbus... spending all of about five minutes in both states, which was enough for me and my New York plates.  ;)


I guess I can rule out hitting all three states in one trip.  :rolleyes:


Maine is a great place to vacation. Beautiful coastal beaches and towns, national parks. Portland has minor league hockey (Pirates) and a AA baseball team (Seadogs). I'm up there almost every other weekend getting loaded.

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Maine is a great place to vacation.  Beautiful coastal beaches and towns, national parks.  Portland has minor league hockey (Pirates) and a AA baseball team (Seadogs).  I'm up there almost every other weekend getting loaded.



Portland is a nice town. Great waterfront. True NE seafood. There's a restaurant built on an old car ferry that has one of the best single malt collections I've seen in a while.

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I hope he's get a plan. :rolleyes:





And no, not really. They're just sort of making it up as they go along at this point. Not that I'm criticizing - there's not a hell of a lot more they can do than ad lib; there's no real preparation for completely evacuating maybe 50k people from a flooded city with a shattered infrastructure.

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Portland is a nice town. Great waterfront. True NE seafood. There's a restaurant built on an old car ferry that has one of the best single malt collections I've seen in a while.


Dimillos floating restaurant. Great place. The Old Port rules.

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I hate to burst the germans bubble, but someone needs to inform them that we are towards the beginning of about a 30-yr cycle with an upswing in the overall # of hurricanes. Every site worth a damn has mentioned this. The past 30 yrs or so have tended to be below average.


And as much as i hate bush, i'll stand behind him on this in that its not his or the US's fault



Of course not, but Global warming WILL have a catastrophic affect on our environment (hurricanes included) over the next 100 years. And Bush has done absolutely nothing. Special interests overide the greater good and our future when it comes to the GOP's environmental policies. Another irresponsible behavior by the radical right.

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And no, not really.  They're just sort of making it up as they go along at this point.  Not that I'm criticizing - there's not a hell of a lot more they can do than ad lib; there's no real preparation for completely evacuating maybe 50k people from a flooded city with a shattered infrastructure.



Right, she looks like a he though.

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And no, not really.  They're just sort of making it up as they go along at this point.  Not that I'm criticizing - there's not a hell of a lot more they can do than ad lib; there's no real preparation for completely evacuating maybe 50k people from a flooded city with a shattered infrastructure.



First of all I would move the prisoners taking refuge on the on ramp to the levee breaks and get them sandbagging ASAP.


Wasn't the Corps proposing to raise and protect the levee system before it cut funding?


My intent is not to criticize but, it will seem as if I come off doing that... There really is a whole lot that could be done. They need to go to a triage type plan for now.


I have seen it coming for a long time... The approach that we have been taking has been piece-meal... Diverting funds elsewhere... It has been happening all over.


A major breech at the controlling works where I work would not be a problem unless it was at high pool stage... Yet, funding that was available is constantly being diverted. I fear the same has been done in the Big Easy.


It is like the old Fram commercial:


"You can pay me now or you can always pay me later."


We are driving down the highway with bald tires and no spare.


A lot more could have been done... I could get into it for hours.



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Of course not, but Global warming WILL have a catastrophic affect on our environment (hurricanes included) over the next 100 years. And Bush has done absolutely nothing. Special interests overide the greater good and our future when it comes to the GOP's environmental policies. Another irresponsible behavior by the radical right.




You are gonna get flak for this because it is pretty general and ranges in the "Bush is bad" rhelm.


He doesn't want to see it happen. Yet, the admin is taking calculated risks with importance that hasn't been properly assessed.


Again... We are driving down the highway at unsafe speeds with bald tires. Stupid analogy I know.


The truly ignorant will never see the harm in lack of preventative maintenance... They just throw caution to the wind and pray for the best... Then cry when something bad happens. I don't blame them if they are truly ignorant and well intentioned.


You are not gonna prevent bad things from happening... You can only lessen the damages.



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You are gonna get flak for this because it is pretty general and ranges in the "Bush is bad" rhelm.


He doesn't want to see it happen.  Yet, the admin is taking calculated risks with importance that hasn't been properly assessed.


Again... We are driving down the highway at unsafe speeds with bald tires.  Stupid analogy I know.


The truly ignorant will never see the harm in lack of preventative maintenance... They just throw caution to the wind and pray for the best... Then cry when something bad happens.  I don't blame them if they are truly ignorant and well intentioned.


You are not gonna prevent bad things from happening... You can only lessen the damages.


:rolleyes:  ;)



Bush is bad? No. He's just a regular guy who is bought and paid for by the more radial side of the GOP. Why is every critisizm of the president labeled and dismissed as "Bush is Bad"? Has it come to this> We can't hold him accountable?


I agree with the rest of your post 100%.

But tell me what importance that hasn't been properly assessed by this admin that does not include special interest kickbacks?

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Bush is bad? No. He's just a regular guy who is bought and paid for by the more radial side of the GOP. Why is every critisizm of the president labeled and dismissed as "Bush is Bad"? Has it come to this> We can't hold him accountable?


Because if you don't provide specifics, it just sounds like whining. "Bush's environmental policies suck", though I agree with the statement, is not specifics. And "Bush didn't sign Kyoto" is just garbage; Congress ratifies treaties, not the president.


But tell me what importance that hasn't been properly assessed by this admin that does not include special interest kickbacks?



National security and counter-proliferation.

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Because if you don't provide specifics, it just sounds like whining.  "Bush's environmental policies suck", though I agree with the statement, is not specifics.  And "Bush didn't sign Kyoto" is just garbage; Congress ratifies treaties, not the president.

National security and counter-proliferation.



I am not sure on that... Bet, they are in there somewhere... It is just most people will never know.



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